Fei Ye...

At Golden hotel, room 3015, someone went on a rampage.

When Han Fei Ye entered the room, he saw a young woman standing behind an L shape sofa, her eyes unfocusing and she wasn't even able to stand properly.

It seemed also like she can't see clearly the persons around her.

She was waving with a broken wine bottle in her right hand to prevent the guys from approaching her.

Her messy long hair was covering half her face. She was wearing a purple off-shoulder jumpsuit with black high heels. She was alluring.

She was surrounded by three young men who seemed to be sons from rich families. There were also two bodyguards who went to check who pushed the door of the room.

Before the three young masters could see the intruder's face,

Bang, Bang.

Two bodies were thrown to the room' carpet under their feet.

The three guys shrank in fear.

"Who are you?"

" How dare you come in here?"

They shouted with trembled voices.

Han Fei Ye walked towards them slowly before stopping for a second to stare at the girl behind them.

One of the guys took the opportunity to sneak attack.

Before he could even touch Han Fei Ye's jacket, a hand clutched his shirt collar and a punch glanced his chin.

When the second punch doubled him over, it expelled the last bit of choked air from his belly.

Han Fei Ye stood straight, eyes bulging with rage, and stared at the two other guys.

"Motherfucker! Who are you?" One of the guys shouted.

He turned around to grab Fang Wei Wei's arm, but a kick snapped his back.

He could hear his vertebral column's bone-breaking.

Han Fei Ye turned to the last guy whose eyes were wild opened with terror.

He raised his leg like a lightning and kicked his chin,


His jaw broke.

Stepping on the two fallen guys, Fang Wei Wei walked around the sofa and stood in front of the dizzy Fang Wei Wei who was still holding the broken bottle. He was about to take it from her hand but she stepped back, "Don't come near!" Her voice was barely audible.

Han Fei Ye approached her, and called her name softly, "Wei Wei", "Wei Wei, it's me, Han Fei Ye."

Fang Wei Wei lifted her head and looked at him. Still feeling dizzy, she could not recognize his face, but she could discern his voice. It felt like a dream. A sweet simile plastered her pale face,

"Fei Ye..."

She passed out before she finished her sentence.

Han Fei Ye caught her with his strong arms, princess-carried her, and rushed to his suite in the hotel.

Actually, this hotel is his family property, that's why he has a permanent VIP suite here reserved under his name.

On his way, he called his assistance to bring over his doctor quickly. Ten minutes later, the doctor arrived and checked on her. Fortunately, that secretary put hallucinating pills on her juice and not other drugs.

He told Han Fei Ye that she is just sleeping since she was fighting the drugs' effect for a while. He was amazed at how she could still stand still and resist the instant effect of the drugs. Han Fei Ye listened to the doctor's instruction without saying anything. He knew that Fang Wei Wei's body is strong because she practiced martial art.

He asked his assistance to walk out with the doctor and he stayed with Fang Wei Wei, watching her sleeping, peaceful face. He finally sighed in relief.

" Little girl, you freaked me out today." His voice was low, baritone, and unusually gentle.


Half an hour later, Fang Wei Wei, opened her eyes. The light in the room was faint and the curtains were drawn. She looked around and found that it was a sophisticated, high-class, yet unfamiliar bedroom.

She quickly lifted the covers and checked her clothes. Seeing that her clothes were intact, she sighed in relief.

She sat at the edge of the bed and bent down to look for her shoes. Suddenly, a pair of long legs stood in front of her.

Panic surged through her.' Who could it be?'

She tried to compose herself and lifted her head. From strong long legs, narrow waist, custom made white dress shirt with the two upper buttons opened revealing his perfectly structured collarbone.

Before she could look up ahead more, a hushed, baritone voice came from above :

"Have you seen enough?"

Fang Wei Wei, abruptly lifted her head to the man's face, That devilishly handsome face with a cold expression, who could it be other than Han Fei Ye?

She raised a hand in greeting and smiled innocently:

"Hi. Can I ask you what I'm doing here? And where I am?"

The man glared intently at her, "You finally woke up. I thought you were dead. Don't you remember anything?"

She looked at his resentfully and murmured, " Humpf. You are the dead. Your whole family is dead."

Han Fei Ye ignored at her mumbling and asked again, "Do you remember ?"

She massaged the back of his neck, "Emm, I remember entering the hotel room the company reserved for the business party tonight. Later, feeling uncomfortable, I wanted to go to the hotel lobby to call Bai Chianming to help me return home. From the moment, I got on the elevator, I don't remember anything."

Recalling something, her heart lurched. She raised her head and glanced at Han Fei Ye attractive face, "I think that I remember something like people fighting and you too were there. What exactly happened?"

Han Fei Ye sat on the bed next to her, plucked at the cuff of his shirt then spoke with a low, gentle voice, "The CFO's secretary set you a trap. She put drugs in your drink and take you to another room. When I got there, you were facing the three bastards while protecting yourself with a broken wine bottle. Later, I brought you here. And..."

Fang Wei Wei was clenching her hands in fists, she had some flashes of memory about what Han Fei Ye said. When he stopped hesitantly, her back soaked with sweat, her mouth went dry. she was too frightened to hear the next words, nonetheless, she managed to ask, " Di...Did something happened between us?"

Han Fei Ye was amused by her frightful expression. It's rare for this girl to show any fear. He cleared his throat, "Ehm. Don't worry. It'll be our secret and I'll take responsibility."

Fang Wei Wei's last hope got crushed by his words, tears shimmered her eyes but she refused to cry. she folded her hands in her lap. she sniffled,

" Han Fei Ye. I am grateful that you have saved me. You don't have to be responsible for anything. It's my stupidity who led me here."

She stood up and was about to walk away. Han Fei Ye clutched her arm and brought her to his embrace. Fang Wei Wei didn't struggle. She took in his manly' perfume scent. She had to admit that he has good taste.

Han Fei Ye was about to say something when Fang Wei Wei spoke,

" Han Fei Ye. I'll ask you for the last time. Did really something happened between us?" her voice was abruptly devoid of emotions.

Han Fei Ye chuckled, " Little lass. Since you already figure it out. Why keep acting as a frightful weak girl who has lost her innocence."

Fang Wei Wei hit him hard on his rigid chest, " You knew I was acting and enjoy it. Connard*"

(*Connard is a French word= Bastard)

Han Fei Ye allowed her to vent her frustration on his chest, he hugged her tightly,

" Chérie, don't think that I don't understand you cursing me in Franch. But it's okay as long as you like it."

"Han Fei Ye! Are you used to relish over other people's misfortune?" She punched his arms but it was in vain. His arms are a muscle mass.

Han Fei Ye coxed her for a while before the two sat back at the sofa in the leaving area of the suite.

He tried de convince her to take a shower but she refused.

In the end, he asked the question that was lingering in his mind,

" Wei Wei. What didn't you call me when you arrived at the capital?"

"Oh. I wanted to text you but I have been so busy." She replied dryly.

" You heartless creature. If I haven't seen your car today at the underground parking lot, you will be dead meat now." He scoffed.

" I don't think so. Anyway, Sorry, I should have told you but I was really busy even at home. I..."

She didn't finish her sentence and looked at him wide eyes.

"Home? Home? Oh My God! I have to go." She ran around the suite looking for her shoes and bag.

Han Fei Ye was stunned. This little lass was surprising him every time he met with her. She was running like a mouse trapped by a cat.

He stood up, walk to his bedroom. because It was a VIP suite, there are two bedrooms and a leaving room. He brought over her bag, phone, and shoes.

"What's wrong with you? What about your home? " He asked.

Fang Wei Wei put on her shoes quickly, took her phone, and found that it was turned off.

"Fuck. What time is it now?" She was like a madwoman talking to herself.

Han Fei Ye couldn't stand it any longer. He dragged her and sat her in his lap, lifted her chin, and said:

"What's wrong with you? Did the drugs affect your brain cells? Calm down and tell me."

Fang Wei Wei was surprised, his powerful arms encircled her waist, rending her immobile.

"What are you doing. Let go of me now."

" I won't let you go before telling me what's wrong." Han Fei Ye didn't let go. He said quietly in her ear. His hot breath made her feel like her neck was being tickled by flames.

She has no other chance but to let him hold her because she has no time to fight with him.

"My parents' plane will land at 10 PM. I told them that I will be waiting at the airport. And..." She hesitated.

" Is there something you are not able to tell me ?" Han Fei Ye saw her biting her lower lip. He knew she is indecisive.

"Do you know who is my grandfather?" She asked with a low voice.

Han Fei Ye nodded in response.

"Hmm. Alright. Since you already knew his identity, I will tell you."