I'm Back

When Han Fei Ye heard Fan Wei Wei' words, he chuckled,

"Chérie, I also recorded your words that day. If you dare run away, I will broadcast it in every media possible, so that you won't be able to confess to any other guy apart from me."

" You!.."Fang Wei Wei was puking blood.

" Haha. Don't worry. I won't give you the chance to run away. I will let you sleep for today. Don't think about anything. Everything will be alright. Good night"

She yawned, "Ok. Good night."

Han Fei Ye was still looking at the phone screen absentmindedly even after Fang Wei Wei hanged up.

He was feeling uneasy. Fang Wei Wei's words today confirmed her uncle's statements that day at the suite. He felt that something happened in the past.

He didn't really care about it because he decided to be with her no matter what happened, Hence, he wanted to know the whole story.

He shook his head, decided to let it for another time, then went to bed.

The next morning, the constant phone ringing woke him up. He turned his head to the alarm clock on the nightstand to check the time. It was 7 AM, ' Who would call at this time?'

Standing up from the bed and grabbed his phone, it was his mother,

"What happens in this early morning?" He said with a hoarse lazy voice.

" Son, you finally answered your mother's calls. Get up already, and come home for lunch."

He could tell from her cheery voice that she is happy about something. Unfortunately, he has no time to entertain her.

" Mother, I don't have time today. I am busy."

"What are you busy with? You don't even work at your father's business? Are you working for other' companies? Since when you didn't come home? Don't you care about your old parents? Will you visit when we die?"

"Mother, can you not shout early morning? You know why I don't visit home, so don't bother me. I have already called Father yesterday. If you have any complaints, talk to him." Han Fei Ye said with his frigid voice.

He was about to hang up when his mother spoke again,

"Are you busy fooling around with that girl? What was her name? Fang Wei? Let me tell you ..."

" What did you say? Who do you know her? Who told you her name?" His voice was unusually low and bone-chilling.

Mrs. Han's heart trembled, her son was really mad. She tried to smooth the conversation, but he roared again,

"Mom, I won't repeat it, Who told you about her? "

Since Han Fei Ye was in high school, he called his parents Mother and Father. When he is mad to the extreme, he called them, Mom, Dad.

So this time, Mrs. Han knew that her son was really mad. She coughed and spoke again gently,

"Fei Ye, don't be angry. Sister called me that day and told me about it. "

" Which sister?" He gritted his teeth.

"It's Xiaolu's mother. She was worried about you being deceived by some girl."

"Do I need her to worry about me? Listen, Mother, I will say it just one time, Never, Ever speak about her, look for or investigate her. If you do, you can forget you have a son.

About your lunch, I will come, because there are important things to talk about." He hung up.

Mrs. Han looked at the phone screen, then turned to her husband,

"Look, this is the son that you have spoiled. He even dares to hang up on me."

" He is already a grown man. Don't try to control him or else you will have to give birth to another child to be the heir." Mr. Han was having breakfast, and reading today business's newspaper before going to the company.

Mrs. Han felt her blood pressure had risen. she held her head with her hand, and said weakly,

"Having another child? You both, father and son, will kill me one day with your words."

Mr. Han raise his head and glanced at his wife, his voice became serious,

" Wife. Fei Ye is not like other rich sons. He is so capable and even better than me. Don't push him away. After all, we have only this son and all that matter is his wellbeing and happiness."

Mrs. Han thought for a while before replying, " I know, but..."

"No but, He will come for lunch today. Don't bother him. It's been a while since we ate together." He interrupted her chatter.

He stood up and left for his work.


At Han Fei Ye apartment, he was fuming with rage. The things he was worried about occurred early.

That fake aunt was pouring oil on the fire. He knew what kind of person she is. It seems he has to make a move to protect his darling.

Fang Wei Wei's father's worries came true.

He got ready, text his secretary to tell him that he won't be coming to the company this morning, then left for his father's company.


Meanwhile, at the Capital international airport, a beautiful woman had got off the plane and was surrounded by a bunch of reporters.

She is a tall, slender woman, wearing a red Chanel's dress with high heels, her black shades were covering half her face. She is so dazzling.

The moment she appeared at the VIP exit, all the reporters and fans gathered around her, raining her with questions,

"Miss Qin, why did you return this time?"

"Miss Qin, are you going to resume your studies in college?"

"Miss Qin, there are rumors that you are going to retire from the entertainment world?"

Qin Xue stopped, took off her black shades and looked at the reporters with a ravishing smile,

" Hello, everyone. As my plane has just landed, I am so tired. If you want answers to your questions, I'll I will hold a press conference later. You are welcome to come. Thanks."

She got with her assistant on a black Cadillac that was parked in front of the airport waiting for her. The driver sped the car far from the fans and reporters who were chasing after her.

Inside the car, Qin Xue was scrolling Weibo for the hottest news, she said,

" Assitant Jin, what is my schedule for this week?"

" Miss Qin, you have told me yesterday to clear your schedule for this week. So you don't have anything other than the film shooting that you have signed a month ago, there is also a party this weekend. Mr. Su has sent you an invitation."

Qin Xue raised her head and looked outside the car window, after a moment she spoke again,

" That's good for now, don't accept anything apart from these two events for this week. I'll be busy."

She took her phone, searched for an old contact number, and sent a vocal message, " Hi, I'm back. And this time forever. " her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Assistant Jin, turned her head just in time to see her excited expression, she shuddered. After all Qin Xue was known with her frequent cold expression no matter what faced her.

Her acting skills are top-notched, many directors begged her to be the female lead in their series or their films but she didn't accept.

She is also known as Mary-Sue in the entertainment circle. Sometimes, she would choose unknown directors and accept roles in low rated films and then make them award-winning. Some people said that she did this on purpose to help others, but no one knew her true thoughts.

Furthermore, it's known that she is from the Qin family who owned Qin corporation, the major company in real estate business.

Thus, she didn't suffer from the dark side of the entertainment circle. She also had a huge fanbase and many actresses and actors were fawning all over her all the time.

Assistant Jin was already suspicious of Qi Xue return this time. She couldn't help but ask,

"Miss Qin, excuse me to ask this, Is there something important that makes you give up on Hollywood and come back home?"

Qin Xue looked at her and smiled pleasantly,

"Yeah. I will tell you a secret. I have a life project to work on in the capital. That's why I have returned." Her voice was melodious.

Assistant Qin was afraid to ask more, she hesitated for a moment before speaking,

"Did you call your parents or I call them for you? We didn't inform them of your return. If your mother saw it in the news, she will fire me." Her hands were shaking because she knew the bad temper of Qin Xue's parents. It's not difficult for them to fire her on the spot.

Qi Xue frowned at her, " Don't call them. I have a date tonight. I'll text Mom later. If she calls you, don't answer her calls. Understood?"

Assistant Jin nodded in response, " Understood, Miss Qin. I'll do as you say."

The ambiance in the car was silent until they reached their destination.

It was a villa in the most luxurious villa district 'Haidian'. This is the home of many important persons in the capital, especially, heirs of wealthy families.

The project was owned by the Han family with a partnership of other companies; one of them is the Qin family. As it was a huge development project, many families went crazy to get a villa for their sons and daughter because it was sumptuous and has a high-security system. Besides, they would be able to make connections with other rich heirs.

Hence, as a partner in the project, Qin Xu's parents ensured her a place there.


Upon arriving, Qin Xue took a shower, while her assistant was arranging her clothes and went buying groceries to cook for her.

When she comes out of the shower, Qin Xue sat at her dressing table to do her skincare routine and makeup, then took her phone to sent another vocal message to the same earlier number,

"I'm waiting for you in my villa at Haidian. Don't be late."