Showing The Quickdraw Manual

After calming down, Prime Elder Long went ahead and asked a few questions.

"Then, would you like to learn artificing or continue in line with your master's Sword Arts." Elder Long came to an understanding that the senior that taught Wang Li Tian must've been a genius. If not, how had he raise someone with no IQ into a number one talent during the selection test?

"I have already learnt finished my master's Sword Arts manual though." Li Tian looked at the Prime Elder with a confused expression.

"What? That's impossible! Show it to me."

"But, master told me that I can't reveal all my cards to my enemies."

"Do I look like an enemy to you? I am your freaking Martial teacher!" Long Tang Yun eye twitches from frustration.

"Oh that is true…" Li Tian was finally convinced by the Elder. Getting up with his sword by his side. He started to demonstrate the Quickdraw Sword Technique. With his eyes closed, mind at focus, one hand on the sheath, while the other on the hilt.

"Quickdraw 1st Style - Slice."

Open! Li Tian drew the sword at record speed, the blade drew a curved trajectory in the air. As the blade was enforced with Spiritual Energy, a white outline of the slash was drawn in the air. When finished, Li Tian sheathed back his sword as if nothing that happened. All that had been completely in less than a second.

Watching from up close, Prime elder Long was able to use Spiritual eyes to purposely slow down Li Tian's attack. Even though it had been slowed down, the strike was still so fast that he was almost unable to analyse it. Xin Shu Yi who watched from the sidelines was also stumped. How was her junior brother able to draw his sword at such speed?

"Quickdraw 2nd Style - Lunge."

Before the pair could even catch their breath, Wang Li Tian went ahead with his next style. This time, just as Li Tian drew his sword, the boy dashed forward with the propulsion of his right leg. Li Tian's sword followed his arm, straightening to the front. It followed a stabbing motion before he unsheathed the blade again. When he finished, Li Tian was many distances away from his origin position. The dash was extraordinary.

Long Tang Yun nodded expectantly. These were the two moves that he had displayed during the test. After getting a glimpse of it up close, he knew that any cultivator below the Core Establishment Stage would not be able to dodge such a technique. It was really fast.

"Prime Elder, this time, could you throw a rock towards me?" Li Tian made a request.

"Sure." Long Tang Yun agreed along with it. "What speed would you like me to throw it at?"

"You can control your speed?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be a true artificer if I am not able to do precise calculations." Long Tang Yun said proudly.

"Okay! Then, could you throw it at me at the speed of a Three-horned hawk?"

"…" What the hell is the speed of a Three-horned hawk? Can this boy be any more eccentric? It was fine if he said a specific cultivation level, yet, he suggested a demonic beast as an example??

The thing was that Li Tian only knew their names as he had come across those Demonic beasts frequently in Deathwater mountain. Their levels were secondary to him because in the wild, it was do or die all the time.

"Teacher, a Three-horned hawk can reach a speed of a Mid Core Establishment Stage." Xin Shu Yi replied with some information. She had to research Demonic beasts for a certain mission which she carried out before.

"Mid Core Establishment Stage?" Long Tang Yun raised his eyebrows in surprise. What was his disciple about to do when he throws such a powerful shot at him.

"Are you ready?" Elder Long asked the unmoving Li Tian.


With a flick, Elder Long controlled the shot to be as powerful as a Mid Core Establishment cultivator. The stone flew straight at Li Tian, buzzing through the air. Only when the rock was about hit the boy, did he react.

"Quickdraw 3rd Style - Parry."

The unsheathed blade was quickly position to be diagonally upwards in front of Li Tian. Held with two hands on the hilt, he prepared to receive the stone's force. Only when it came into contact with the blade did Li Tian contract his muscles and tightened his wrist. This was a habit picked up in the wild. Anytime he could save energy, Li Tian would do it.

As expected, the rock was severed cleanly in half and Li Tian was left unharmed. Long Tang Yun was surprised by the new style that he had not seen before. It was really impressive that my disciple was able to block a move in the mid core establishment stage when only in the body enhancement stage! The focus and reaction needed to achieve that is immensely huge! If it weren't for the boy's lack of intelligence, he could be counted as a prodigy.

While Long Tang Yun was in his thoughts, Li Tian started his next move. This made the prime elder extremely vexed. Can't this kid read my facial cues?!

Li Tian ran toward a tree and used a medium force to kick its trunk. The tree shook slightly as the leaves started to fall down towards the ground.

"Quickdraw 4th Style - Volley."

A rapid number of blades strikes the floating leaves in quick succession. By the time the leaves reached the ground, all of them had a small controlled incision on it. Li Tian stood up straight with his blade back in his sheath. It was as if he had done nothing to the leaves just a few seconds ago.

He turned around to look at his teacher and said nonchalantly: "I have showed finish the entire manual."

Long Tang Yun was once again speechless from the boy's words. That was it? I thought that was the appetiser, but instead, it was the fucking main course?!?!