The True Meaning Behind The Manual 1

At midnight, the moon was high in the cloudless sky. A boy was in the middle of ascending the steps up to the treasury room. It had taken him a fair bit of time to even find his way here. The struggles was real for the 12 year old boy. Recollecting that vision from yesterday, he couldn't help but feel excited. The promise he made to Mr. Dragon could be fulfilled.

Over the last three years, Li Tian often interacted with the Demonic Beast. Almost every morning, Li Tian would head over to the cave to have a talk with the Dragon. After all these years, the boy didn't actually mind becoming friends with a Demonic Beast. The discrimination between the human race and the demonic beast race had eventually blurred away between the both of them. Wang Li Tian had even humanised the beast and started calling it a "he".

On a random day, the demonic beast gave an introduction about himself.

"During my time, I was deemed as Drago Firestorm. A single spark of eternal flame created by yours truly, is able to wipe out an entire village. No amount of water can extinguish it. Hey are you listening?!" In the midst of introducing himself, the dragon realised that Li Tian was playing with a snail in the cave.

"Huh? What?" Indeed, Li Tian was not really paying attention.

"Ah whatever.." The dragon knew how the boy was, the little runt wasn't exactly the brightest person in the room. The dragon changed the subject. "Anyways, did you bring your cultivation manual today?"

"Yes, It is right here!" Li Tian took out the manual from his sling haversack. Excitedly, he raised the book upwards so that the dragon didn't have to bend over too much, although it didn't actually matter as he had magnification properties in his eyes.

"The Braveheart Manual? Flip the page will you." The dragon instructed and Li Tian listened to what it said.

"Mmm?! That's interesting, very interesting!" The demonic beast praised continuously. If the dragon had eyebrows, he would have raised them.

"What is so interesting, Mr Dragon?" Li Tian asked.

"Well, for starters, I now understand why my aura had no affect on you whatsoever." The dragon answered back patiently, "It has got to do with the cultivation manual your master had given to you."

"Do you know the true meaning behind your cultivation manual?"

Wang Li Tian shook his head, but the dragon did not get angry. Instead, it explained to the boy calmly. This would normally be an extremely strange sight as there would rarely be a time when you would see a demonic beast and a human converse like this.

"In order to know the true meaning behind the cultivation manual, you will have to dissect the word 'Braveheart'. The word 'Brave' is associated with courage, and the ability to face danger at any point of time. However, being brave may not always be a good thing as a person may be seen as reckless if they face an opponent that is far stronger than he was."

"That is why in your manual, there is the 'heart' placed after it. The 'heart' is basically saying that the cultivator must have compassion and love. The person that cultivates this manual must have a pure and untainted personality."

"Hey, that is what master has said to me before." Li Tian remembered now that Mu Zhi Xuan had vaguely explained it to him.

"Mmm. I'm guessing your master was able to read until this point for the meaning of 'Braveheart'. What I am going to tell you next is definitely something you have not heard yet."

"How do you know I have not heard it yet?"

"Well, unless your master can read the Demonic Beast language, I am sure that he would not be able to understand the next concept." The dragon answered Li Tian truthfully. The dragon pointed with his large claw nail at the random small symbols on the left page of the manual. "Those symbols are the alphabets of the Demonic Beast Language. It explains the true meaning of this Manual."

Wang Li Tian nodded vigourously. Regardless of whether the dragon was telling the truth, he would believe it. After all, Wang Li Tian was Wang Li Tian. He wasn't good at reading into things.

"The word 'Brave' was actually used to describe the Demonic Beast race. Low level Beasts never know when to back down and was ready to face anything head on. They follow our instinctive nature of striking those that are not our kind. Only when a demonic beast have assimilated with the Spiritual Energy in the world would they inherit consciousness like what I have right now."

"Since the word 'Brave' described the Demonic Beast race, the word 'Heart' was used to describe the Human race. When Human cultivators say they have heart, it was also meant to describe that they have courage to face challenges along the way. Therefore, the hidden meaning behind this Cultivation Manual was that, it requires a Demonic beast to help unlock the true meaning for you."

"Do you understand what I had just said?" The dragon worried that his explanation may have been too long.

"So you are saying that my master had only explain to me half of the manual?" Li Tian rubbed his chin.

"Yes, yes! That is what I was trying to explain to you." The dragon sighed in relief. Even though he wouldn't have minded explaining to the boy again, it would be troublesome to do so. After confirming that the little runt had understood what he said, the demonic beast suggested.

"If you have a time, I am willing to help you unlock the true meaning behind the cultivation manual for you."

Wang Li Tian sat on the ground as he looked up at the dragon with a confused expression. "Mr. Dragon, why are you so kind to me? I am not able to give you back anything, but you still readily help me."

"Why am I so kind?" The dragon was shocked at Li TIan's question. It was indeed weird that he would readily help a human being. Yet, the answer was clearly in front of it. Looking down at the Little runt, he answered honestly. "The reason for all of this stems from your Cultivation Manual, Little Runt. When a person has a Braveheart, he or she possesses vigour and passion that invigorates those around them. A Braveheart has the ability to inspire others and even establish a trusting connection between people. Is that good enough of a reason for you?"

Wang Li Tian nodded. Although Li Tian did not understand most of the big words in that statement, he knew that Mr. Dragon was basically saying that he was trustworthy. They were not able to pinky promise, the little boy and the power demonic beast acknowledge each other's demeanour and knew that neither of them would lie.