The single chain link extending down my arm vanishes as five black masses begin to materialize in front of me. They start as a ball and slowly take a humanoid form. They're goblins. They're black, wispy, writhing, pulsating goblins. They're the goblins I just killed. A black aura emanates from them and they all possess the very wounds I inflicted upon them. I inexplicably feel a strong connection with them and immediately know they'll follow all my commands with an undying loyalty.

My jaw drops. I've been gifted magic. I've been gifted necromancy.

This connection I feel--I'm certain that if I were to command them, they'd do anything I ask. Or demand, as it were. This is crazy. This is my gift? Dominion over the dead? And for what? I'm not a disciple of any god. I don't even know who She is or if She even is a god, really. I'm not some great champion. I'm just a goblin. A goblin barely capable of keeping himself safe, never mind anything else. Why? Well, regardless, She--whoever she is and whyever she chose me--is certainly right about one thing at least: I need more strength. I need more influence. I need more power. If I want to continue as I am, continue keeping Red safe, I need more. I can't continue relying on Chief's ever waning patience with me. I need to take matters into my own hand and this is just the opportunity. I won't rush headlong into anything, though. I'll do just as Red has taught me. I'll wait, observe, prepare. Take it slowly. I need to understand what exactly has been given to me and how to best utilize it in furthering my own agenda. I'm concerned but thankful.

Testing the limits of these spirits' loyalty, I command them to behead their own corpses and they do so almost with a level of glee. Odd. They seem to... enjoy doing it? No, enjoy being commanded? That's good.

Now, how do I make them go away? I swipe my hand to the side, commanding "Vanish!" They do just that, their auras disseminating into the wind. Very convenient. "Rise!" This time, I'll try commanding them with my thoughts. Hunt. They disperse into the forest, disappearing between the trees.

Sitting on a log some time later, waiting, eventually the spirits return with a kill. A boar. I see that familiar blackness surrounding it--what I guess to be its spirit or something of that nature--but now it's not so frightening or repulsive. Certainly not beautiful as in Her case but there's still something about it that draws me in. Some sort of twisted awe. I feel compelled to stick out my left hand and the black mass disappears into it. Gets sucked into it. Surprisingly, my tattoo seems to grow. A new link formed down my arm. Interesting.


Six spirits total. A boar and five goblins. They're not exactly the greatest fighting force but they're mine and mine alone. And I can grow them. For now, I think, spending the day hunting and collecting a few more spirits will do me some good. I command my little squad, boar included, to hunt once again.


By nightfall, I've collected a few more boar with five apparently being my limit. Or maybe ten being my overall limit? I'm not sure. Either way, I don't seem capable of growing my force too much right now and although better than nothing, I'd rather have something more useful than boar. Some sort of predator proper, some more gobs, or maybe other kith. I discovered that I can relinquish my control over these spirits by willing a boar away, though I don't know what happens to them and I wasn't willing to try letting go of my goblins to test my limits. At least I'm definitely not totally stuck with the boar. Well, I can't spend too long out here before Chief grows impatient. For now, I should return. I have a great idea, though. Something that'll benefit me in so many ways.

On my way back, I make a little detour towards a competing tribe. One smaller than our own but large enough to be a concern. I'll be needing a souvenir or two. Hopefully this works.