First encounter

After discussing with Bai Chianming about the elective classes, she decided to choose the computer class and English class. coincidently, Bai Chianming also registered in the same computer class, even though he is a senior, they will attend the same class. This is his first step in getting her. but he didn't want to bring the topic because he has senses her hesitation, so he didn't want to get rejected due to a wrong timing confession, moreover, he has now the time to pursue her.

When they bid each other goodbye, He stands at the top of the Library stairs watching her leaving figure. He remembered that day 2 years ago, in front of her class, when he confessed his love for her, hoping that she will agree. After all, he knows her from primary school. But apparently, she has other plans in her mind.

" Brother Chianming, I'm sorry, I don't have these romantic feelings for you. Even if I have, I can't think of these things now because I' don't have time." She said with her young, carfree but determined voice.

Then, she hanged her head down, he noticed her shivering lips. He felt sad to cause her this hesitation. He has known her since young and knew she was a clever, brave, hard-working girl. She is not a weakling. Then de said :

" Wei Wei, what do you want to say. just say it. Why are you hesitating?"

She lifted her head and see his gentle smile and calm expression which reassured her:

" Brother Chianming, although I can't accept your confession. You will always be my brother. You are also my best friend. I wish that this won't hinder our friendship"

"Silly girl, Do you think your Brother Chianming is this pitty. Don't worry, our friendship won't ever change."

While he was still immersed in his memories, someone patted his arm. When he turned, there was a girl standing next to him, she was looking at him with worshipping eyes that made him feel uncomfortable. She is his classmate.

" Jang Lin classmate, what's wrong?", he asked while pulling his arm.

" Bai Chianming senior, I was calling your name for a while but you didn't hear me," she said with a soft tone.

" Sorry. Do you need anything ?" he replied as gets down the stairs.

" No, I just want to say hello" she walked beside him.

"Ok. Then. Goodbye. See you in class." he heads to class without turning around.

After he left, Jang Lin said to herself " Who was that vixen? Bai Chianming was smiling at her all the time? If she dares to seduce my future husband, I'll kill her"


Fang Wei Wei who went to register for the Computer class was unaware that someone has labeled her as a seductress. But even if she knows, she won't care. This happens all the time.

When she arrived at the class, her phone rang. Lowering her head to take it from her bag, she bumped into a warm cushion. Then she heard a husky, low rich baritone voice above her head :

" Girl, If you are blind, wear glasses. And if you just want a hug, men are everywhere"

Everyone around burst into laughs. As it was time for classes the hallway was full of people whether students or teachers. It was really embarrassing.

When Fang Wei Wei heard the guy voice, she thought ' What a pleasant voice. what would the person looks like?'

But as soon as she heard his sentence, she straightened herself, took a wipe from her bag, wiped her hands then throw it in his face, and said:

" It's you the blind, my head was clearly lowered and I don't have eyes in my hair. About other nonsense that you said " She posed than assessed him from head to toes and added:

" Don't walk in others' ways to pollute the air around them. Fuck off! "

She entered the class without turning around or caring about what kind of person has she offended.

She also didn't know that she has fought the attention of the campus Idol and the future Big Boss of the bisness world in the country 'Han Fei Ye'.

It was the first time that someone dares to throw something in his face, even his strict father didn't dare to do it. moreover, this brave lass has thrown a rag to his face as if he is some trash can.

But when that girl lifted her head, she was really beautiful. Not the usual beauty of other girls who put make up all over their faces. He can see that she didn't put any powder in her fair face. Also, and the most appealing thing, was her brown almond eyes, they were really charming. And her angry expression was really cute. He thought that he must have lost his mind, but he can't deny that his heart skipped a beat.

While still wondering about these strange feelings that he got for this strange girl. Someone near him said with a sweet but angry voice :

" Brother Fei Ye, Look at that rude girl! She was really too much. I will go to teach her a lesson." This is his cousin Li Xiaolu.

" Don"t fuss. It's time for class" He replied icily and avoided her hand that wants to tidy his shirt, then head to class because the teacher has already arrived.

In fact, Han Fei Ye is also a senior in the Economy and Business Administration faculty, but because he doesn't have enough time, he always chooses Computer class as his elective class because he is an expert in computers and when he entered college he didn't want to make his interest into a professional job study so he registered for Economy and Business.

As for Li Xiaolu, she is a freshman in English Language and Literature Faculty and selected the same elective classes as Han Fei Ye. But he didn't pay attention to this, because he was not interested at all and also she was always like this following him everywhere.

When Han Fei Ye entered the class the first thing he looked for is that girl long straight black hair and beautiful eyes but he couldn't spot her as there were a lot of students. Since today is the first class, it was mainly theoretical so all of those who registered were present.

When Han Fei Ye spotted the girl, she was smiling to another guy. He suddenly felt upset. When she smiles, her luscious full lips curved into a beautiful arc. He has the urge to stop her from smiling to other guys like that but he didn't even understand what's happening with him today. What spell did she cast over him?

Before exiting the class he made sure to get the girl name and by the way, he found that the guy with her was his classmate Bai Chianming. When he was in his way out of class. He heard Li Xiaolu speak :

" Look who is here? Young master Bai. I have finally seen you at school. You are a classmate with Brother Fei Ye, Right?"

Before replying to her, Bai Chianming turned his head to give a girl her bag and waited for her to catch up with him. When Li Xiaolu saw how he ignored her for another girl, she was so angry. But When she knew who the girl was, she wants to rip her face off.

However her Brother Fei Ye was there, how can she show him how vicious she is. Thus, she tried to sound like a noble lady :

" Oh, Classmate, it's you who have hugged Brother Fei Ye out of nowhere? you have to apologize because even though it was your fault. Brother Fei Ye didn't make you pay for his clothes. He was nice to you "

When Fang Wei Wei heard this, she burst into laughs :

" Classmate, I don't want to make you cry. So it's best if you go and don't block others' way. Regarding your brother. It was me who was nice to him. And if he thinks otherwise he should speak for himself not let a weak girl speak for him."

Then she left with Bai Chianming without even casting a glance at Han Fei Ye whose lips were curved upward in a smile, thinking 'Such a feisty little girl'.

Li Xiaolu was burning with anger, she nearly puked blood from Fang Wei Wei words. Unfortunately, she can't even talk back because she has to act like a gentle girl. She is really a white lotus. Not finding where to vent her anger, she turned to Han Fei Ye, with teary eyes and choking voice :

" Brother Fei Ye, Did you see? She is so mean I was just advising her to apologize to you but she ...sniff, sniff " She couldn't continue her word as tears fell down her beautiful round eyes.

Anyone watching around would think that this gentle, soft girl was bullied by that fierce, rude one, and would give her a hug to comfort her. But Han Fei Ye is not anyone, he already knew what kind of person this Li Xiaolu is. As long as she didn't touch his bottom line, he didn't care. So he lets her cry and left.

Li Xiaolu also knew Han Fei Ye's personality, she knew that he didn't care about trivial matters, so she didn't overdo it and quickly wiped her tears to run after him.

She thought ' As long as Brother Fei Ye didn't pay attention to her. I will let her go for now and deal with her another day.'