The Party 1

At the Su family party, Su Hao and Su Mian were the stars of the night. Their parents arranged them to be the hosts. They were toasting all the guests and Su Hao took his opportunity to introduce his sister to the businessmen present this night.

Su Mian was holding her brother's arm and a wine glass in her other hand. She was disgusted by some of her brother's friends who were trying to flirt with her. At that moment, she spotted Bai Chianming who finally came to the party. she excused her self hurriedly and rushed in his direction.

Actually, Bai Chianming didn't intend to attend the party, but under his parents' insistence, he had no choice but to come.

Just as he took a wine glass from a waiter, someone patted his shoulder. He turned around to find Su Mian gorgeous face smiling sweetly at him,

"Bai Chianming, It's our Su family pleasure for you to attend our party."

Bai Chianming brushed his surprised expression aside and smiled calmly, " You are so polite. I should thank you for inviting me." He raised his glass to toast her.

Su Mian giggled, and raised her wine glass, " Who is your companion for the night?" She looked behind him.

"I come alone. I have no companion" Bai Chianming replied with a serene face.

" Oh, weren't you close to fang Wei Wei? I thought you would come with her."

Bai Chianming glared at Su Mian smiling face for a second before replying, " Wei Wei is my best friend. Even though you didn't invite her, I asked her to come with me tonight, but she didn't agree."

Su Mian face twisted for a second before resuming her charming smile, " Oh, I'm sorry I don't know her phone number or address mail, that's why I couldn't invite her. it's pitty she is not able to attend."

Bai Chianming smiled, "In fact, even if you invited her, she won't come, because Wei Wei doesn't like attending this kind of events. So you don't have to feel sorry about it anymore." He put his empty glass wine on a table and was about to walk away when Su Mian sweet voice sounds behind him,

" It's reasonable for her to not attend this party, after all, she doesn't belong here." her voice had a mocking tone."

Bai Chianming eyes burned with anger, he turned around and was ready to lash out at her, when a manly, low, baritone voice sounds from the side,

"Oh, fortunately, I didn't insist on Wei Wei to come with me tonight, or she will suffer from the polluted air here. That little girl, even after I begged her, she didn't want to accompany me to the party. It seems she has a good sight for people."

Han Fei Ye who just come in, and headed toward Bai Chianming, heard Su Mian last word. He felt anger flooded his veins, but, he restrained himself and said those words.

Bai Chianming was so annoyed by Han Fei Ye's way of speaking about Fang Wei Wei so intimately. However, he kept his gentle, serene demeanor.

Meanwhile, Su Mian's face was red from embarrassment and anger. She can't believe that Han Fei Ye had heard her words. He even dared to defend her. Rage nearly consumed her.

She took a deep breath and flashed her sweetest smile to Han Fei Ye, " Han Fei Ye, I am so happy that you are here tonight."

Han Fei Ye glanced at her, his expression was so cold and his dark eyes revealed his ruthlessness, Su Mian heart trembled from fear.

" Do you know Fang Wei Wei?" He asked with his ice, cold voice.

Su Mian nodded then shooked her head. Seeing her fearful expression, Han Fei Ye sneered at her disdainfully, then turned to look at Bai Chianming.

Su Mian was shocked. No one has ever looked down at her in her life. She was always treated like a princess. 'Who is Fang Wei Wei to make Han Fei Ye defend her so adamantly?'

She greeted her teeth, regained her usual charming smile and said,

"Han Fei Ye, even though I don't know Fang Wei Wei well. I at least know that she is from a simple family. The words I said earlier had no other meaning. I was just worried that she won't feel at ease at the party."

Han Fei Ye gave her a side glance but didn't reply to her. As if he didn't hear anything, he walked outside the party all in the direction of the swimming pool. He was following Bai Chianming who had hinted to him earlier that he wanted to speak privately to him.

Outside the party chaos, Bai Chianming was standing in front of the swimming pool. When he heard walking steps behind him, he turned around, launched a punch at the upcoming person's face.

Han Fei Ye was so agile, he avoided the punch and held Bai Chianming hand, he looked at him icily,

"You should give the person a reason before hitting him."

"Don't play the gentleman role in front of me. It makes me sick." Said Bai Chianming.

Han Fei Ye let go of his hand, patted his tux jacket, and said, " Say what do you want to say. I don't have much time to play with you."

Bai Chianming sneered, " Oh, you only have time to play with young girls."

Han Fei Ye's eyes darkened, he felt like munching Bai Chianming mouth so that he won't be able to speak another nonsense, but remembering that he is Fang Wei Wei' best friend, he restrained himself.

" Bai Chianming, I will tell you this just once. Don't interfere in others' affairs."

Bai Chianming sneered, " Wei Wei's affairs are mine. I won't let you play with her and then throw her away to marry the girl that your parents had picked for you. Her heart is still innocent and she doesn't know about the hideous things people like you can do, That's why I should protect her."

Han Fei Ye scoffed, " I love Wei Wei and I will marry only her in this life. Even though I don't have to justify myself to you, Nonetheless, you are Wei Wei's best friend. Regarding other things, you don't have to know about it."

After he finished his words, he turned to leave, but stopped after hearing Bai Chianming words,

"I guess you already knew that I love Wei Wei for many years. I am telling you now, that I won't give up on her until she got married. So be careful. I'll be also watching you."

" I don't care if you love her or not because I won't ever let go of her." Han Fei Ye left after replying.

Han Fei Ye returned to the party hall. He was going to leave after speaking with one of his clients.

Initially, he didn't want to come to the party tonight, but one of the recent clients who presented an investment proposal to his company was here today. The proposal of this client is interesting and he was working on it these recent days. Thus, he came tonight to meet the person and see what he was like and his purposes.

Han Fei Ye took a wine glass and looked around the guests. After spotting the person, he headed in his direction.

When that client saw Han Fei Ye in front of his, he was stunned, he greeted him politely,

"Young Master Han, I'm really honored to meet you tonight. How is your father's health?"

"Fine." replied than Fei Ye with his cold voice.

Actually, this person didn't know that Han Fei Ye was the President of the investment company. He just knew that he was the Han family only heir.

The two discussed business matters and throughout the discussion, Han Fei Ye discovered that this person was a member of the board of directors in the Su company and he was looking for an investment for a project that he was working for with Su Hao.

After getting what he was looking for, Han Fei Ye put down his wine glass and went to the Su family to bid goodbye to Mr. Su.

When he was speaking with Mr. Su, a girly petite voice sounds from the side,


Before Li Xiaolu could continue her words, she met a chilly killing glare. She shuddered in fear.

" Han Fei Ye, what didn't you tell me that you are coming tonight? If I knew, I would have been your companion." She said these words with a pleasing voice and loud enough for everyone to hear.

Han Fei Ye was not perturbed by everyone's gaze around him. He raised an eyebrow wondering, ' Is this girl looking for death?'

" Miss, Do I know you? Why should I come with you to a party? You should know your place and don't interrupt other people's conversation." His voice was husky carrying a warning hint in it.

All the guests in the party looked toward Li Xiaolu and whisperer traveled around the hall. All of them had the same thought, 'Another young girl trying to climb to young master Han but got rebuked on the spot.'