Her Boyfriend

" Usually, my phone is always with me. I can't turn it off due to security reasons. If my phone is turned off for an hour... My dad and grandfather may call the Interpol." Her voice was barely noticeable at the end.

" Dearest Fang Wei Wei. Why do I feel like you feel ashamed about this?" Han Fei Ye chuckled.

Fang Wei Wei cast him a side glance, "Don't you think this is ridiculous? If one day this will happen, I won't be able to show my face in public. They are overreacting."

"HaHa. You are so cute. If other girls hear what you are saying, they will curse you to death." His laugh was pleasant to the ears. " It's natural for parents to take necessary measurements for the protection of their children."

Fang Wei Wei didn't focus on his words. She was listening to his seductive voice near her ears.

her ears burned and her heart beating fastened. She was embarrassed to let Han Fei Ye notice this so she struggled to get up.

Han Fei Ye whose eyes didn't leave her for a second had already noticed her embarrassed expression. He was feeling delighted. Finally, he touched this heartless lass heart.

He tightened his hold on her.

" Don't worry about your parents. I have already sent a text message to Bai Chianming."

" Wei Wei. Now, Let's talk about us. Did you think it over? What did you decide?" His voice was suspiciously hoarse and low.

Fang Wei Wei felt the danger, she wiggled in his lap trying to break free from his embrace.

" Damn it. Woman, Stop moving " deadpanned Han Fei Ye with clenched teeth.

Fang Wei Wei moved again and put her hands on his shoulders to get up.

" If you move once more I'll have you right now and here." A groan escaped his throat.

Fang Wei Wei felt something strange. She looked down and discerned a tent in his lower body. Realizing the situation, she jumped from his lap and ran. But Han Fei Ye held her hand.

" Chérie.Where are you running before taking responsibility for your actions?"

" I didn't do anything. It's you who lose control as soon as you see a beautiful woman. You should find a wife." replied Fang Wei Wei dryly.

She knew that acting embarrassed will just make him tease her more so she decided to be shameless.

" Good. I like your advice. Let's get married." Smirked Han Fei Ye.

" Can you be any more shameless than this? aren't you a cold, aloof, and indifferent son from a wealthy family. Why do you always behave like a rogue in front of me?"

" That's because I love you.

But if you want me to act like this with other girls, I won't refuse."

"You dare?" Yelled Fang Wei Wei unconsciously.

" HaHa, Chérie. See! you said it yourself. you don't want me to be close to other women. That means you like me." He finally let go of Fang Wei Wei's hand.

Fang Wei Wei thought, 'It's my first time falling in love, why not try it? Moreover, he also loves me. What I 'm afraid of?' Making up her mind, she confessed.

"Alright. You won.

Yeah, I like you. But..."

Han Fei Ye interrupted her with a kiss.

His and Her first kiss.

His lips were hot, it was enough to ignite her whole body. She instinctively reached out both arms to hug his neck. He kissed her luscious full lips. His kiss was passionate then gentle. It was full of love and tenderness. It melted Fang Wei Wei's agitates emotions.

The moment the kiss ended. Fang Wei Wei hugged Han Fei Ye around his neck and said :

" Fei Ye, I really like you. Don't let me down."

Han Fei Ye's heart was about to explode from happiness. He tightened his grip on her tiny waist and said :

"Darling, marry me."

Fang Wei Wei pushed him and giggled: "Han Fei Ye. Did you lose your mind? I'm not even 20 years old. We just confessed our feelings and you want me to marry you. What if you get tired of me and want a divorce? I'll be the youngest divorcee in the country. Don't even dream about it."

" Darling. I'm serious. Trust me." His baritone, low voice was so seductive.

Fang Wei Wei glared at him without saying anything.

Finally, Han Fei Ye gave up, held her hand, and said :

"Alright, Don't be angry. We will date for now and when you are 20 years old, we will get married. You said it yourself."

Fang Wei Wei, "...." Shameless.

Right as he leaned his head to kiss her lips again, there was a knock on the door.

The two jumped in their place.

'Who could it be?'

Han Fei Ye became stunned as he pulled the door open.

A man in his early forties with two bodyguards behind him was standing at the door.

The moment Han Fei Yeopened the door, the man shoved him, but Han Fei Ye was not an easy opponent.

He dodged his hand and launched a punch.

The two bodyguards were about to seize Han Fei Ye, until, a sweet voice sounded from inside the suite :


The four men halted instantly.

"Wei Wei. Are you alright? Did this bastard do anything to you?" The man who came with his bodyguards took large steps toward Fang Wei Wei and hugged her.

"Uncle. Calm down. I'm okay. Han Fei Ye saved me from those bastards."

" Who is Han Fei Ye?" He pointed to Han Fei Ye who was rooted at the doorway and said: "Is it him?"

"Yeah. His is my classmate,"

" Yeah. I'm her boyfriend."

The two of them spoke at the same time.

Fang Xiao, Wei Wei's uncle, studied the two youngsters.

" Wei Wei, fortunately, it's me who came today. If your grandfather was here, he would shot him dead."

" Uncle. Let me introduce myself. I'm Han Fei Ye. Wei Wei's boyfriend." Han Fei Ye bowed slightly in respect for the elder.

" If you want the elders' blessings to date Wei Wei, you should meet her parents and grandfather. But I must warn you for the latter because he won't give her to you easily." He laughed, then took his phone to make a call.

Moments later, he returned, and said,

" It's okay as long as you are safe. I'll be going now." He strode out.

Before exiting the room, he turned around and said with a grin :

" Your parents are at home. I just got a call from your father.

Another thing, don't tell your father that your boyfriend is the Han family' only heir." He winked and left.

At the suite, Fang Wei Wei was still in a daze from her uncle's last words. Han Fei Ye held her shoulders.

She looked at him with her beautiful brown almond eyes.

"Don't think too much. Let's go. I'll take you home. Your parents will be worried." He squeezed her hand, took her bag, and the two went to the underground parking lot.

Fang Wei Wei looked in her car's direction, then turned to Han Fei Ye, " How did you know it's my car. I have never driven it at the capital."

" I know everything about you. Even when you have your menstruation period." He whispered in her ear.

" Pervert." She got in the front passenger seat of his car.

Han Fei Ye also got in the driver seat and started the car, he said,

"Driving the same car with a pervert. Aren't you afraid ?"

" Come on, change your tactics now because the old teasings won't work. And now that we are together, I won't be polite." She winked.

" Fiesty as ever." He leaned over and pecked her lips.

Her cheeks flushed red. He didn't tease her anymore and drove her back home.


At the Li house, Li Xiaolu had recovered completely. After talking over the phone with her friends, she went to her mother's bedroom.

" Mom, I want to be an intern at the Han corporation." She declared.

Her mother was taken aback, " Why so sudden? You didn't even finish your studies. How can you get there?"

"Mom. All my friends are interning in big corporations, except me." She lowered her head.

" Little Xiaolu, don't be sad. We can look for another company where you can do an internship, but the Han corporation now seems impossible." She held her daughter's hands and sat her on the bed.

" Why? I can't even work as an intern in his company. How can I get close to him?" Tears fell down her cheeks.

" Don't cry and think carefully. Han Fei Ye didn't even work at his father's company. You also know that his father has some prejudice against me. If we make such a request this time, what will he think of us ?" She patted her back.

" Oh. That's right. But Mom, You didn't tell me what happened that make uncle Han treat you coldly? Also, will that affect my future with brother Fei Ye?"

" Don't worry. I will make sure nothing could hinder your relationship with him." Xiaolu's mother said with a determined tone.

Li Xiaolu nodded her head and was about to go back to her bedroom when she recalled something,

" Mom. I want to ask you about something?"

" What's wrong? "

" Mom, one of my friends suggested to me to change my faculty. What do you think?"

" What faculty do you want to transfer to ?" The mother was most worried about her daughter's future.

" She said, that with my beauty I should be at the Dramatics Arts faculty." She was proud of her appearance.

Xiaolu's mother thought for a while before saying, " Don't act on impulse. You know that prestigious families don't like their daughters or daughter-in-law to be in the entertainment circle. Let me first speak with my sister about it, and then we will decide later."

"Mom. You are the best at analyzing things. I'll do as you say." She was proud of her mother's scheming mind. After hugging her, she returned to her bedroom to reply to the friend who gave her that suggestion.


Meanwhile, at the Fang house, When Han Fei Ye and Fang Wei Wei arrived, Bai Chianming was standing in front of her house, leaning on his car.

"What is this guy doing here? Did you call him ?" Han Fei Ye said sarcastically.

" Stop the nonsense. I'll go now." She was about to fasten her seat belt when a tall shadow cast on her, a strong arm held her seat-back and the other fastened her seat belt. Nonetheless, the guy didn't retreat.

Fang Wei Wei looked at his devilishly handsome face who was so close that she could feel his hot breath in her cheeks. She scoffed, " What are you trying to do in front of my parents' house? Aren't you afraid, Dad will see you from the CCTV footage?"

He leaned his head on her shoulder and said with his low voice: " What can I do? It hasn't been even a day since we started dating, and now, you are ditching me for your childhood sweetheart."

Fang Wei Wei, "..."

She tried pushing him, but he was so strong, she couldn't even move his hand.

" Chérie, I'm feeling insecure now. Give me a kiss."

" Shameless guy. Let me go or ..." He swallowed the rest of her words with a hot kiss.

Fang Wei Wei didn't struggle this time, she let him do as he wanted. But this shameless guy was still sucking on her lips and tongue that it got numb. Her body stiffened.

When Han Fei Ye sensed this, he licked her lips and withdraw a little,

"Wei Wei, don't ignore my calls and text messages. Also, don't flirt with other guys. You are mine now." His voice was hushed and extremely low.

Fang Wei Wei who has been kissed hard, was still panting and her lips were swollen. She took a deep breath and said,

" Don't be this pitty. Bai Chianming is my best friend. I know my limits. If I wanted to date him, I would have done it a long time ago."

Feeling the man's expression getting cold, she patted his arm and said coyly:

" Now that I'm dating you, of course, I will keep my distance. But you have no right to forbid me from befriending him. After all, our families are close friends and He had never done anything beyond friendship."

Han Fei Ye retreated to his seat, resuming his usual expression, he said,

" I know this. I also trust you and I will never restrict your freedom. You are free to befriend whoever you want as long as you said you like me, I won't be worried."

Fang Wei Wei's heart warmed. She smiled sweetly, leaned over, and kissed his cheeks before waving goodbye at him and getting off the car.

Bai Chianming who was looking at them from afar clenched his fists tightly and resentment blossomed within him.

However, he smiled faintly when Fang Wei Wei stood before him and said hello as a greeting.

"Your uncle called me. He said that you will be here in fifteen minutes and asked me to wait for you because he didn't tell your parents and grandfather what had happened. So he wanted me to cover for you."

" Thank you brother Chianming. You are the best. Let's go in."

The two figures entered the mansion together under Han Fei Ye scrutinizing eyes. He was like a wolf guarding his alpha female.