For a goblin, this battlefield is massive. Several hundred of our own on each side, rushing headlong into battle. This war, though, is really more of a brawl. Huge numbers of goblins on both sides just rushing at each other and grappling, fighting, beating each other down with clubs. It really stirs feelings of awe in me, the sheer enormity of what's unfolding.

My squad only numbers ten in total. Ten small runts. It's something which, only nominally afforded to me, shows how little I'm really trusted despite ranking so high within the hierarchy. Despite doing so much, I'm either ignored or treated with contempt. Disdain. They simultaneously acknowledge me as effective while decrying my methods as cowardly and unbefitting of a proud goblin.

At Red's suggestion, we fashioned spears for each member of Coward Squad and trained with them. Trained both with the spears and with fighting in formation. We fight together. Always. Even when split, we fight in cells of three at a bare minimum and that has proven very effective. Red was right. He's always right. Fighting in formation like this, utilizing teamwork, and developing a familiarity with the tools we use has made my squad--in my opinion, anyways--the greatest fighting force within the tribe. The discipline, the training, the teamwork--all of it just comes together in a spectacular way. We might be considered cowards by the rest for utilizing these methods and not merely engaging in a challenge of strength but I still think watching them fight is amazing in its own right. It's just on an entirely different level.

I can't help but get lost in thought over the possibilities. What if I were given control over thirty gobs? Fifty? A hundred? We could dominate the other tribes with absolute ease. We could grow our fighting force to thousands and even challenge other kith. Humans, for example. If I'm given absolute authority and control over these gobs, nothing is impossible. I imagine the sight of thousands of goblin undead lined up in formation, holding spears, saluting me. Saluting Red just beside me. It would truly be a sight to behold


"Right. Sorry." I apologize. I can't stare at the view forever. We have work to do.

We've slunk off, my squad and I, towards the enemy camp. According to my scout, the chief hasn't left his tent despite the ongoing war. Must be pretty confident in his victory.

As we march through the camp, the stench of iron--of blood--hits hard. It's like a wall of odor and I can barely breathe. Looking around, blood covers almost every surface. The tents, the ground, the walls. Everything. As we approach the center where the chief's tent towers over everything else, the smell grows stronger. His tent is slathered in fresh blood, a bright dripping red covering every inch of it. It's like the entire tent is made out of blood. It's surrounded by about ten goblins, most of which are a little large, and they too are completely slathered in blood. I can see, however, that they possess fresh cuts all over their bodies and I'm guessing most of it is their own.

We approach the tent, getting as close as we possibly can without being seen. I give a signal with my hand and all members of my squad throw their spears at the guards surrounding the tent. We always carry two. They pull out their second spears and charge the rest, immediately killing most of them. Only two remain alive and, surrounded, are effortlessly killed. All the guards are now either dead or impaled and left to bleed out. It's time to take on the chief.

I tell my squad to wait on either side of the entrance, spears ready, just in case and I enter the chief's tent. He's sitting, his eyes closed. No hesitation. I thrust my spear at his stomach but, suddenly, his eyes open and he grabs my spear, breaking it. Before I can do anything, he punches me square in the face and sends me sprawling out of his tent.

As he charges at me, leaving the tent, several spears impale him from the side. He looks down, blood spilling out of his mouth, and manages to stride forward. Finally, gets on top of me and strangles me until I pass out.