She Was Fired

At the Han corporation, Han Fei Ye arrived around 9 AM; it was the time when all office workers will come to the company; thus, he attracted a lot of attention because they all knew he was their future CEO. Numerous rumors started to circulate among the company staff.

Han Fei Ye didn't pay them any attention. He took the VIP elevator and ascended to the highest floor where the chairman's office was.

Inside the office, his father was already waiting for him, he called his secretary to bring two cups of tea and invited him to sit on the sofa,

" It should be something important for you to come to the company."Mr. Han took his teacup and sat crosslegged.

" Yeah, I won't take a lot of your time." Han Fei Ye sipped in his tea. The onlookers could tell that the father and son have the same mannerisms.

" Don't spew nonsense, you are my son after all. Speak ."

"Father, I want to ask you if the arrangement of the blind dates is your idea?"

" Don't you know the answer already?" Mr. Han chuckled.

" I already knew, but I thought that maybe, as you are getting old, you will be affected by Mother's way of thinking." Han Fei Ye said with a sneer.

" You brat!..." Mr. Han threw a sofa cushion to his son's face, " Do you have to insult your father like this? I am still working in the company at this age just to avoid your mother. Don't you have any compassion for me? Useless rascal!"

Han Fei Ye caught the cushion easily, he laughed and said, " Don't worry Father. I won't tell Mother on you."

Mr. Han was getting enough from his son's killing words, he shook his head and spoke, " What do you want? I can't stand your words."

" I come today to tell you that you don't have to look for a suitable wife for me because I already found one." Han Fei Ye declared with his stern, serious voice.

Han Fei Ye's father's expression didn't change, he said, " What family is she from? Are you sure about your feelings for her and her feelings for you? Will you be able to fight for her?"

Han Fei Ye was stunned, he hid his surprised expression and replied, " She is from the Fang family. I'm not sure if you are aware of them because they are really low-key. Regarding our feelings, I love her so much and that's enough for me to fight the whole world for her."

Han Fei Ye's father's face blanched, his breath stuck in his throat. He suddenly got up, walked to the floor to ceiling window inside the office, and said with a sorrowful tone,

" Fei Ye, I have no right to tell you who to marry or who to not marry. What matters for me is that you are happy and that you will take our family legacy." He sighed, " But, I have to tell you that marrying the only granddaughter of the Fang family won't be easy.

I am not trying to discourage you, but for you as a Han, it will be more difficult, if not impossible."

Han Fei Ye's body went numb, His father's words confirmed his suspicion. he clenched his fists and spoke again,

"Father, Did something happened in the past?"

Han Fei Ye's father turned to look at his son, " Yeah, but don't ask me about it. It's been a long time. Let bygones be bygones." His voice was low and tired.

Han Fei Ye got up and stood next to his father, looking outside the floor to ceiling window, the world looked so small from the 40th floor. He put his hands in his pant's pockets,

" Father, did you do something harmful to the Fang family?"

Han Fei Ye's father was jolted from his thoughts, he turned his head to his son,

" I have never done anything bad to them, maybe my past actions affected them somehow, but it's not something that would set us as enemies. That's all that I can tell you for now."

Han Fei Ye breathed a sigh of relief. His chest no longer felt heavy. He felt like he got saved from a fire. He smiled and said,

" Dad, I will definitely marry Fang Wei Wei no matter what. I'll be happy if you stand bu my side, but if you don't, I won't resent you, that also means I won't be a filial son. I'll apologize in advance." He bowed his head to his father.

Han Fei Ye's father was amazed, this is the first time his son bowed for him. Han Fei Ye was always a well behaved but a cold and distant son. He didn't cause his father to worry about him but he also didn't do what his parents told him to do. He has been independent since high school.

" You rascal, I thought you would never bow to me till I'm dead and you come to bow in front of my grave." He chuckled, patted his son's shoulder and said,

" Fei Ye, the Fang family is not easy, but they are also the most upright among all the upper-class. Fang Wei Wei must be a great young girl for you to fall in love with her this quickly. I will always have your back. Nonetheless, I can't guarantee what your mother will do. so be careful."

" Thank you, Dad, I'll be going now." He left his father's office.

Han Fei Ye's father who was still standing at the window laughed, " This brat, this is the first time he calls me 'Dad' without being angry since he was 10 years old. I should be grateful to the Fang's granddaughter. Thanks to her, I have enjoyed many privileges from my son." He shook his head and then returned to his desk to resume his work.


Fang Wei Wei who got up early this morning to go to the company, was blocked by her parents. They didn't allow her to go and pestered her to resign because the school vacation will end soon, so they want to spend more time with her.

In the end, she convinced them that she had to go personally to resign and bring her stuff from the company.

She had breakfast under her mother's order and left quickly.

Actually, she is going today just for that secretary.

At the SK corporation, Fang Wei Wei went directly to the CFO office. She knocked on the glass door and entered after getting permission.

The CFO didn't know who came in. His head was buried in the papers on his desk.

" Hello, Mr. Huang" She greeted with a gentle voice.

Hearing the voice, Mr. Huang, the CFO, raised his head abruptly,

"Oh, Fang Wei Wei. Why did you come to work? Are you feeling well?"

Fang Wei Wei didn't want to stay for a long time, she said with a plain voice,

"Mr. Huang, I'm grateful to your guidance, advice, and trust during my internship in the company. I am here today to deliver my letter of resignation because the school will begin in two days. So I have to quit." She put the letter on his desk.

Mr. Huang was taken aback, " You don't have to thank me. You are so hardworking, and your performance is really good. It's a pity that you are quitting." He took her resignation letter and signed it on the spot.

Fang Wei Wei looked around but didn't find the person she was looking for, she decided to ask,

" Mr. Huang, I didn't see Miss Pan. Where is she? I want to see her before leaving."

" Oh, Miss Pan was fired this morning. The CEO has made an announcement report about her wrongdoing. I never thought that she is this evil. She has committed many crimes and set traps for her colleagues just to get a DM position. Young girls these days are really scary."

Fang Wei Wei was stunned.' What a coincidence!' She thought.

She bid goodbye to Mr. Huang then left the company.

At the company's building parking lot, Fang Wei Wei sat inside her car in a daze. After a moment, she took her phone and called Fang Xiao. He answered immediately,

"Uncle, I want to ask you about yesterday." She spoke before he could utter a word.

"Wei Wei, do you have to be this heartless, not even greeting your uncle or saying that you miss me. Hmph. I won't speak to you." He said with a mournful tone.

Fang Wei Wei rolled her eyes, "Uncle, don't act like a mistress. It's really urgent. I want to ask if you have done anything to that secretary from yesterday?"

"Oh, that cheap secretary. I called the company today to ask about her but they said that she is fired. What a coincidence!"

"Yeah, me too I went to the company to resign and also want to meet her but the CFO said that she got fired and her crimes were revealed. This really is such a coincidence."

The other side of the phone was silent, Fang Wei Wei thought that her uncle had hung up, till he spoke again,

"There is no coincidence in this world. I think that Han boy, your boyfriend, is behind this."

Fang Wei Wei was stunned, 'could it be him', she said a few words to her uncle than ended the call.

She then called Han Fei Ye. His voice was the usual low, baritone,

"Darling, did you call because you miss me."