Family Gathering

The next day, Fang Wei Wei and her parents went to the town for the family gathering. Everyone was excited because all the Fang family members will be there.

After dinner, the family sat in the spacious living room of grandfather Fang's house. The family members present this day are Fang Wei Wei and her parents, her uncle Fang Xiao, her older uncle Fang Zhang with his two sons, and her little uncle Fang Li.

The Fang is a military family. Grandfather Fang was a First Class General. He had the highest rank in the military. Thus his two sons Fang Zhang and Fang Xiao also joined the military. While Fang Wei Wei's father, Fang Xiaomin, decided to be an actor, and the little Fang Li is a Military doctor.

Initially, Grandfather Fang didn't agree with his son being in the entrainment industry, but under his son's insistence and Fang Zhang pleading, he agreed with one condition: That he won't reveal his identity as the Fang military family son.

Fang Xiaomin didn't care at all, because he was a talented actor and it's best for him to not be related to the Fang family or else his father's political and military enemies will take this against him.

Just like that, Fang Wei Wei's father became an actor who won many national and international awards and was even once nominated as Imperial's Delegate in many international events.

Regarding his other two brothers, Fang Zhang who is 50 years old, is a Major General; and Fang Xiao (40 years old) is a Lieutenant colonel.

One day, when Fang Xiaomin was signing for an advertisement, he met Liu Ai, Fang Wei Wei's mother, who was a well-known designer at that time. The two fell in love and got married.

Nonetheless, Grandfather Fang didn't agree with their marriage unless Fang Xiaomin retire from the entertainment industry.

After the discussion between Fang and Liu's family, Fang Xiaomin retired and they got married, and later gave birth to Fang Wei Wei.

Since both her uncles had sons, Fang Wei Wei is the only granddaughter of the Fang family. She is spoiled by everyone.

Grandfather had a daughter, but she died 25 years ago, thus he treated Fang Wei Wei better than his sons or even his grandsons.


The family was chatting, when Fang Li spoke,

"Wei Wei, you already joined Lin U. How are you doing there?"

"The teachers are very strict, but it's fine." Fang Wei Wei said with her cheerful voice, then asked,

"Uncle, you are already 30 years old. Don't you want to get married?"

" Wei Wei, what Have I told you before?" Fang Li's voice has a threatening tone.

Since he is a military doctor with the rank of colonel, he has a sturdy and well fit body. He also has a handsome, tanned face which made him a wild beauty. Unfortunately, he was so rude and cold that no woman was able to handle him. Thus he hadn't married yet.

The thing was that he doesn't like it when Wei Wei asked about this in front of his father but she was used to teasing him.

Fang Wei Wei giggled and made a face at him. Fang Li grinned and said,

"Wei Wei, I heard that Bai Chianming is also studying at Lin U. Did you perhaps picked Lin U for him?"

Fang Wei Wei choked on her tea, Cough, Cough, Cough

She glared resentfully at her little uncle, " Fang Li, Stop spewing nonsense. Brother Chianming is my best friend. Don't think pervertedly about our friendship."

Fang Li smiled, proud of his counter attack, " Oh, so you don't like Bai Chianming. Is it because you have found a handsome boyfriend at college?"

Fang Wei Wei, "..." Did this guy know about something? She instinctively turned to Pang Xiao.

All the family was enjoying the banter between the two. Sensing Fang Wei Wei's glance, Fang Xiao turned his eyes at her. He shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips.

Fang Li was enjoying Fang Wei flustered expression until Fang Wei Wei spoke,

"Grandpa, look uncle Li is bullying me."

Before Fang Li could utter a word, his head was struck hard that his ears were making weird sounds.

He turned to complain, only to face grandfather Fang' solemn expression,

"Don't bully our Wei Wei. She is still a young girl. What boyfriend are you talking about? Moreover, don't interfere in the affairs of others. You should find a suitable girl for you to get married."

Fang Wei Wei laughed at her uncle's miserable expression, but when she turned her head, she met uncle Xiao's meaningful expression.

" Dad, Wei Wei is nearly 20 years old, we should think about her future. It's normal to find a boyfriend now. She is already in college." Fang Xiao said with a calm voice.

Fang Wei Wei clutched her hands and felt her heart beating fastened. She was anxious of her grandfather's next words.

" That's for sure. But the man who will marry my granddaughter has to be the best between his peers. I also know that Wei Wei won't let me down in picking a husband. But it's still early, we have to wait till she finished her studies."

Fang Wei Wei's heart relaxed a bit. But her father next words startled her,

"Dad, I and Ai was thinking that Wei Wei should go aboard with us. She has always dreamt of studying at " La Sorbonne" college in Paris. We want to take her with us this time since Ai is teaching design at Paris college."

Grandfather Fang sighed, " I took care of Wei Wei since she was a child. But now she is a young girl, and I can't control her life anymore. This matter, you should discuss it with her. If she agrees, I won't be against it. All I care about is her safety." His voice has a sorrowful tone.

Fang Wei Wei's parents turned their heads in her direction. Her mother asked,

"Wei Wei, I know that you are planning to study your master's degree at Sorbonne college in Paris. I discussed with your father and decided to ask you if you want to transfer now. Considering your latest scores, I think it's better for you to study there. What do you think ?"

Fang Wei Wei was stunned. she didn't expect her parents to suggest this so soon.

Actually, she knew this is the best for her. She had always wanted to study at Sorbonne college.

Nonetheless, when she thought about being away for 3 years at least, a huge stone weighed on her chest, her breath stuck on her throat and her eyes's circle turned red.

She knew it. She didn't want to be away from him. But...

When Fang Wei Wei's parents saw her contorted face, her father said hurriedly,

"Princess, don't be sad. We won't force you to do anything. You can decide to stay or to go. You have the liberty to choose."

He stood up, sat next to his daughter, and patted her back. Fang Wei Wei hugged her father; hiding her distorted face, she said,

" Thanks, Dad. I am not sad. As Mom said, I have planned to study at Sorbonne. But this is year is still early. Let me think about it first."

" Wei Wei, If you think it's early then let's not talk about it for now. Let's wait for a year or two. Don't worry." Her mother's voice was so gentle.

After discussing business and political matters, the family gathering ended like that. Fang Wei Wei and her parents didn't return, they stayed for the night at her grandfather's place.


At the Li house, Li Xiaolu was getting ready for the party. She was so thrilled that she has been checking her appearance for three hours. Her mother was telling her repeatedly that she is beautiful but Li Xiaolu was not paying any attention to her words. After another check on her make up she finally left the house.

She had been at Su Mian house, helping her at planning her brother's, Su hao, birthday party. She had also checked the guest lists. There she saw Han Fei Ye's name. She was so excited.

Even though he was rude at her the other day at the Han' house, she knew that this is what he was like; Thus, she didn't have to have any resentment against him.

She also wanted to take this opportunity to tell everyone in the upper class that she is the closest woman to Han Fe Ye. That's why she tried her best to be the most outstanding woman in the party tonight.


Meanwhile, at the Su house, Su Hao and his parents were urging Su Mian to hurry up. She took so much time dressing for the party.

Her father had invited the most famous celebrities in the entertainment circle just to pave the way for his daughter in her career as an actress.

While Su Mian has other plans in her mind. She had made so many efforts for this party. Therefore, she will make sure everything will be as planned.