Why Did You Choose Me?

On a precipice in the Artificing mountain, a courtyard was built. The size was neither big nor small, more than enough for one person to live there. A man dressed in the School's grey robe sat by a stone table, sipping on his morning tea. The elderly man had a long white beard that compliment his looks, making him look wiser. He was Prime Elder Long Tang Yun and he was waiting for the arrival of his two disciples.

"Oh? Here they come." He smiled when the two passed through his detection array. After five long years, he finally found a boy worthy of his teaching.

Wang Li Tian. A 12 year old that had one of the most monstrous Mental Will he had ever seen. He was a diamond in the rough that had yet to be honed and sharpened. If done correctly, he may even be able to contest with my first disciple, Kun Lin Xia.

As the pair stepped into his courtyard, he welcomed them with a smile.

"Morning greetings to my disciples."

"Disciple Xin Shu Yi has brought junior brother Li Tian as you have requested." Xin Shu Yi bowed respectfully.

"Greetings to Elder Long." Li Tian followed along and bowed too.

"Mmm. Good. Very good. Hahahaha!" Long Tang Yun laughed loudly, which made both disciples confused. Why all of a sudden?

"The reason why I laughed was because of one reason. And that was, I am glad that you chose to come and learn artificing under me. Your terrifying mental will is what Artificers dream of having. We train ourselves painstakingly for many years just to attain a high level of mental will. And you, my new disciple, have the talent to become one of the most talented artificer in the Great World!"

"Now, let me ask you this question," Long Tang Yun continued, "Why did you choose me? Is it to earn an unimaginable amount of wealth? Or is it to create the most formidable Spiritual Array? Or is it that you wanted to be most famous person in the Divided Continent?"

Wang Li Tian stood motionlessly during Prime Elder Long's speech. He didn't exactly know what he meant by all of that, after all, the reason for him choosing the Prime Elder was simple.

"I chose to learn under you because my big sis chose a prime elder. And so, I thought that choosing a prime elder is the best choice."

"Good, good… What? What did you say?" Long Tang Yun nodded along thoughtlessly before the words finally hit him.

"I chose you because I thought that studying under a prime elder was the best option." Li Tian repeated himself.

"You.." Long Tang Yun and Xin Shu Yi who stood in the sidelines was speechless. The prime elder had to confirm his doubts. "Then, what School discipline did you want to specialise into?"

"I want to train in the Sword Arts." Li Tian was straightforward like he normally was. When both the teacher and student of Artificing heard Li Tian's answer, they didn't know whether they should cry or not.

"Then why did you choose me?!?!" Long Tang Yun asked rhetorically.

"I told you already, Prime elder! I thought that studying under a prime elder was the best option!"

This time, Long Tang Yun truly wanted to vomit blood. How did he actually pick up a retard? Had his accurate intuitions finally start to deteriorate? He was never wrong when it came to picking up disciples. Yet, today, he really wanted to bang his head on the wall.

Seeing that the prime elder looked like he was in great pain, Li Tian asked with a worried face, "Are you okay, prime elder?"

"Hahaha… I am fine.. I am fine.." Long Tang Yun laughed nervously. At this stage, he could only persevere through.

"Little Li Tian, then could you explain to me, how you were able to attain such a strong mental will at such a young age?"

"What is mental will?"

"Ah? Do you remember how during the first selection test, there was a spiritual pressure array? You climbed it like it was nothing. That was a testament of having a strong mental will as you were able to break through the limits placed on your body."

"Oh that?" Li Tian recalled the event. He answered honestly, "My master had created a stronger spiritual pressure array for me. To me, the one here was too weak."

"Your master created a strong pressure array?!" Long Tang Yun wanted to vomit blood. "You do know that the spiritual pressure array in the academy is deemed as the strongest pressure array in the four Academies?"

"No. My master's spiritual pressure array is stronger." Li Tian quickly denied the prime elder's proclamation.

"Then who is your master?! Which sect was he from? Or was he from the Artificer Union?"

"No. He is not from any of there."

"Then where is he from?!"

"I cannot tell you. It is a secret between my master and I." This time Long Tang Yun actually vomited a bit of blood. He couldn't believe a 12 year old could aggravate him to this point.

"Teacher!" Xin Shu Yi didn't know what to do except to hold her teacher up. She herself could not believe her new junior brother was this eccentric.

"If your master is so powerful, why did you not just learn artificing from him?!" Long Tang Yun simply couldn't believe the boy's words.

"I did asked master to teach me artificing. However, he told me that he was no talented enough to teach me artificing."

At this point, Long Tang Yun knew that he had been scammed. If the boy's master, who was able to create a more formidable pressure array, could not even teach Li Tian, then how the fuck was he suppose to teach him?!?!