She Is Bleeding

When Han Fei Ye returned to his room, the first thing he did after taking a bath and changing clothes, is hacking into the campus security system to check the camera footage of the alley where the gangsters blocked Fang Wei Wei way.

After getting the videos, he downloaded it on his computer then analyzed the videos to get the clear images of those gangsters' faces. The analysis software will take some time, so he went to read his company emails.

When he finished his work at midnight, he found that the analysis results were ready. He began to look for those people's identity and which gangs are they from, then verify their bank's accounts statements and try to find out the source of money.

When he finally got informations about the money that was sent yesterday to their account, Han Fei Ye was taken aback. He didn't though that, that cousin of his will be this willful and even do these harmful things to other people. Grinding his teeth, he took his phone and send a text message to his mother :

" Tell that niece of yours to be careful and not act like a gang boss on campus or I won't be nice the next time. Good night"


At Li Xialou's side, when she got a call from the gangsters to inform her that they had failed to ruin Fang Wei Wei's face, she felt the rage tearing at her lungs, plucking at her nerves until she wanted to twist that bitch neck off now.

After listening from those thugs that a strong guy has saved her, she sneered than said to herself: "As expected from a bitch, she is seducing guys everywhere."

But then she remembered something, her face lost his colors and her hands were shaking. She called another number :

" Did Brother Fei Ye returned to campus tonight?" her voice was shivering.

" No, He didn't return. After his dinner appointment, he returned to his apartment."

When she heard the man's words, she breathed a sigh of relief and thought: ' Fortunately, He was not the one who saved her or I will be doomed.'

After confirming that this matter won't be linked to her. She sat at her bad, took her phone and searched for a recent email that she got 2 days ago. In that email, there were 2 pictures. One of a guy hugging a girl from behind and the other is of the girl lying on the top of the guy who was protecting her head from the fall. She was so enraged that she threw her phone from bed.


" What? What happened?"

"Is there an earthquake?"

Her roommates were awakened with a start. They were terrified. After all, it's past midnight.

" Oh, I'm sorry, my phone fell down from the bed. I also was frightened. I'm sorry to wake you up at this hour." She said with an apologizing tone and an embarrassed face.

"It's okay, Xiaolu. Fortunately, you are fine. But what will you do about your phone?"

Her roommates always treat her like a princess, even if she slapped them in the face, they will say it's okay.

" It's okay, I will buy a new one tomorrow. It's not a big deal" replied Li Xiaolu with a gentle smile.

After making sure that their princess has nothing, the other roommates went to sleep as well. But Li Xiaolu didn't sleep well at all, she kept seeing those photos of Fang Wei Wei and Han Fei Ye in her dreams. It's really a nightmare for her. Thus, the next morning she vowed to get ride of Fang Wei Wei as soon as possible or else, her and her mother's schemes will fail miserably.

About those pictures, she didn't want anyone to see them and try to pair that bitch with her Han Fei Ye, so she paid a large sum of money to get the original film and to shut that girl's mouth. After all, the girl who sent her the pictures has also ulterior motives, thus, it was easy to kept her silent.


Han Fei Ye already knew long ago about the person that Li Xiaolu hired to tail after him. But he didn't care about this at all because no one can find out where he is or where he went without his permission.

So last night when he returned to the campus, he made sure that the man who is following him is thinking that he is at his apartment and not at school. Fortunately, he returned in time to find out that cousin of his, bad deeds.


The next morning, he went to have breakfast at the cafeteria just to be able to see if Fang Wei Wei is alright. When he entered with Gu Yong, all girls were jumping out of joy and kept taking photos of him. After all, it's rare to see the campus Idol at the cafeteria. So they have to enjoy it.

Yet no one is daring enough to get close to him. Thay knew he has no sympathy for anyone especially for girls who act weak and fragile to get his attention. Thus, all along the meal, he didn't pay attention to no one, until there was a small commotion at the entrance. When he lifted his head, he saw her.

She was like a sunshine, wearing crop straight yellow pants, combining it with an off-shoulder body-fitting black t-shirt and black high hilled gladiators. Her fair face today seems so delicate because she is putting her long black hair on a braided bun. She is so beautiful and with that gentle smile of hers, she looked like an innocent, defenseless pretty girl.

When Han Fei Ye thought of her fierce attitude, his face softened into a grin. When Gu Yong, saw it, he thought like he is hallucinating.' When did this ice bloc learn how to smile?'

But another person has seen that smile and was burning with jealousy. 'Why didn't he never smiled at me that way?' she thought, then sneered, 'Keep acting as a gentle girl, you will pay for it later.'


The cheerful Fang Wei Wei who was going to class with Bai Chianming while chatting and making jokes didn't know that someone is plotting behind her back. But she didn't have the spare time to think about these things, because today she has the Computer's class exam.

Bai Chianming didn't pass the exam with them because he is a senior. So he accompanied her till the classroom that bid her farewell.

As Li Xiaolu was also a freshman and she has registered in the Computer class for the electives classes, she would pass the exam with her. When Fang Wei Wei entered the classroom and was on her way to her place, she kept feeling that someone is watching her like a hawk would watch his prey.

When she was about to sit down in her chair, she turned her head suddenly in the direction where she felt that strange gaze. There, her eyes met Li Xiaolu's round black ones who were looking at her at if waiting for something to happen.

Fang Wei Wei also noticed that when she looked at her, there was a hidden panic in her eyes as if she has been caught red-handed.

Fang Wei Wei was sure that that white lotus has prepared something bad for her. To be better safe than sorry, she pretended to search for her phone in her bag, then dropped her pen. When she bent down to grab it, she took the opportunity to scan the chair.

She noticed something glittering like needles. She tried to touch it without arousing the other's suspicion. There she found three long pins.

Fang Wei Wei though ' She is so evil', then she picked the three pins, stood up, and put her phone and pen in her bag with the pins as if nothing happens, afterward, she sat down at her chair.

Li Xiaolu was waiting for Fang Wei Wei to sit on the pins, cry from pain and embarrass herself in class, moreover, she won't pass the exam. But the show she was anticipating didn't happen.

She didn't understand what happened. The person she paid to put the pins had guaranteed that it'll succeed. She kept wondering what went wrong.

Fang Wei Wei was waiting for Li Xiaolu to submit her examination paper. She watched her going down the stairs hand over her paper, then Fang Wei Wei went to submit her paper as well and signed her name.

When the two girls were about to left the classroom, Li Xiaolu suddenly fell down and in her way, she grasped onto Fang Wei Wei arm.

Bang, Bang

The two of them fell on the floor. All the students stood up to take a look. They were already so choked. They come running to check on the two girls.

Some went to help Li Xiaolu to stand up and others went to Fang Wei Wei's side. But Fang Wei Wei's eyes were closed. She has fainted. And at this moment of panic, someone shouted :

"She...She is bleeding!"