Sons Are Jerks And Daughters Are Villains

Fang Wei Wei and Bai Chianming came into the house just to find that Mr. and Mrs. Fang were waiting in the leaving room. The moment they get in, Fang Wei Wei ran to her father's arms.

" This ungrateful child, don't you miss your mother? Why did you hug him first?" Her mother slapped her but.

" Mom, don't slap me there. I'm already an adult." She gestured with her eyes at Bai Chianming who was trailing behind her, " This is why I miss Dad more." She made a face to her mother and hide in her father's embrace.

" Chianming, Welcome. It's been a while since I last saw you. You were only in elementary school. Look how tall and handsome you are now." Mrs. Fang greeted Bai Chianming with a warm smile and invited him to sit.

" Thanks, Auntie, How are doing? You look beautiful just like how you used to be years ago." He sat down next to Mrs. Fang.

"Oh, this child. You are so considerate." She chuckled, then looked scornfully at the loving daughter and father, and said,

"Not like some careless daughters who don't even give their mother's a kiss after being apart for several months."

Fang Wei Wei who was chatting happily with her father heard this, she smiled warmly, got up, and sat next to her mother hugging her arm.

"Mom. I missed you so so much. Stop scolding me the second we saw each other. Didn't you miss me?"

" Good that you know this. Don't hug your father first the next time." Mrs. Fang hugged her daughter tightly and patted her head. She ran her fingers through Fang Wei Wei's mid-back length black hair, and suddenly remarked,

" Wei Wei, your hair has grown so long. Why don't I cut it for you?"

"Wife, Wei Wei looks so beautiful in long hair. She looks more feminine. Didn't you used to say when she has short hair as she was a child that people might think she is a boy? Why do you want her to cut it short?"

" What do you know about fashion? It's trendy now to have short hair or to have half shaved hair."

" No way! " Mr. Fang stood quickly and pulled Fang Wei Wei to his side. He protectively hugged her shoulders,

" Don't even think about touching her hair."

Fang Wei Wei and Bai chianming laughed at Mr and Mrs fang attitude

" Dad, Mom. You just arrived. Stop quarreling. Are you showing your love here? If so, we will just go and give you some space." She turned to Bai chaining, " Brother Chianming, let's go." She winked at him.

"Ok." He got up.

"Where are you going? Stop talking bullshit and sit down. I haven't even asked about your college and you are already escaping. Don't think that I don't know what's in your mind?"

Fang Wei Wei who had stood up, was pulled back by her mother,

" You didn't also tell us, where were you at this hour?" Mrs fang checked her watch.

"Yeah. Wei Wei. We were so worried about you when we didn't see you at the airport. I was about to call your grandfather when your uncle appeared. What were you doing late at night?"

Fang Wei Wei's heart trembled, she glanced at Bai Chianming.

Getting her hint, Bai Chianming cleared his throat,

" Hmm, auntie, uncle. Actually, Wei Wei called me this afternoon to accompany her to the airport but something urgent happened at the company and she had to work overtime. That's why I called uncle Xiao to go fetch you from the airport and I went to get Wei Wei from the company since it's late."

Fang Wei Wei was amazed by Bai Chianming story, she secretly gave him a thumbs up. and nodded

her head to her parents.

"Oh, Thank God you are here to take care of our Wei Wei. " Mrs. Fang held Bai Chianming hand.

" Yeah. Chianming, We are so grateful to you ." Mr.Fang patted Bai Chianming shoulder.

After chatting for a while, Bai Chianming left The Fangs house.

Mr. and Mrs. Fang stayed till midnight eliciting informations from their daughter. They asked about everything, her roommates, her dorm, her teachers, her scores, and daily activities.

When Fang Wei Wei said that she scored the second in the college, her mother asked about who had scored higher than her daughter, Fang Wei Wei innocently replied,

"It's Han Fei Ye, the campus legend."

Mrs. Fang stiffened, she turned to Mr. Fang whose eyes became suddenly hazy.

Mrs. Fang smiled awkwardly, " Cough, Ehm, The most important is that you are in good health and you are happy. Scores are not that important. After all, we don't lack money."

Fang Wei Wei who was unaware of the atmosphere changement, smiled happily to her parents. But her father's next words crushed her happiness.

" Little Wei Wei, you are our most precious daughter and nothing can amount to you in this world. I have something to tell you." He took a glance at his wife then continued,

" I just to remind you to not get close to anyone from the Upper-class society, be it sons or daughters. The sons are all jerks and the daughters are heartless villains." Mr. Fang's voice has a melancholic tone.

Fang Wei Wei was restless, nonetheless, she said,

" Dad, if I listen to what you just said, I won't have any friends and will live lonely. You know that students in Lin U are all from wealthy families."

" You are already an adult and soon you will enter society. I won't say more, just pay attention, and don't trust other people. The more a person has money, the darkest his heart will be." His voice was so gentle.

Mrs. Fang knew what her husband was talking about. She also knew the turmoil in his heart. she held his hand and looked at her daughter :

" Wei Wei, we won't dictate anything for you. After all, this is your life. But as parents, we know more things than you, so we have to warn you about somethings. Your dad has talked about wealthy people because money and power can make people do many hideous things. So be wary in your relationships."

Fang Wei Wei who was looking at her parents' strange expressions nodded her head. Even though she didn't know exactly what's wrong but she can't do anything for now.

She wished them goodnight and went to her bedroom.

When she left, Mrs. Fang looked at her husband scornfully,

" Why did you say such things to her now? She is still young and she didn't have to bother about these things. After all, she is just a college student. Do you want her to be outcasted from her friends' circle and be a psychopath later ?"

Mr. Fang lowered his head, " I... I didn't mean it this way. I couldn't help it. I can't let anything happened to her."

" I know how you feel, but don't forget that our daughter is so strong and smart. Those pretentious, villains can't trick her. Don't worry. Moreover, don't forget who she grew up with. Unless you doubt your father's judgment sens."

Mr. Fang's expression eased a little after hearing his wife's words, thus Mrs. Fang could finally sleep peacefully, or else this husband of her will stay all night awake to make a list of friends for his daughter and maybe even a list of potential boyfriends.


Meanwhile, Fang Wei Wei was still awake, she was worried about her father' words, furthermore, Han Fei Ye was raining her phone with text messages telling her to answer his phone calls.

She had the urge to bit him if he was in front of her. 'Can't he let me sleep for tonight?'

Nonetheless, she answered the call.

"Darling, are you sleeping?" His voice was so enchanting.

" Yeah. I'm sleeping and the ghost in my bedroom answered your call."She said with a ghostly voice.

"At least you answered the phone. I was worried. "

"Oh, I was chatting with my parents, thus I didn't check my phone."

"What did you tell your parents about today?"

"About today, Brother Chianming was really awesome, he told them a perfect story. Even dad was not able to doubt it." She said cheerfully.

" That's because he can lie perfectly, and your father didn't doubt him because he struts him. There is nothing to be proud of." He replied sarcastically.

"Connard! Do you have to spoil the fun!" She yelled.

"HaHa, My darling is so cute when she got angry. If you want me to not spoil the fun, then don't speak about other men with me, especially those who have feelings for you."

His laughter echoed in her ears, she instinctively smiled. She liked to hear him laughing.

" Hmph. I can't communicate with you normally for five minutes" She huffed.

" You are really ungrateful. I was just trying to lift your mood. It seems you have something on your mind because your voice is unnatural."

Fang Wei Wei was stunned, 'How did he know?'

She asked, " Are you a mentalist? how can you tell that something is bothering me?"

Han Fei Ye chuckled, " That's because I love you, so it's normal for me to discern your mood and expressions changes."

At his words, Fang Wei Wei felt warmth wrap her from her heart to her whole body.

It's really good to have someone who loves and understands you the most. Thus, She decided to tell him about the matter that was troubling her,

Han Fei Ye noticed her silence, but didn't rush her to say anything, he waited for her to decide to tell him or not.

A moment later, her soft, sweet voice come from his phone speaker,

" Earlier, when I was chatting with my parents about college, Dad said something strange." She hesitated, " He warned me to not be acquaintance or trust sons and daughters from wealthy families. He said that rich guys are jerks and the girls are villains. He also said that money and power can make people be demons.

This is really odd. Dad had never talked with me in that serious attitude. Don't you think this is strange?"

Han Fei Ye heart pounded, his throat tightened, but he composed himself and spoke again,

" Wei Wei, it's natural for your father to be worried about you. After all, you are still 19 years old girl. Moreover, you grew up with your grandfather, away from the high society twists and problems.

Now that you have contact with other persons, from the world he had been hiding you from, He will inevitably have those thoughts."

"Oh, That sounds logical. But I am not a weak girl who can fell into other's traps and I don't trust whoever I meet with."

" Did you forgot what happened a few hours ago?" He smirked.

" That... That's an exception."

"Darling, don't ever forget what happened today. See? This is what your father was reminding you about. You are just an intern, but that secretary felt that you are threatening her position, so she set a trap for you. This makes your father's words come true." He said with a solemn voice.

Being lectured twice today, Fang Wei Wei lowered her head dejectedly, her voice became more distressed,

" I won't forget it so stop lecturing me. The most important thing is, that Dad had a resentment against the upper class and powerful people. Then, What will..."

"Darling, first, your father and your whole family are also from the upper class, but they are being low-key for some reason.

Second, I know you are worried about us, and that your father won't allow us to be together.

Listen carefully, You will have me always by your side. I will surely get your father and grandfather's blessings to be with you, sooner or later.

Lastly, trust me and be at ease. I won't let go of you, no matter what happened."

Fang Wei Wei's eyes glistened with tears, his words shine on her like a burst of sunshine, it touched her deepest fears and eased them. She composed herself and replied with a sniff, " I have recorded your words as evidence. Remember."