It's Been A While

Fang Wei Wei giggled, " Pretentious guy, I want to ask you, Did you do something to that secretary from yesterday?"

Han Fei Ye was taken aback, " How did you find out about it?"

Fang Wei Wei rolled her eyes, " Do you think I am stupid. There are just two persons who knew about what happened, You and my uncle. I just called uncle and he said that it's not him."

"Oh, Did you think I will let her go away after what she had done to you. Anyone who does anything to you will pay for it. If not, I won't deserve to be your man."

Fang Wei Wei's cherry lips curved into a smile, " Fei Ye, Why I didn't know that you were such a sweet talker."

" Darling, this is not sweet-talking. This is flirting. Also, I have never flirted with anyone else, but now it's different because I have a wife."

Fang Wei Wei burst into laughs, " Young master Han, who is your wife? We are not even engaged."

"Don't worry, darling, you will be my wife sooner or later. Furthermore, we don't need engagement as long as you are willing, we can get married now." His tone was calm as if he was talking about the weather.

Fang Wei Wei shook her head, " Young master Han, pull yourself together. I don't have time now to play with you, Bye Bye." She hung up.

On the other side of the phone, Han Fei Ye rubbed his long, beautiful fingers on the screen of his phone, the corners of his mouth turned up. At this moment, a voice called his name,

" Brother Fei Ye"

Han Fei Ye smile faded away, his expression turned cold, he walked past the person who called him, then stopped and said without turning to look back at her face,

"Don't call me brother. I am not your brother and we are not that close for you to call me that." Then, he returned to the dining room.

Actually, he was at his parents' home. His mother called him for lunch and when he arrived, there were two additional persons on the table. When he saw them he had the urge to leave, but he had promised his mother, that's why he had no other choice but to sit down. At this moment, he received a call from his darling. He was so happy and rushed to the garden to speak with her.

The two intruders in his house were Li Xiaolu and her mother. Thus, when he heard how Li Xiaolu called him, he felt disgusted. Usually, she dared call him that just in front of other people. But today, it seemed like she was more daring to call him that at home. Hence, he wasted some words with her to warn her.


After lunch, Han Fei Ye wanted to leave but his mother insisted on him to stay for a while.

The family of three sat in the garden. Han Fei Ye and his father liked to drink tea while his mother liked coffee. She always said that they are like ancient cultivators who enjoyed drinking tea and meditation because sometimes the father and son duo, sat together for an hour sipping their tea without speaking.

Han Fei Ye was discussing his company's upcoming project with his father, his mother went upstairs to her bedroom. When she returned, she brought a folder with her.

She put the folder in front of Han Fei Ye,

"This is a list I have made myself for the potential young girls that are compatible to be your wife. Take a look and when you decide, we will hold an engagement ceremony for the two of you. If not, you can go on blind dates with them and choose one."

Han Fei Ye, "...." He was speechless.

" Mother, Did you ask if I want to get engaged before preparing this list?" His face was expressionless.

His mother can't tell if he was angry or just annoyed. " Son, I didn't tell you to get married now. This is just an engagement. You can continue your studies and then work at your father's company. Maybe after 4 years, we will hold the marriage."

Han Fei Ye took a deep breath. He tried to reason with his mother now to avoid future problems. He said with a gentle voice,

" Mother, I don't want to get engaged now. I am still studying and will go aboard for 2 or 3 years. After that, I will have to stabilize myself at the company. I don't want anything to distract me at this time, or else, I won't be able to manage the company well which will lead to a disaster."

Han Fei Ye' mother was stupefied by her son's gentle voice. This is really rare. Thinking about what he said, she felt it's logical. She nodded her head and spoke,

"I can understand this. But I have a condition. Don't date anyone till you decide about the engagement. If you agree I will forget these blind dates and engagement issues."

Han Fei Ye shot a glance at his father who was sipping leisurely on his tea, then said,

" Ok. It's a deal"

Han Fei Ye's father was amazed by his son's cunningness. He shifted his eyes to look at him. Han Fei Ye stood at this moment to leave, he met his father's eyes and winked. Mr. Han shook his head at his wife's stupidity. Her son tricked her with just his gentle voice. 'Tsk.Tsk.'


At Haidian district, Villa N 10, Qin Xue was watching TV in her spacious living room when her doorbell rang. She jumped from the sofa and went to check the intercom screen. There, she saw a beautiful young girl, joy glowing in her almond brown eyes. She is her best friend 'Fang Wei Wei'.

Qin Xue opened the door and fell into Fang Wei Wei's arms. Minutes later, Qin Xue finally let go. She looked at Fang Wei Wei and said with her whining voice,

" Wei Wei, you are getting more and more beautiful by the time. What pills are you taking? Look at how tall you have become."

Fang Wei Wei pinched Qin Xue cheeks. The two girls laughed and went into the house.

" Miss Qin. You are an A-listed actress known worldwide while I'm just a commoner. How can my beauty be compared to yours?"

Qin Xue hugged Fang Wei Wei arm on the sofa and said with a sad tone,

" Wei Wei, It's been a while. I have been feeling so lonely without you around. You traitress! Why didn't you want to be an actress? If so we will be together always."

Fang Wei Wei pushed Qin Xue's hands away, and scrutinized her, " Xue, Did you become lesbian? What's with being together forever? I don't want to be together with you. I have to find a husband. I also don't want to become an actress because it's so tiring to act always as a gentle girl in front of the camera. Moreover, even if I want to, grandpa won't ever allow me to do it."

Qin Xue pouted her red lips, " Wei Wei, you are so lucky having such a great grandfather. I want to be your aunt. Can I?

" Haha, Xue, you are so funny. Stop the nonsense and tell what were you doing in the last two years. I missed you so much but you were always unreachable. You did it on purpose?"

Qin Xue went to the kitchen and brought two cans of beer," Here. let's drink at talk about our sorrows."

Fang Wei Wei refused the beer can and went to the kitchen to make some fruit juice, " I can't drink because I'll drive later." Her voice sounds from the kitchen.

" No problem, you can stay for the night. after all, we have a lot to talk about." Qin Xue was overjoyed with her suggestion.

Fang Wei Wei returned with a glass of juice, " I can't stay tonight. My parents are at home. They were aboard for three months. You know my mother, she won't let me stay out for the night."

Qin Xue pursed her lips, " You are already at college, You are no longer a little girl why are they controlling your life like this?"

Fang Wei Wei grinned, " They are just worried. Do you remember how grandpa was when we were in high school? He was worse than them."

Qin Xue laughed till her stomach aches, " He is really hilarious, but I like him a lot.

Oh, yeah, I forgot, how is Bai Chianming? Are you too dating?"

Fang Wei Wei slapped her head, " How can we date? He is doing fine. We are at the same college."

Qin Xue rubbed her head, then looked at Fang Wei Wei suspiciously, " Did he gave up on you already. If so, I will finally have a chance to be with young master Bai."

Fang Wei Wei gave her a dirty look, " Xue, you already knew, I had never had feelings for him. And I have said this clearly to him from before."

Qin Xue hugged Fang Wei Wei's shoulder, " I know. I still remember the day you rejected him in front of our class. Hahaha. He looked so miserable. All girls at school were shooting daggers at you whenever they saw you. If not for your Kung Fu skills, they would have killed you."

Fang Wei Wei pushed her arm, " If not for my Kung Fu skills, how can we too be best friends. Stop laughing."

Qin Xue put her head on Fang Wei Wei's shoulder, " Yeah, I should be grateful to your Kung Fu skills or I would have been raped back then."