
Long Tang Yun started to think that Wang Li Tian's master was an outright bastard for calling this a Sword Manual. Rather, it could be renamed 'The Basics of Sword Play'. Although Li Tian was able to execute the moves at a devilish speed, a five year old could pick up the Sword Technique if he were to learn it.

However, after contemplating through it, he knew why this mysterious man did it. Wang Li Tian was by no means a genius in comprehension skills. If he were to learn anything, it would take him a much longer time to master it. Even though the Quickdraw Sword Technique was really basic, when you look at how well executed and fluent Li Tian had become with it, anyone would be able to tell Li Tian had put a lot of hard work into it.

It was as Prime Elder Long said, over the past four years, Li Tian had trained long and hard to become who he was today. The moves may not be fancy, but it was efficient and clean, not one extra step involved.

"Well, the Sword Art created by your master is indeed something special." When Li Tian heard Long Tang Yun praising his master's work, he couldn't help but be proud. His master was the one that brought him up to be the person he was today. He would not let anyone denounce his master.

"I will now tell you what I think about your next course of action. This is very important and I think that you should think through it first after I suggest it." Long Tang Yun was very careful when speaking to Li Tian. He did not want him to rush through decisions.


"I have seen your prowess in Sword Arts. It is indeed something special and if there was a master that could guide you onwards, maybe you would be able to achieve something great in the future." Long Tang Yun was speaking honestly. He continued, "One option for you would be to change your school discipline. Although it is a very rare occurrence where we would allow a disciple to move to a different school, it is still possible. However, if I do help you with that, the chances of you becoming a direct disciple when entering, is close to zero. Do you understand what I just said?"

"You are saying that I could change and go study in the School of Sword Arts?" Li Tian explained what he got out of it. Long Tang Yun nodded. He breathed easy.

"Another option would be the current route you are heading on right now. And that would be to learn from me in the School of Artificing. I am not lying when I say that you have talent in this field and I am sure your master had considered teaching you Artificing before." Seeing that Li Tian was nodding along, the prime elder could continue speaking, "By studying under me, it is unfortunate for me to say this, but you would not be able to learn any Sword Arts from me. You have to comprehend further Sword Arts by yourself if you choose to study under me. Do you understand what I just said again?"

"Mmm. Study under prime elder, but cannot learn Sword Arts from you."

"Correct. Do you need time to think?" Prime Elder Long asked patiently.

"No," Li Tian shook his head, "I have made up my mind."

"What option do you choose?"

"I choose to study under Prime Elder."

"And why is that?"

"Ah? Well, I will only study Sword Arts that my master taught me. So I will learn Artificing from you."

"…" Prime Elder Long's facial features twitched slightly. "Give me a moment."

Standing up, Long Tang Yun walked behind his house and towards the edge of the cliff. Starring at the view at this height was one of his favourite things to do when he was stressed out or stuck on a problem he can't solve. The best part about all of this was that his back was faced towards anyone behind him, so others could not see his facial expressions.

Right now, tears were rolling down the old man's face as he let the cool winds blow away his tears. What did I do to deserve this in the last stretch of my life? How did I even pick up such a stupid disciple? Why couldn't the boy explain himself clearer when he said he wanted to pursue Sword Arts? Who could've known that he would only study Sword Arts under his master? If I had known, would there be a need of me asking him so many questions?! Ahhhhhh…

When Long Tang Yun was done with his remorse, he came back to the stone table, where his two disciples sat. He looked the same as before, except, his mood had calmed down by a lot. Currently, Xin Shu Yi was playing Chinese chess with Li Tian. He had a pained expression while playing the game.

"I.. Surrender." Li Tian looked depressed as he could not do anything against his senior sister. It was only after the game did he notice that the prime elder was behind him. Bowing, Li Tian acknowledged that he was back.

"Since you are now studying under me, I would prefer if you call me Teacher, instead of Prime Elder. You already have a Master, so it would be better if you just address me as that." Long Tang Yun was considerate in this aspect. The same went for Xin Shu Yi as she already had a Master before she started learning from him.

"Okay. Greetings from Direct disciple Wang Li Tian to Teacher Long Tang Yun." Li Tian greeted respectfully. Mu Zhi Xuan had taught the little boy on proper martial etiquette.

"Good." Long Tang Yun stood with his arms behind his back. He nodded and left back inside his house. "We shall start tomorrow. I need a break right now.."

Xin Shu Yi chuckled lightly, seeing that her teacher was this exhausted from one conversation. Oh what a future to behold!