The True Meaning Behind The Manual 2

A few months ago on the last day of Wang Li Tian's stay in Deathwater mountain, Wang Li Tian sat inside Mr.Dragon's cave, legs crossed. The boy had stayed under the tutorship of Mr. Dragon for three long years. The prior agreement between him and his master was that Li Tian was only allowed to leave the mountain when he had mastered the Quickdraw Technique. However, ever since he met Drago Firestorm, one of the most powerful Demonic Beasts in the world, everything changed for him.

The Braveheart Manual created by Mu Zhi Xuan's confidante was a very mysterious manual. The reason being, there was underlying concepts that had to do with the Natural Laws of the Great World. While a Demonic Beast is needed for the human to understand one half of the book, the other half would be needed to be understood by the human himself.

Unfortunately, Mu Zhi Xuan was only able to decipher for Li Tian one-third of the manual due to time constraints. As such, the kind Dragon had taught and enlightened Wang Li Tian till the part where his master had stopped. If Li TIan did not have such a fortuitous encounter that fateful morning with the dragon, even with the third of the manual deciphered by Mu Zhi Xuan, he would have eventually reach a bottleneck.

"Little runt," The dragon spoke to Wang Li Tian with a calm voice, "I have taught you what I could over the past three years. These three years have definitely been one of my most fond memories in my thousands of years being alive. Unfortunately, all good times must come to an end and now, you have to go out into the open world and explore for yourself."

Li Tian listened quietly to the Dragon. Over the three years of tutorship, although the dragon was a very patient teacher, he had a strict demeanour that made the little boy scared of misbehaving. Compared to the little runt from three years ago, he was far more mature and actually, smarter than before.

"First, I am proud to say that you had finally managed to remember all 200 characters in the Demonic Beast language." It was as the Dragon had said, Li Tian had painstakingly learnt how to write and read all of the alphabets in the Demonic Beast language. There were many sleepless nights of copying and memorising inside the Dragon cave. Even now, when you looked at the cavern space, all of the walls had been covered with the mysterious alphabets.

"Second, I have a request I would like for you to help me out with. I do not know if you are willing to help fulfil my wish."

"I am willing." Li Tian nodded and immediately agreed. After all, Mr Dragon had helped him for three whole years without asking for anything in return. A request from the Demonic Beast now was something he had been waiting for.

"My wish may not be possible to fulfil as the times have changed. I do not know where my comrades have went or even, whether they are still alive and fine. Since you are willing to help me out, I shall tell you a story that will paint the background of this request."

Li Tian sat up straighter to listen to Mr Dragon's story one last time. The Demonic Beast never ran out of interesting tales to tell him.

"A thousand years ago, before the time I had burnt down an entire city, I had been part of a group of brother. We were a tightly bonded group as we were the first few Demonic Beasts that advanced into the highest realm possible. Along the way, we had helped each other grow stronger and had faced many tribulations together. We were deemed as the Five Origin Beasts for we each represented a different zones in the world."

"Going from oldest to youngest, the first was Senior Brother, the Divine Terra Turtle. It was deemed as the King of the Earth. Then came me, Drago Firestorm, I was the King of the Heavens. The next was my Junior Brother, the Four Feathered Phoenix and it was the King of the Sky. Following which was my Junior Brother, the Three Horned Sea Serpent and it was the King of the Sea. Lastly, my youngest Junior Brother, the Storm Tempest Qilin, the King of Hell."

���One day, our youngest brother, The Storm Tempest Qilin came to us severely injured, half of his horn had been severed away. To our brother Qilin, the horn was his everything. As a result, The Horned Sea Serpent and I was furious and wanted to seek revenge for it. However, the Four Feathered Phoenix and Divine Terra Turtle had far greater wisdom than the both of us. They knew that it was futile searching for the human that did this to our youngest brother. After all, he or she could be anywhere in the Great World."

"Unfortunately, anger got the better of me and my Sea Serpent brother. Breaking off all ties with Older brother turtle and junior brother phoenix, we stormed the Human grounds where I had razed the buildings into flames and my junior brother flooded and destroyed buildings. It was then a powerful expert had arrived and engaged with me in a fight. The fight lasted for three days and three nights. We had fought across the ocean and into another continent, before I had finally succumbed to an old injury. In the end, he had locked me in this cavern, sacrificing all his power to do so."

"After a thousand years of being locked in here, I deeply regretted my decision of attacking the innocent humans in the cities. Also, I never had the chance to apologise to my brothers, neither do I even know if they are still alive. Now, all these has to do with my request. I would like for you to help search for my brothers and give them my sincerest apologies. My reckless decision had caused further hatred between the Human race and the Demonic Beast race."