Faculty' Goddess

After a tiring day, Fang Wei Wei returned to her dorm, took a bath, and did her homework. When she finished, it was already 10 PM. She has skipped dinner. When she was about to call for a food delivery service. Her phone rang. As she saw the caller name, she wondered what could happen late at night, nonetheless, she picked the call:

" Hello, Brother Chianming "

" Hello, Wei Wei," there was a gentle laugh, he said: "I didn't see you at the cafeteria, so I brought you dinner. Come downstairs" Then he hung up without waiting for her reply.

Fang Wei Wei put on her coat and left. Outside the dorm, she found Bai Chianming even though it was dark because his silhouette is so remarkable among others. He turned his head and saw her coming, he then said smilingly :

" Did you forget dinner because of homework again? You are really a hardworking student."

" You really know me well. Thanks, I was about to order food and then you called"

" Take it. Don't skip your meal. You are already an excellent student you don't need to work so hard." He said while handing her the food boxes.

" Don't worry. I won't neglect my health. I won't even dare. You know how strict is Grandpa ." she accepted the boxed, bid him goodbye then returned to her room.

When she entered, the people in the dormitory who has returned from the cafeteria were all ready to pounce. Lee Jeong commanded: "Close the door and come here ."

The three people pounced.

Fang Wei Wei lifted her white flag at once: "Sisters, I was wrong. What have I done ?"

The three people sat still and upright and began the interrogation.

" What are you doing late at night with my future husband?" Lee Jeong began the questioning.

" Oh, student Jeong, don't forget. One, he is my best friend. Two, he doesn't even know your name. Three, he comes to deliver dinner."

"Oh, Sister-in-law, don't be angry. I was just kidding. Look I also brought dinner for you. See? I have the same thoughts as my love." said Lee Jeong with pouting lips and sparkling eyes. Her attitude can change every second. She really adapts so well.

"Haha. shameless girl. Who is your sister-in-law? You have to get the husband first." Said Ye Ying who was looking at the of them as if we were aliens.

" Oh, don't worry" Lee Jeong stands straight, put her hands on her hips in a seductive way, flashed them a smile with her beautiful red lips, Then said, " He won't be able to resist this beauty."

The three girls burst into laugher, then wished her all the best in pursuing her husband.


The next day, when the four girls were getting ready to head to classes, some noises were coming from other rooms. Zho Min opened the door to take a look. It was the girls in the dorm who were practicing. The first time they heard it, they thought they were in the suburbs, and what they heard was the sound of frogs.

Their floor was all from the foreign language department. So every morning, a group of girls would have a cup full of water in the bathroom to practice their sounds and pronunciations.

Ye Ying high fived Zhao Min: " Buddy, we are lucky to be in the Chinese Language faculty." and then looked at Lee Jeong who was sulking, with compassionate eyes :

" Jeong ah, you should work hard and be like our Wei Wei. She is so fluent in French that's why she didn't need to practice pronunciation. but you? Haha"

"AH, don't make me remember those phonetic lessons. I sound like an alien when trying to pronounce even the word " Au Revoir*". Wei Wei, help me? "

(*"Au Revoir" in French means: Good-Bye)

" Did you listen to the audio files that I have sent you yesterday?" said Fang Wei Wei rolling her eyes at Lee Jeong.

" What files? When? Why I didn't see them?" replied Lee Jeong while searching in her phone for the so-called audio files.

" See? You didn't even remember. You surely were monitoring brother Chianming WeChat account, to see if other girls liked or commented on his posts." Said Fang Wei Wei, Then she takes her bag and dragged Lee Jeong out of the dorm to the class.

Upon arriving at the Foreign language faculty, the two girls were about to head to the French language department. At the end of the corridor, someone was about to bump into Fang Wei Wei, fortunately, she has a quick reaction and skilfully dodged it.


The girl who was about to bump into her fell on the floor miserably. her friend bent down to check on her, then raised her rebuking eyes to Fang Wei Wei:

" How could you be this reckless? Don't you have eyes? Look what you have done? "

When Fang Wei Wei saw the girl, she has a Déjà Vu feeling, after thinking for an instant she remembered the girl and that bastard at the Computer Class yesterday. She sneered, then replied innocently :

" Classmate, it's her who is blind. If I didn't dodge quickly, I would be the one lying there !"

"How could you be this heartless! You are clearly the one at fault but you didn't even apologize and kept accusing others. It's just like what you have done yesterday."

Fang Wei Wei didn't want to waste any other second on this white lotus. Also, the class is about to begin. She took a paper from her bag, write her phone number, then handed it to the falling girl :

" Classmate, although it's your fault, I will be nice and pay for your hospital fees. Take, this is my phone number. When you get discharged from the hospital, send me the bill"

Then she turned to the white lotus and thought 'she surely is a beautiful girl. Why did she have to act like a villain? Anyway it's not my problem', she said :

" And You! If you insist that it's my fault, you can go to the campus surveillance office, get this corridor footage and then bring them over. Okay? Before that don't keep speaking nonsense in front of others?" Then she left with Lee Jeong.

Li Xiaolu was fuming with rage, thinking: ' this bitch is really asking for a beating. You will pay for this humiliation'


Along all the way to class, Lee Jeong was shooting glances at Fang Wei Wei. Not standing her scorching gazes, Fang Wei Wei said :

" Stop looking at me like that and speak. What do you want to say ?"

" Oh, nothing. But Wei Wei, I didn't know that you are such a badass girl. You were so cool then."

After hesitating for a while she added with a hushed, worried voice: " But Wei Wei. Do you know who you have offended just now ?"

" I don't know and I don't care. If she dares to step on me again I will teach her a lesson."

" Oh, Wei Wei. You are really brave. But let me tell you. That girl is the Li family princess and there are rumors that she is engaged to her cousin, the campus' Idol Han Fei Ye from the Great Han family."

" So what? Being rich doesn't mean they have the right to bully other people."

" Wei Wei, You are my Goddess" Said Lee Jeong while hugging Fang Wei Wei tightly.

When the teacher entered the class, the first thing he mentioned is the homework. Then all students hand on their papers. After checking them. The teacher raised his head and called :

" Student Fang Wei Wei, can you come here and explain to your classmates why did you choose this story for your literary analysis?"

Fang Wei Wei went down, stood next to the teacher and begin her explanation. All the students were wide-eyed and in awe with how fluent she speaks French. As soon as she finished there were applauses in all the class, even the teacher praised her so much and designed her as the faculty representative for this year.

When the class ended, Fang Wei Wei and Lee Jeong exited the classroom after so much difficulty because they were surrounded by their classmates who wants Fang Wei Wei to give them tips to study French grammar, some others want her phone number or WeChat ID. In the end, she said some words and fled out of the class. Today she is labeled as the "French faculty Goddess".

Not having any classes this afternoon, Fang Wei Wei decided to go jogging around the campus stadium. She has been busy lately, she didn't work out much, so she wants to take this opportunity to do some exercise.

Back at the dorm room, she puts on her pink sweatshirt, sport-shoes then head out. As she was running around the campus stadium, there were some students playing soccer. then a ball comes flying out in her direction.

Fang Wei Wei tried to avoid it, not paying attention, she moved back. Then, she falls in a warm embrace. She tried to stand straight but the person behind her tightens his hold around her arms. Before she could lift her leg to kick him, she heard a familiar husky, low rich baritone voice with a teasing tone in her ear :

" Little feisty girl, Do you like hugging me so much? "

The same sarcastic words again. Fang Wei Wei struggled to get rid of his arms that held her like an iron cage. She turned around and said angrily :

" Pretentious guy. It's not me who hugged you willingly. who tell to catch me?"

Han Fei Ye didn't reply, he looked at her with his enchanting, dazzling black eyes. When Fang Wei Wei makes eye contact with him, his eyes were like a bottomless abyss scanning her, coupled with that attractive smile of his.

' What a hot guy' she though. But then she snapped out of her thoughts and realized that this devilish handsome guy is trying to seduce her. Not wanting to fall in his honey trap, she said mockingly :

"Senior, are you here to avenge me for yesterday's event? Or did you come on behalf of your little girlfriend ?"