Messing With The Wrong Person

At the Han house, Han Fei Ye's mother was trying to reach her son's phone without any success. Since she got a call from her sister telling her that Han Fei Ye may be in love with a girl from his college, she couldn't sleep.

Not being able to sit still, she walked straight towards her husband.

" Old man, did your son call since last week?" She scrutinized his expressions.

"Yeah, I talked with him just yesterday." He didn't raise his head from the newspaper he was reading.

After a moment of silence, Mr. Han felt that something was wrong with his talkative wife. How can she stop talking after saying a few words?

He put down the newspaper, took off his glasses, and looked at her. "What's the matter? Why do you ask about Fei Ye all of sudden?"

" What did the two of you talk about yesterday? Didn't he say anything about his personal life?"

" What? What personal life? That son of ours didn't even have a personal life. What can I talk to him about, other than work?" He shook his head with sorrow.

" What are you grieving about? That's because our son is a good guy. He doesn't indulge himself in women and fleeting relationships" She smirked and pointed at her husband " Not like you ."

"Here you are again! Will you keep reminding me of that incident for the rest of my life? I tell you, If you keep doing this, it'll just make me miss that person even more."

"Haha, she has a loving family now, and her husband won't let go of her. Don't even dream about it."

Mr. Han sighed and stood up to leave the room.

"Where are you going? I haven't finished yet. I want to talk to you about Fei Ye." Her voice sounds serious.

" Speak. What about Fei Ye?" Mr. Han sat on the sofa opposite his wife.

" Zhilan called me yesterday. She..."

"Nothing good comes from that sister of yours. How many times have I told you? Don't trust her so much, and keep your distance from her." Mr. Han interrupted his wife's words with a strict voice.

" I know. Don't keep repeating the same words like a robot. The matter of this time is important. Don't interrupt my words." Then she continued." She said Xiaolu told her that Fei Ye had danced and hugged a girl in a party organized by the students, and ..." She gestured with a hand," don't speak and sit down."

Mr. Han, who was about to jump from excitement, sat down quietly.

" The girl's name is 'Fang Wei Wei', her background is simple, and she is not from a wealthy family. In other words, she is not suitable for our Fei Ye."

" What has her background or wealth to do with her relationship with Fei Ye? If they are in love, and she is sincere toward him, they can be together."


This comment cost Mr. Han a slap in the back of his head from his enraged wife.

" Are you out of your mind? I will never accept a random girl to enter our family." She huffed.

"Finally, Fei Ye' heart has been moved by a girl. I was so worried that he might be gay." Mr. Han chuckled.

His careless attitude enraged Mrs. Han even more.

"How can you act like this? Don't you worry about our family's future? What if she is a vixen that will destroy our Fei Ye's life?" The more she thought about it, the more she is terrified.

"Don't let your imagination run wild. We didn't even know if this is true, or if Fei Ye like the girl or not." Mr. Han reassured his anxious wife.

" OK. I will check that girl's background, and you, talk to your son. I have been calling him for two days in vain."

Watching his wife leaving the room, Mr. Han sighed in relief, " Women are really scary creatures."

He took his phone and sent a text message to his son to warn him of his mother and aunt's schemes.


At this moment, Han Fei Ye was getting ready for a business party. Wearing a navy blue tuxedo and patent leather shoes, he took his briefcase, phone, and car keys, then headed out. After checking the party address, he started the car.

Upon arriving at his destination, he parked his car in the parking area of the Golden Hotel. When he was about to exit the parking, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and headed toward a black Audi R8 Spyder. He bent down to inspect something.

There was a name beautifully written near the car Logo at the front. He was stunned.

What is she doing here?

He took out his phone and called a number, but it was unreachable. Strange.

He called another number.

"Hello, Han Fei Ye, is this you?" It was a Bai Chianming gentle, manly voice.

" Yeah. I want to ask you about something."

" It's really you. It must be an important matter since you called me."

"I don't have time to entertain you. Did Wei Wei come to the capital?" asked Han Fei Ye.

" Yeah. She came back with me last week. She is working as an intern at the SK group. Why do you ask?"

" Ok. Thanks," He then hung up.

Han Fei Ye played with his phone for a while before calling another number.

" Hello, I think the sun will rise from the west tomorrow for you to call me."

" Stop the nonsense. Where are you now?"

" I'm in England to visit our company's subsidiary."

" I want you to check if there is an intern in your company. Her name is 'Fang Wei Wei'."

" Oh. You are asking for a girl! Is she your girlfriend? No, it shouldn't be. You don't like women. So, did she owe you something? Wait! Did you say her name is Fang Wei Wei?"

" Yeah. Hurry look for it, or I'll make you return to the country this moment because of your company's shares' dropping price."

" Boss. Calm down. I was just joking. I know her. She is our best intern employee. She is so hardworking that even our rigid CFO appreciates her so much. Wait, I'll check with my secretary." He hung up.

Han Fei Ye was amused. 'That naughty girl had come without even telling me. I will take revenge later.'

A minute later, his phone rang.

" What did you find?"

" She took a leave this morning. But she has a meeting tonight. It is a French company, so the CFO asked her to attend with his secretary. I will send you the address."

" Ok. Thanks," Han Fei Ye said, and then hung up.

When Han Fei Ye saw the address that his friend had sent, he was stunned.

What a small world.

Initially, he felt some doubt, because when he researched Fang Wei Wei, he got a lot of information about her. That's why, when he saw the car, he was surprised since it was a special edition car designed with her name written above the logo. Then he wondered what will be her car doing here at the capital while she is in her town? Now he had got the answer.

After confirming that Fang Wei Wei was also at this hotel for the business party, he checked her reservation and got the room number. Before going to look for her, he contacted his secretary and asked him to attend the meeting without him.

Han Fei Ye tried to call Fang Wei Wei but her phone was turned off. He then went directly to the room she reserved. When he was about to enter the room, someone opened the door to went out. It was the CFO of the company.

Seeing Han Fei Ye, he was surprised but Han Fei Ye gestured for him to keep quiet before asking him about Fang Wei Wei.

The CFO said that she had sent a text message to inform him that she won't be attending the party. Han Fei Ye brews knitted. He felt that something went wrong. He asked the CFO to show him the text message, but the CFO said that she didn't send it to him, but his secretary.

Han Fei Ye rushed out in a hurry. He went to his usual room in the hotel, took out his laptop and hacked the restaurant security system to check the CCTV footage.

After ten minutes, he finally found the video recording of her entering the hotel, but he couldn't find recordings of her leaving hotel. It's really strange. Didn't the CFO say that she won't be coming tonight?

Remembering something, Han Fei Ye quickly checked the surveillance on the floor where was the room she reserved. There he found something interesting. He saw that she entered the room, stayed there for fifteen minutes before going out.

But when she got out She was acting oddly. She massaged her temples, walked with difficulty and sometimes she stopped to lean on the wall.

A moment after she left the room, someone walked along the corridor, entered the room, took her bag and then got out.

It was the CFO secretary.

Han Fei Ye sneered. ' She is just an intern. What's the use of scheming against her? You have messed up with the wrong person.' His eyes darkened.

He dialed a number, " I'll send you video footage. Check all the hotel floors for the woman in the video. You have fifteen minutes." His voice was low and deep showing his displeasure.

" Yes. Boss"

While waiting for his subordinate's call, Han Fei Ye didn't stay still. He looked for Fang Wei Wei's laptop or mobile phone position since he had installed a trojan on it when she was still at the campus.

Luckily that secretary was foolish enough to take the bag to Fang Wei Wei's place. Of course, it's not with good intention. She wanted it to look like Fang Wei Wei had gone there willingly.

When Han Fei Ye got the phone's position, he rushed to the room. It was on the 30th floor. On his way, he got a message from his subordinates. It was another video footage from the hotel. A strong, strapping guy was carrying a woman to room number 3015. There was another man, apparently a bodyguard, he was giving an envelope to that secretary.

Han Fei Ye's heart trembled. he checked the time on the video. It was a quarter of an hour ago. He sighed with relief and run to that room.


He pushed the door of the room violently.

When he stood at the doorway and saw the scene in the room, his face went blank, his eyes reddened, rage flowed through him like lava, and he lost his sense of reasoning.

The beast inside him was unleashed.