
The first person that stood up to introduce was one of the lean male cultivators. The man had a slightly stubby beard that complemented his facial features. His hair was disheveled like he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"Hey there, nice to meet you. My name is Kong Luo Ming, a direct disciple to Elder Hong Yi Kai. The person sitting beside me is Zhong De Sheng and he is also a direct disciple to Elder Hong Yi Kai."

Unlike Kong Luo Ming, Zhong De Sheng had a cleaner look and resembled more like a scholar. He nodded simply, not going further to introduce himself.

"The little kid sitting beside Big Hu is also a direct disciple to Elder Hong Yi Kai. He is an Outer disciple like you." Peng Li Fei looked up to find his senior brother that was introducing for him.

"Nice to meet you." Li Tian nodded.

"Big Jiang, now is your turn to introduce yourself." Xin Shu Yi signalled to one of the three burly cultivators to her left.

"Oh got it, Senior sis!" Nudging the other two to stand up, the three greeted Li TIan together. "Hello junior! We are the Jiang brothers!"

"I am Jiang Da Li!"

"I am Jiang Zhong Li!"

"I am Jiang Xiao Li!"

"…" The three had coordinated their introduction to perfection. In the end, they even had a pose, their arms were folded, looking all cool.

"Senior brothers, you guys were so damn cool!" Hu Bao Zhu's eyes blinged in admiration. Obviously, he was very impressed.

"Hahahaha! Of course we are cool! We, direct disciples of Elder Ling Zhi Rong are awesome that way!"

"I agree! Hahahaha!"

Li Tian didn't know what to say and chose to just bow in respect. One of the things Master taught him before leaving was that 'One was to always be respectful to those that treat you well, but be ignorant to those that despise you.'

"The Jiang brothers and Big Hu all study under Elder Ling Zhi Rong." Xin Shu Yi tried to make it clearer for Li Tian. "For me, I study under Elder Long Tang Yun. Currently, I am the only disciple left in the academy that is taught under my teacher. Who is your teacher, Li Tian?"

Everyone looked at the boy curiously. They waited for an answer for Li Tian, but was returned with an unexpected reply. "I.. forgot.."


"Um.." Xin Shu Yi didn't exactly know what to do. She looked at Hu Bao Zhu who was in the midst of rummaging through his dinner. "Big Hu, who is Li Tian's Elder?"

"Oh, Junior Li Tian will be the direct disciple of your teacher, Senior sister."

"Ah?!" When Hu Bao Zhu said the Elder who chose Li Tian, everyone was gobsmacked. Prime Elder Long Tang Yun had finally found himself another disciple?!

"Wow! I didn't know junior brother is so excellent that he caught the eyes of Elder Long!" Jiang Da Li laughed from surprise. He gripped Li Tian's shoulder as he congratulated him.

Li Tian remained clueless the whole time. He didn't exactly know what was happening.

"Well it seems like Junior brother Li Tian is now my official real Junior brother!" Xin Shu Yi smiled at Li Tian. When she said it like that, it was quite true. Only those cultivators that were taught under the same Elder can technically count under the same Martial family. Thus, Li Tian was her real junior brother.

Seeing that Xin Shu Yi was so happy, Kong Luo Ming said to Li Tian impatiently: "What are you waiting for little Li Tian? Officially call your Senior sister's name."

"Greetings to Senior sister Shu Yi." Li Tian quickly acknowledged his new senior sister, to which Xin Shu Yi smiled warmly at the Slow witted boy.

"Greetings to you too, Junior brother Li Tian."

"Woohoo! This calls for a celebration!" Jiang Zhong Li shouted out in excitement. The three brothers left the eating area and went behind the kitchen. They soon came back with three hug bottles of alcohol that were filled to the brim. Passing one to the table sat by Kong Luo Ming and Zhong De Sheng, the other two bottles went to themselves.

"Senior sis Shu Yi, would you like a bowl too?" Jiang Da Li offered.

"Of course! Are you kidding? I finally have a junior brother!" Xin Shu Yi grinned. She lifted up her bowl of alcohol and downed it. It was an awesome day for her.

Li Tian sat down at the table with Big Hu and Peng Li Fei. While the older disciples drank till their hearts content, the three underaged boys ate their scrumptious dinner in bliss.

"How do you like the food, Young Master?" Big Hu asked out.

"It is delicious." Li Tian wasn't lying. Compared to the cooking in the wild, the food here was really good.

"Of course it is delicious! Elder Sister Shu Yi makes all of our food! On the day that she is busy cultivating or doing something important, we would cry in despair as we would not be able to enjoy her food!"

The night passed quickly and the celebration finally ended. Li Tian was brought to his room by Senior sister Shu Yi. Although Xin Shu Yi drank a lot of alcohol, the alcohol was of the normal kind, thus it was impossible to make her drunk. Li Tian was given the corner room, next to Big Hu and Little Peng.

Although Peng Li Fei came into the academy earlier than Li Tian, Li Fei was actually only 11 years old. Thus, after they had gotten closer from dinner, he had asked Li Tian to call him, little brother instead. Big Hu was still Big Hu as he was older than both of the boys

"Good night, Junior brother Li Tian."

"Good night, senior sister."

Closing his door, Li Tian dropped off his sling sack and placed his straw hat neatly by the table. A letter was placed on his table. It was signed by his new teacher. Opening it up, he read what was written inside.

"To my new disciple Wang Li Tian,

When tomorrow morning comes, accompany your senior sister to find me.


Long Tang Yun"