
While Su Mian was planning her way to stardom, Fang Wei Wei was working as a martial art teacher. Her grandfather was nagging her to go find a job for herself, but she wanted to teach the kids in her grandfather's martial arts school for two days before she registered for an internship.

After two days, her father called from Italy.

"My princess, dad misses you so much. Why didn't you come to Italy? Your Mom misses you too."

" Dad, How are doing? I miss you too, but I can't go to Italy because I have to do an internship and also want to stay with grandfather. You know he feels lonely when I'm not around."

" My sweet Wei Wei. Why can't you be like other girls, who love to live a luxury life? Your mom is crying next to me. She said that back then we shouldn't allow you to stay with your grandfather when you were a little." his voice softened and there was a sniffing sound behind him.

Fang Wei Wei sighed, then said with a cheerful voice: " Dad, tell mom that the best thing the two of you have done apart from giving birth to such a lovely girl is letting me stay with my grandfather."

" My Baby girl, Don't try to be generous with us. We are sinful parents." Her mother's gentle voice comes from the phone.

"Mom, What's wrong with you all of sudden? I'm really living happily with my grandfather. If I lived with you, I will surely be like those pretentious rich heiresses. I can't stand their fake facades. Fortunately, Grandpa is here."

" My Baby girl, but look at yourself now. Other girls are working as interns in big companies while you are teaching kids Kung Fu. Sob.. Sob... Sob"

" Mom. Don't cry or I'll be so sad. Actually, I was teaching kids just for fun, for two days. Tomorrow I'll be looking for a company to register for an internship. So stop this drama."

" Really? " Her mother's voice sounds from the phone. Fang Wei Wei though, ' Mom, hold yourself back. Just now you were crying. How can you laugh the next second?'

Her father seized the opportunity to propose: " Wei Wei. Since you decided to be an intern, why don't you go to our company? It'll be easier and no one will be able to bully you."

" Dad, Mom. Don't even think about it. I won't go there. I have nothing to do there. I'll go now. Take care of yourself."

Fearing that she would hang up, her mother asked: " Wei Wei, wait. We will be coming back the second week of your vacation. Will you come home?"

" Really? Of course, I'll come. It's been four months since I've last seen the two of you. Don't treat me as a heartless daughter. I just don't want you to worry about me. Take care." Then she hung up.

Fang Wei Wei took a deep breath and turned on her laptop. She wrote her resume and CV then sent it to the list of companies that she has selected before. Then she went to sleep.

The next day, she wore business attire, took her bag, say goodbye to her grandfather and got out. Before she left the house, Bai Chianming called her. He wanted to drive her back to the capital because the companies she selected for internship were all in the capital. Moreover, her parents will come back in three days.

She tried to find some excuses to reject him, but at last, she accepted and the two left under her grandfather's watchful eyes. When Fang Wei Wei saw from the rearview her grandfather figure standing in front of his house watching their car leaving, she felt a bang in her heart. She thought' I will ask my parents to have another kid for my grandfather so as he won't be lonely.'...

Back to the capital, Bai Chianming insisted on taking Fang Wei Wei home with him but she refused. Not being able to convince her, he has no choice but to take her to her parents' house.

Actually, one should not be called it a house, it was a mini palace. Her mother, as a designer herself, liked Arts so much. So her father built this french style big mansion for her mother.

When Fang Wei Wei stepped from the car, she gaped at the large mansion that set beyond the sidewalk. The cream coating of the paint shined as the sun beats down on it, causing the onlookers to have to squint. Uniquely twisted fencing kept the house enclosed, neatly trimmed hedges surrounded the house. The roof was peaked, slanting down at an angle. The windows had royal pure curtains hanging on the other side of them, drawn so that the sunlight could stream through.

As she stepped onto the sidewalk, Fang Wei Wei looked at the marble fountain sitting towards the right side of the lawn. An angel holding a flower was perched on top, looking up towards the sky. Water spurted from its other hand, which lay gently out in front of it. The water fell gently towards the crystal blue pool beneath it, causing ripples to form and wave out until they were no more.

The bushes were trimmed into all sorts of animals and people littered the parts of the lawn that was not taken up by the fountain. The beach lay just beyond the backyard, grass forming into sand, bushes, and hedges turning into sand dunes. The water sparkled and dolphins flipped from the water in the distance. Fang Wei Wei walked towards the extravagant mansion, down the little stone path to the black door.

She stabbed the doorbell. Hearing a faint 'ding dong' she huffed, waiting for someone to come to the door. It was, moments later, opened by a middle-aged woman wearing a pink and black work suit, her hair pulled back into a tight bun.

"Oh my God, Little Miss, It's been a while since I last saw you. How are you doing?" she said. "I'm very glad about seeing you in good health. Madam called me yesterday to come and take care of you while she and Mr. Fang are aboard. "

Fang Wei Wei fell into the middle-aged woman's arms, "Auntie Huan, I've missed you so much. You have become old."

The two laughed and auntie Huan took her bag to her room. After entering the house, Fang Wei Wei glanced around the place. The black and white linoleum floor of the entrance glowed, obviously having been cleaned before she came. Stairs lay across the room, climbing toward the ceiling. A doorway was on either side of the room, one to admit into the kitchen, the other into the living room. The walls were a dark blue with silver brush swipes crossing over it, creating a shimmer effect.

Nothing had changed since she came here last time. Snapping from her nostalgic thoughts. She went upstairs to her room to take a bath and change clothes. When she opened her Walk-in closest, she was stunned. Her mother had stuffed every single piece of her designed clothes in her wardrobe.

She was speechless. She shrugged, picked a black mid-length dress with a red coat and red high heeled pumps, then come down to have lunch before heading to the company she got accepted in.

This company is the SK Group. It is a large conglomerate in the capital. The cornerstone of SK Group is its energy & chemicals division. It also owns the country's largest wireless mobile phone service provider.

Fang Wei Wei initially entered the company as an interpreter, but as the CFO saw her capabilities, he assigned her to a lot of work, as translating, proofreading reports and even helping the CEO's secretaries in their work. She was so busy. Every day, when she returned from work, she hardly ate dinner before slumbering.

Every time, Bai Chianming called to invite her out, she would be either sleeping or working overtime. He kept insisting for her to go to their company where she would work at her pace without straining herself but she didn't accept. Because although it's so tiring, she enjoyed working in that company.

Just like that, the first week of the vacation ended and it was time for her parents' return. On that day she had to go to a meeting with her boss, the CFO of the company, as the CEO was aboard.

The CFO was a young man of 35 years old, so hardworking and had strict work terms. Many young girls, especially secretaries tried to catch his interest, but he didn't pay attention to anyone as he was all day buried in piles of reports.

As for Fang Wei Wei, he took her in every meeting because he has noticed that the work she could do is equivalent to three secretaries. So he had high expectations of her. But for the other secretaries, it was an affair between a boss and an intern. They tried in every means to catch them red-handed. Unfortunately, Fang Wei Wei had never smiled at him even once.

On that day she took half day leave and agreed to meet with the CFO and his secretary at the dinner appointment place that he will send it to her later.

Fang Wei Wei made the necessary preparations for her parents' return and rushed home to dress for the work dinner then run out. Since she was late, she decided to take her car. From her first day in the company, she had never driven there, she would always go by taxi, because it'll be suspicious for an intern in her first year of university to drive a luxurious car. Today is an emergency, so she took her car keys and left in a hurry.