Do you want to kill your hubby ?

When Han Fei Ye heard the word " girlfriend", he raised an eyebrow, sneered and said :

" Are you jealous? Do you want to become my girlfriend? I will consider it depends on your performance. "

Fang Wei Wei didn't believe her ears. This guy is really shameless. She smiled sweetly:

" Jealous? Senior, you sure have self-confidence but let me tell you. Even if you beg me, I won't be your girlfriend."

"Haha, are you sure?" Said Han Fei Ye with a low chuckle while approaching her with a dangerous gaze.

As Fang Wei Wei was thinking ' Even his laughter is pleasant to the ears', she didn't notice that he was close to her until she smells an exquisite men's perfume scent. When she realized it, he has already taken her mobile phone from her pocket.

She raised her hand in an attempt to get her phone back, but Han Fei Ye was already 1.8 tall, he has long arms, as much as she jumped, she couldn't snatch it from his hands. Moreover, he hugged her tightly so she couldn't make a move, saved his number, searched for her WeChat ID and then loosen his hug without releasing her.

Fang Wei Wei looked at him with fierce, angry eyes, and warned him with a commanding tone :

" Let go of me and give me back my phone, or you'll regret it later."

" You are like a little fierce kitten when you are angry. So cute" He replied, enjoying her expression.

As Fang Wei Wei raised her leg to give him a front kick, he has already seen through her so he seized both her arms behind his back.

When he tried to cage her legs, she pushed her body back, and the two fell down. The pain that Fang Wei Wei was expecting in her head didn't come, instead, she heard strong, erratic heartbeats. It was so nice to listen to. But then Han Fei Ye sarcastic voice comes near her ears:

"Wei Wei, do you want to kill your hubby before even we start dating?"

When she heard him call her name, her heart skipped a beat. 'This flirt pretentious guy' she thought.

Fang Wei Wei stood up kicked his legs and then run away. He heard her say:

" Hubby? Haha. In your dreams!"

After dusting his clothes, Han Fei Ye head back to his dorm room to change his clothes and go to his meeting. In fact, he rarely stayed at the dorm because he was busy with his newly established investing company. It's inconvenient for him to stay on the campus. Therefore when he entered his room, two of his roommates well very surprised.

Not paying attention to them, he took a bath, change his clothes and was ready to go out.

" Boss, are you going to your off-campus apartment? Can't you stay for the night?" said Gu Yong, his roommates and childhood friend.

" Big boy, you sound like a mistress! don't act like a drama king and shut up," replied Han Fei Ye icily.

" Boss, but we, your peasant roommate, missed your dinner treats so much."

Han Fei Ye took out a card from his pocket and throw it to Gu Yong: " Take this and go to King's Joy restaurant and treat the others. I have an appointment tonight, can't stay to play with you."

Gu Yong took the card with both hands, looked at membership card who is decorated with gold, then bowed like a eunuch :

" Boss, you are the best. Don't worry I won't let you down."

" Whatever." As usual, This guy can't say even a nice word. Then he left.


Han Fei Ye is in his second year. Even though he is a classmate with Bai Chiangming, they are in different specialties. While Bai Chiangming is studying Finance and Accounting, Han Fei Ye chose Investment and Banking.

Each of the two guys is the hair of a wealthy family, thus at the end, they will have to inherit their family legacy and become powerful CEOs. Yet, Han Fei Ye wants to establish his own company without his family help, which is an investment one. He managed it solely himself, as he was so good at analyzing the profits, gains, and losses of every project.

He succeeded in getting many assets and shares in different well-known companies in just one year. A few people know about this business of his, even his mother doesn't know.


When Fang Wei Wei returned to her dorm, she discovered that the whole dorm floor was practicing their pronunciations. Everywhere she could hear single sounds of "Ah------" "Dai------" and some more meaningless words along those lines. If someone accidentally came up to their floor, they might even think that they had entered a mental hospital.

Falling apart, She thought: Did the phrase, "Lin Uni produces lunatics", come from here?


Just like that, the first two months of her freshman year ended so nonsensically like so. During these two months, she would go to classes with Lee Jeong every morning, and do club activities or work out the afternoon after lunch if she didn't have classes.

Every night, she would drag Lee Jeong with her to the library to study. And sometimes have dinner with Bai Chianming of course under Lee Jeong insistent nagging.

As the first-period tests are approaching, they have to study hard. So Lee Jeong took Fang Wei Wei as her tutor and the two girls stayed most of the time so late at the library.

One night, Fang Wei Wei and Lee Jeong were returning to the dorms, but halfway Fang Wei Wei find out that she has forgotten her phone at the library. She told Lee Jeong go her way to the dorm and returned to get her phone.

Getting back to the dorm, four masked persons blocked Fang Wei Wei way. She has no fear because, she knew that they can do nothing to her, but she tried acting like a weak girl to know what these gangsters want. She turned around took the chili powder from her coat pocket and put some in her eyes :

" Big brothers, What do you want? I am just a college student. I'm not even from a rich family. But if you want money I will give you all that is with me." She said with teary eyes. She looks really frail like a kitten.

"Little girl, if you don't have a powerful background, don't mess with powerful and rich people," said one of the gangsters.

" Although you are pretty, we are instructed to ruin your face. So be ready." Added another with a weird, lewd tone.

Fang Wei Wei was disgusted and felt like vomiting. She took a step back and was making a mental calculation on how to get rid of these disgusting bastards who were now surrounding her as a trapped prey.

All of sudden, there was a chilling, husky, low voice from the side :

"Bullying a girl in the middle of the night ! More importantly, this girl is my future wife. Are you tired of living?"

Before the four gangsters knew what happened they were beaten by a shadow in this dark alley. They were not even able to see his face, just hear his terrifying voice.

As Fang Wei Wei was still surprised by this guy's speed and amazing moves, she was princess-carried and taken from the crime scene.

After walking for a while she struggled to get down, but Han Fei Ye wasn't an easy person to concede. He said with his extremely low voice and his teasing tone :

"Wei Wei, See? I have saved your life today. You should pay me with your body for the rest of your life."

Fang Wei Wei was already fuming from the words 'future wife' when she heard the last sentence she was seeing red :

" Rogue, are you out of your mind? Did you set your mind on killing me with anger? " She got down from his arms, tried to slap him but he holds her hand. She added :

" Don't think that I owe you anything. Even if you didn't come, I would have dealt with those gangsters. Don't treat your self as the hero saving the dismal in distress because I am never a weakling ."

Han Fei Ye could feel that Fang Wei Wei was really angry. He softened his tone and said with a coaxing voice, while still holding her hand :

" I know you are not a weak girl, but I can't let you dirty your hands with those disgusting gangsters. Don't be angry. "

Fang Wei Wei was surprised at how this shameless guy has yielded so quickly. When softening his voice, he sounds so sweet. Her heart skipped tow beats. She thought that she is losing her mind thinking that this rogue is a handsome gentleman, even her heart is reacting to him. My God!

Seeing her silent, Han Fei Ye walk back to her dorm, holding hands with her. When Fang Wei Wei, snapped from her thoughts, she looked down at their intertwined hands. Strangely, she didn't feel repulsive with him holding her hand. But then she remembered the girls in the dorm, she took back her hand, stopped, and said with an unusually soft voice:

" Thanks for today, I have to go now. You don't have to walk me to the dorm."

She was about to turn around, but he holds her hand and said :

" We didn't introduce ourselves properly. Let me do it now." He then flashed her a warm smile :

" Hello, I'm Han Fei Ye. Nice to meet you"

When she saw his smile, she was really enchanted. She can't get herself to refuse him. Then not wanting to lose this flirting game, she gave him her most beautiful smile and said :

" Hi, I'm Fang Wei Wei. Glad to meet you."

Han Fei Ye at that moment, thought that her sparkling eyes are like shining stars in the dark sky. He felt his heart beating so fast. Not wanting to scare away the moody girl, he stabilized himself then said :

"Wei Wei, do you have some problems or did you offend someone recently? Why did those guys want to harm you ?"

After thinking for a while, she replied :

" I don't know what kind of offending you mean, but I didn't beat anyone since I get on college nor did I have problems with anyone. But I'm sure of something." She made a pose, looked at his devilishly handsome face who was looking at her intently, then continued :

"The person who sent them is a girl because only a girl will ruin her enemy's face. But for a girl to ruin another girl's face, it must be that she took her man."

When Han Fei Ye heard her words, he raised his beautiful well-arched eyebrows :

" Took other girl's man? Darling, did you do something while I was not around ?"

It was as if a husband admonishing his wife. Unexpectedly, Fang Wei Wei's rosy cheeks have a faint blush.

" Stop talking as if you are my boyfriend. What if I have dated another man? It's not your business. But I will never date an engaged man or one who already has a girlfriend."

Han Fei Ye chuckled:

" Don't get angry easily. I'm just joking. But you have to be careful from now on." After a while he said :

" Of course it's my business if you date other men. Don't even think about it because now you are my girlfriend and future wife."

" Big boy, don't try acting bossy here. If you want me to be your girlfriend, you have to stand in line and work hard," replied Fang Wei Wei then run back to her dorm.

While watching her running figure like a scared rabbit, Han Fei Ye said with a grin in a low voice :

" This little devil always chose the appropriate words to say at last before running."