
Fang Wei Wei turned her head to glare at Qin Xue's face. She was about to say something when Qin Xue hugged her shoulder and said playfully,

"Let's not talk about the past. Tell me about your college. Are there a lot of handsome, rich guys?"

Han Fei Ye handsome face appeared in Fang Wei Wei's mind, she blushed instantly. She lowered her head, afraid that Qin Xue will notice her expression. She said,

"I don't have time to look at other's faces because I'm busy with my classes."

" Nerdy as usual. You have to learn how to build connections and be friendly or else you'll end up alone at the end of your life." Qin Xue held Fang Wei Wei's hand.

" Look, you have such a beautiful appearance, you can charm any guy if you want to. You just have to change your unfriendly attitude and smile a lot; and also learn how to speak sweetly with other people."

Fang Wei Wei didn't pay attention to Qin Xue's words, she was thinking' If Han Fei Ye heard what Xue is teaching me to do, he will forbid me from hanging out with her'.

At this thought, a smile plastered in her small, oval shape, beautiful face.

Qin Xue looked at her in time to see the lovely smile on Fang Wei Wei' face, She stood up abruptly and pointed a finger at her,

"Wei Wei. You look like a teenage girl who fell in love for the first time. Tell me the truth and I won't beat you. Are you dating? "

Fang Wei Wei was stunned by Qin Xue sudden movements, she stared at her then laughed,

"What nonsense are you saying? Do you think Grandpa will let me date at this time? He will break my legs."

Qin Xue scowled, "Your life is not better than mine. You can't even date whoever you want whenever you want. tsk tsk. We are the same. Me, I can't even decide my life trajectory."

Fang Wei Wei was feeling grieved, she can't even tell others that she is dating Han Fei Ye, ' What a miserable love life.'

The two girls then chatted about Fang Wei Wei's college and Qin Xue days in the USA.

Qin Xue suddenly asked, " About Bai Chianming, did he ask you to date him again? I always felt that he was waiting for you to get in college to woo you again."

Fang Wei Wei shrugged, " How can that be? We have already talked about and resolved the issue."

Qin Xue though for a moment before speaking again, " Ok, then I will woo him from now on. I will ask my parents to let me go to Lin U for the second semester. That way, we will have more opportunities to be together."

"Sister-in-law, I will cheer for you. Good luck." Fang Wei Wei raised her hand high.

" But, will your parents allow you to suspend your acting and join the university?" She asked.

Qin Xue smiled faintly, " I am not sure they will agree, but there is no harm in trying." Recalling something, she ran to her bedroom and brought two invitations cards.

" There is a party organized by the Su family for their son's birthday. I got four invitations. Here I saved two for you. Bring whoever you want with you." She handed the invitations to Fang Wei Wei.

Fang Wei Wei, looked at the invitations for a while, then said, " Xue, I'm sorry, I can't go."

"Is it because of your grandfather? Aren't your parents back? Why don't you ask them instead? This party is a good chance for you to build connections." Said Qin Xue with a depressed tone.

Fang Wei Wei shook her head and put the cards on the table, " It's not like that. Tomorrow, we will be going back to town for a family gathering. That's why I can't attend."

Qin Xue grinned, "Whatever. I gave you the opportunity but you reject it. Don't blame me when I find a good husband there and you will be the single dog forever."

The two girls laughed.

When Fang Wei Wei left Qin Xue's house, it was already 5 PM. She got into her car and drove back home.

On her way to her house, Fang Wei Wei's phone rang; It was Bai Chianming.

The two hadn't talked since that night when she had an accident. Fang Wei Wei hesitated before answering,

"Wei Wei, where are you?" Bai Chianming gentle, calm voice sounded from the phone speaker.

"Brother Chianming, I'm driving, I was at Qin Xue'place. Do you remember her? She was my classmate in high school. She went aboard after starting her career as an actress."

Bai Chainming didn't speak for seconds, he was trying to remember the girl named 'Qin Xue'.

He remembered the beautiful, svelt young girl who always got in fights in high school.

She was so pretty and always wore skirts that are shorter than the usual uniform. Hence, many young boys were trying to date her but she refused them which made her offend a lot of rich boys.

Besides, she had a sharp tongue and constantly fought with girls in school.

He also remembered that she was from a wealthy family, but she has a strange rebelled behavior back then.

In the second year of high school, she decided to sign a contract with an entertainment company as an actress; nonetheless, no one found it odd because she always behaved unpredictably.

The reason why he remembered all this about her, is that she was Fang Wei Wei's only friend at high school.

" I remember her. It's good that you have her now." He said,

Fang Wei Wei chuckled, " Yeah. She hadn't changed at all even after becoming a celebrity."

Bai Chianming smiled, " That's likely to be her. Anyway, Wei Wei, I want to ask if you will be free tomorrow night. I am invited to the birthday party of Su Mian's brother and I wonder if you can accompany me."

Fang Wei Wei felt that this is really a small world, " I am sorry. I can't go because we are going back to grandpa's place. After all, it's been a while since we gathered together."

Bai Chianming sighed and said, " It's okay. Family is more important. I'll hang up. Good night."

Fang Wei Wei wished him goodnight and hang up. Before she could put her phone back, it rang again.

She looked at the caller's name and smiled,

" Darling, I miss you so much." Han Fei Ye's voice was so low but as husky as usual.

" What can I do? I didn't miss you that much." She said playfully.

" Darling, you are so heartless; but it's okay I'll always love you."

Fang Wei Wei was amused by his words, " Han Fei Ye, did you call just to say that you missed me? If so, I will hang up because I'm driving now."

" Chérie, I missed you so much, But I called to ask you about something. Were you at Haidian villa district this afternoon?" He asked.

Fang Wei Wei was stunned, 'Is this guy following me?', She asked in a doubtful voice, " How did you know? Are you stalking me ?"

Han Fei Ye laughed, " Chérie, If I had the time, I will stick to you anytime, everywhere. Why do I have to stalk you? Nevertheless, I just want to ask, who do you know at Haidian villa district ?"

Fang Wei Wei was distracted by his laughter' sound, it was so pleasant to the ears. Finally, she said, "You have to answer me first, how did you know ?"

Han Fei Ye smiled, "Actually, I have a villa at Haidian district but I don't live there. Today I went there because it is close to my company as I had an urgent meeting and couldn't go back home.

When I was heading out, I saw your car in the parking lot. I found it strange because those who live there were all sons and daughters from wealthy families. As I know, you are not friends with any of them apart from that Bai guy and he didn't live here."

Fang Wei Wei rolled her eyes, " Do you think that you know everything about me? Who told you I don't know anyone who lives there? Idiot*! I was visiting my high school friend who came recently from aboard."

(*Idiot(French word) = stupid )

" Is this friend a man or a woman?" His voice was calm.

" Why I didn't know that you have so little self-confidence? Tsk, Tsk. But don't worry it's a girl. Maybe you already know her because she is a celebrity, her name is Qin Xue. She is also the Qin family daughter." Fang Wei Wei said with a joking tone.

Han Fei Ye didn't even hear the rest of her words; the moment she said' girl', he sighed in relief.

He though' Fortunately it's a girl',

" Chérie, you are so astounding, that's why I have to check on you."

Fang Wei Wei rolled her eyes again, " Okay, since you have checked. I will hang up. Good night."

" Chérie, can't you say something sweet to me? Don't be cold-blooded. If you aren't gentle with me, who else will you treat lovingly?"

His sorrowful voice made Fang Wei Wei felt guilty. That's true, he always says sweet words to her but she had never even called him affectionately. It's not that she didn't want to, but she just felt uncomfortable.

After some thoughts, she said with a small voice, " Chéri, bonne nuit."* Then hang up immediately.

(" Chéri, bonne nuit."*= Darling, Goodnight.)

Han Fei Ye was still in a daze from her melting voice and sweet words. His heart thumped in his chest. Fang Wei Wei has already a sweet voice, and when she speaks in French, it becomes more enchanting, like a love ballad.

Han Fei Ye sat on his desk chair at the study and looked at his phone screen for a long time. He had the urge to kiss her hard now. Nonetheless, he controlled himself, took a deep breath, and resumed his work.

While he was working, an email notification popped up on his laptop screen. He read the email subject,

'Invitation to the birthday party of the Su family young master, Su Hao."