Hot News

The tour around the campus has finished. Since Bai Chianming is a Senior, he takes the guide role to introduce all the campus' facilities, faculties, and rules. He then treats them to lunch. Actually, Fang Wei Wei didn't want to accept because she has to prepare for the class beginning tomorrow, but under Lee Jeong's insistence, she has no other choice but to accept.

The next day, Fang Wei Wei gets up so early to be ready for school. She wants to impress her class professors so she wears a black knee-length circle-skirt with a white Slim O-Neck Lace Shirt. After applying her skincare routine. She stands straight in front of the mirror to take a last look at her outfit.

" Great, Beauty, let's go for it! " She recited her usual mascot to cheer herself.

The other girls have already gotten up. While she was wearing her black high heels there was a whistling sound. She raised her head to see the three musketeers in her room standing in front of her with a sparkle in their eyes. They also have been already ready to head to class.

Lee Jeong was beautiful wearing a blue dress that accentuated her curvy body with knee-length boots. She has a cheery, easy-going personality which makes people want to befriend her from the first encounter.

Ye Ying, on the contrary, doesn't like wearing womanly clothes because she thinks, she is so fat. That's why she wears a red loose-fitting sweater with blue jeans and white sneakers. And because she doesn't like wasting time on her appearance, she always cut her hair short.

Regarding Zhao Min, she doesn't like to attract attention. Although she is short she doesn't like wearing high heels. She puts blue jeans with a simple body-fitting black shirt and white sneaks.

The four girls parted ways in pairs after exiting the dorm because they are in different faculties. Fang Wei Wei and Lee Jeong headed to the French Language faculty while the two others went to Chineses Language Departement.

When Fang Wei Wei and Lee Jeong arrived at the class, the students were already there, all of them lifted their heads to look at the two new coming girls. It was like they were enchanted. Even though it's common to find beautiful girls in Languages faculties but these two girls' charm is distinctive especially the girl with long straight hair. Her brown almond eyes are really soul penetrating eyes, and when she smiles, she looks so pure and innocent. But looks are deceptive.

Without paying attention to the furious, murderous gazes of all the girls there. Fang Wei Wei and Lee Jeong picked two places in the last row because they were the last to arrive. The class has a total of 20 students because not many students want to study French.

The class begins after the teacher arrived. He gave them the list of class materials and other resources that may help them in their study. When the class ends, many students, mainly girls, gathered around him to ask useless questions.

This is the college rule, always ask the teacher questions after the class so that he will remember you.

The next is the Phonetic class. For foreign language students, this is the most difficult and hilarious class. You can laugh at other but when it's your turn, you will be sweating from fear while the others laugh at you. It's a class where they learn about alphabets, pronunciation...etc

Today is also for every student to choose his elective classes and clubs. Fang Wei Wei hugged her classes manual, and went with Lee Jeong to the various teaching buildings, listening to every elective class. As soon as the teacher announced the course assessment, she would begin her job as a recorder.

The teacher had already packed his first class, and could not wait to say the previous two sentences, followed by applause. Of course, the famous brand teachers were eligible to laugh and talk. They didn't have to worry any students would choose their classes, but they had to worry that too many students would choose their class: a 300 seat classroom would be crowded the first two weeks of school.

The hallways and even outside the classroom would be packed, and all of it was to see the famous teacher's style. This kind of teacher would "casually" say when the bell rang:

"Our class never takes attendance and disregards all test scores. If you want to listen then listen, if you aren't, then go learn by yourself. You guys are young ah, you have more things to do: love, learning, getting together, and the like, not like us, so busy. But I believe that after you have listened to two classes, you will come to this class consciously because my course is not just about learning. I assess very simply. There's one final exam and it is over a discussion topic."

After he finished speaking, many students rushed up to him and cordially shook hands with the teacher. They asked the teacher to add their name to his class in order to prepare themselves for an utter defeat with the competition from the other classes. This the type of teacher that Lee Jeong likes. So she registered for two similar classes.

For Fang Wei Wei, she was still hesitant even after they got to the dorm. she was assessing which class will be helpful for her, without wasting her time. She is a typical A student.

Back at the dorm, after taking a bath and changing their clothes, the four girls headed to the cafeteria to have dinner while chatting about their first day in class. When they arrived, they take their meals and find a table.

While having dinner, they noticed that there was a hushed voice in all the canteen hall and everyone was looking at something on their phone with a surprised expression. It was like something big has happened.

The gossipy Zhao Min asked a boy next to our table what's going on. Then he tells her to check the campus forum for the hot news.

The four girls take out their phones to check what happened.

" cough, cough, cough " When Fang Wei Wei saw the hot news, she began to cough non-stop. Lee Jeong immediately patted her back and gives her a water bottle.

Zhao Min and Ye Yuan burst into laughs. " Wei Wei, I think I'm holding a big secret. hahaha" said Zho Min.

Ye Yuan added while still muffling her laughter: " Wei Wei, this secret is kingdom' fall one. hahaha"

" What's wrong with you? What happens? why are you laughing? What secret? Wei Wei?" said the confused Lee Jeong. Because she arrived just yesterday. She didn't know about the drama on the first day. The hot discussion in the campus forum was :

" A girl with a beggar appearance was spotted in our prestigious campus the first day"

" Who is this girl? which dorm? which faculty?"

" Did anyone see her on your first day in class?"

"Oh! I think we will do an investigation at the girl's dorms tonight. hehehe"

" Ah, I know her dorm. I have seen her on that day with my mother she was so ugly with a dirty face"

" Oh, upstairs classmate, can you tell me where did you see her?"

The conversation in the post was unstoppable. There were around one thousand replies. It was really a mess.

The three girls recounted what happens to Lee Jeong. When they finished, she was wide-eyed and kept opening and closing her mouth without a sound until Ye Ying slapped her. Then she snapped of her state.

She clicked in the photos of the post then compare it with Fang Wei Wei face :

" Wei Wei, is this you? Oh My Gosh! It's really a kingdom' fall secret. But don't worry I will keep it, just do my french literature homework tonight .haha ha"

Just then another post was uploaded. It's a photo. When Fang Wei Wei saw it, she said mentally ' Grandpa, if Mom kills me, it'll be your responsibility'

" Oh My, who is this old man? Did he beat her in front of the school?"

" Oh, I see. I think she is an abandoned or adopted daughter of a wealthy family"

" Yeah, the comment above, I think you are right. Look how badly this old man treats her."

This hot topic lasts for two days while everyone was wondering who is this miserable girl.

Fang Wei Wei didn't return to the dorm with her roommate because she got a phone call from Bai Chiangming saying he wants to see her. She headed to the campus library where he wants to meet her.

When she arrived, she spotted a tall man wearing fitted black pants that accentuated his long legs, and a black jacket. He is really graceful. Feeling her gaze, the man turned, then smiled. His smile is just like his voice, calm, gentle that makes people feel that this man is some cultivation master from ancient times. This is Bai Chiangming her best friend from high school and even their parents are friends. So she treats him like a brother.

Fang Wei Wei greeted him with a smile and then the two entered the library and chose a place to speak so as not to disturb others. The first thing he said was:

" a miserable girl? an adopted daughter?" his eyes were curved and he was holding a laugh.

" Don't tell me you have recognized me ?" said Fang Wei Wei with an amusing expression.

" Of course... not, who will know that the beautiful Wei Wei is that girl in the picture. But I know the other person, your Grandpa. Haha. He didn't change after all this time."

"Grandpa won't change even after one hundred years. But I love him as he is" said, Fang Wei Wei. Then she remembered something :

" Oh, Yeah, Brother Changming. Please don't tell Mom about this issue. If she has to see these pictures she will grill me alive. You know her."

" Don't worry, I won't tell her. By the way, she called me this morning requesting me to take care of you. She is really worried about you. Regarding the pictures, I will try to take them down from the Campus forum. After all, your Mom is a famous Designer, f she finds out that her daughter was ridiculed in all the school because of her clothes, she will really make commit suicide. haha" He said teasingly.

" Yeah, she kept sending me clothes and shoes of famous brands, even those for the next collections. I don't dare to wear them in school. I don't want to become some celebrity"

" In fact, it doesn't matter what you wear. You will be always beautiful in my eyes." He said with an intense, burning gaze.

Fang Wei Wei was embarrassed, and she didn't know what to say. She also fears that Bai Chiangming will bring that topic again. So she tried distracting him:

" Oh yeah. I have a problem with choosing the elective classes. I can't choose anything. Do you have any recommendations?"