The School Of Artificing 3

It was just as Hu Bao Zhu had said, in every school discipline, the direct disciples had better treatment than any normal disciple. Not only do they get a direct teacher to teach them their respective Arts, they would also stay closer to their teachers. That in turn meant more stairs for Big Hu.

"Ha..Ha..Wait up young master.. I can't.. Walk as you.." Big Hu panted heavily as he pushed himself up the stairs with his hands on his knees. Li Tian walked at the front, looking around the surroundings. The environment was pleasantly quietly, unlike in Deathwater Mountain, where there was the noises of Demonic Beasts every night.

"Are you a direct disciple too?" Li Tian asked.

"Yes.. I am.." Big Hu continued to reply even when he was tired.

"What is a direct disciple?"

"Ha? You don't know?"

Li Tian shook his head.

"Then why did you choose to go with Prime Elder Long?"

"My big sister chose a prime elder and so, I chose a prime elder too."

"…" Big Hu stopped in his footsteps as he looked straight towards the back of Li Tian. He was panting deeply, yet the words he heard come out from the boy he called young master was simply out of this world. He chose Prime Elder Long because someone else chose a Prime Elder? How the hell does that work? Regardless, he wasn't the boy's teacher. His job was to only deliver Li Tian to the dormitory.

By the time the sun had completely set under the mountains did the two boys reach the dormitory for direct disciples. Unlike the dilapidated building from before, the Direct disciple's place of dwelling was many times better. The front yard was even lit up with beautiful lanterns. Li Tian walked behind Hu Bao Zhu as they entered the yard.

"Guys I brought back a new junior disciple! Come out now!" This time, Hu Bao Zhu was less afraid as compared to before.

within a few breaths, a short boy came out in his loose fitting robes. He clearly was wearing one size too big. "Senior brother Hu! You're finally back!"

The short boy came up to his senior before looking at Li Tian. The short boy started to glare at Li Tian. He walked around Li Tian, trying to size himself up. When finished, the little boy asked Li Tian: "And your name is?"

"Wang Li Tian." He answered nonchalantly as he looked down at the little boy.

"Well Junior Li Tian. Your senior brother's name is Peng Li Fei! Theres no need to be so scared of me. Relax relax!"


"Haha! Don't mind Young master, he is a quiet individual." Big Hu rested his arm on Li Tian's shoulder. Li Tian chose to remain silent in this situation. He couldn't be bothered to care.

"Hoho, why are you going around calling Junior Li Tian, young master?"

"Oh ho, take a guess who is Young master a direct disciple to?"

"No way! Do not tell me he is a direct disciple to.."

"Hey!" Just as Peng Li Fei was about to say something, he was cut off by the opening of the sliding door. A beautiful lady stood in front of the door, looking all angry at the two senior disciples. "Why are you two blabbering outside?! The food is going to get cold if you do not come and eat! Do you want my new junior to starve on his first day?"

"Food? Food!!!" Hearing his magic word, Big Hu was revitalised with energy. He immediately sprinted into the dormitory, turning down the familiar hallways to the eating area. Peng Li Fei followed suit and ran after Big Hu, leaving Li Tian with the beautiful lady.

The beautiful lady smiled at Li Tian as she introduced herself, "Nice to meet you junior. My name is Xin Shu Yi."

"Nice to meet you senior. My name is Wang Li Tian."

"Oh don't just stand by the door.. Let us go have dinner. Let me apologise for Junior Hu and Junior Peng, they are usually very noisy."

"It is fine." The two walked down several turns of the hallway, passing by many rooms. When they reached the outside of the eating area, before they entered, Xin Shu Yi turned to looked at Li Tian. She warned Li Tian with an assuring smile.

"Well, Junior Wang, many of your seniors are currently eating in the eating area. So, I am just giving you a heads up that they may be a little bit hard to handle.."

The new boy nodded that he was ready. Xin Shu Yi then opened the door and a whole new world had been unlocked to Li Tian. Compared to when he was standing outside the door, the noise level was completely different when he was inside the Eating area. There was three muscular guys fighting amongst themselves on the left and two other lean individuals that was debating on a certain topic while eating their meal on the right. In the center was Big Hu and Peng Li Fei busily eating their meal. Everyone did not even know that two more people had entered the room

"Hey guys, can we quiet down for a moment! We have a new junior joining our dormitory today!" Xin Shu Yi shouted out while smacking a pan with a wooden spoon. It had managed to catch the attention of the seven individuals.

"This here is your new junior, Wang Li Tian." Xin Shu Yi pulled Li Tian towards the middle of the eating area as she helped the boy say his own name. She continued, "Please go ahead and introduce yourself to the boy."