Change Of Mind 1

Inside the dining hall, there were multiple people sitting at the tables. The remaining direct disciples that awaited for Xin Shu Yi's return from her practice were all sitting patiently at their tables. The most common thing amongst these people was their curiosity for who this young lady was.

"Psss, junior brother Li Fei, who is that young lady sitting over there?" Kong Luo Ming and Zhong De Sheng, who were under the same tutorship as their junior brother Peng Li Fei, had just arrive at the dining hall.

"She said that she is looking for junior brother Li Tian. I guess they know each other." Peng Li Fei whispered softly into his senior brother's ear. The twelve year old boy was eating a bun to curb his hunger.

"Oh yo? Well it seems like junior brother Li Tian has got some skills in attracting girls." Kong Luo Ming laughed quietly in his corner.

Jiang Rou Xuan sat by herself in the center table that was usually used by Wang Li Tian, Hu Bao Zhu and Peng Li Fei. There was a cup of tea brewed by Hu Bao Zhu. It was left untouched as she sat down patiently with her eyes closed. Her calm and collected face was extremely pleasing to the eyes of the direct disciples. If they had to say so themselves, Jiang Rou Xuan was comparable to Xin Shu Yi in their dormitory.

Unlike Jiang Rou Xuan, who was studying in the popular School of Sword Arts, Xin Shu Yi was more toned down and unnoticed by the cultivators in Southern Wind Academy. She had never participated in any school competitions and was only seen by the other direct disciples and her prime elder.

Typically, if any cultivator was able to get a glimpse of such beauty, they would already thank the heavens. It was why the five prettiest female disciples were given the nickname of Phoenixes. They were so unreachable and high up in the sky that normal disciples were only allowed to peer at them from the ground. If Xin Shu Yi shows herself in public, she would've surely made her name known as one of the most beautiful female cultivator in the entire academy. However, it was her toned down personality that made her most welcomed in the direct disciple dormitory. Everyone here treated her as an equal and that was all she asked for.

"Big sister Rou Xuan!" A loud voice entered the room as the door swung right open. Jiang Rou Xuan turned around, recognising the familiar voice right away.

"Little brother Li TIan." Rou Xuan stood up from her seat. Within second, Wang Li Tian had already came up to her and gave her a welcoming hug. Of course, Jiang Rou Xuan did not reject it. Her smile was calm and happy from seeing her little brother after all this time.

"Ah!!" In the background, Peng Li Fei was so surprised that he shouted out. The bun he was chewing in his mouth had even dropped out.

"Damn it!" Both, Jiang Da Li and Jiang Xiao Li took out a silver coin and placed it in his Jiang Zhong Li's hand. The three brothers were betting what Wang Li Tian would do when he saw Jiang Rou Xuan. Da Li betted that Wang Li Tian would simply smile and greet her calmly. Zhong Li betted that the youth would run up and hug her. Xiao Li betted that Rou Xuan would slap the Li Tian's face.

After the hug, Wang Li Tian started to ask Rou Xuan questions with a gleeing smile, "Big sister, what brought you to the School of Artificing?"

"Of course it was to visit you. You said you would visit me when you are free," Jiang Rou Xuan teased Li Tian, "It seems like you had forgotten about me already.."

"Ah no! I didn't forget about Big sister at all! I just didn't know how to find you. Sorry…" Wang Li Tian pouted. Jiang Rou Xuan patted Li Tian's head understandably.

"I was just joking, little bro Li TIan. I am just glad that you are living quite a good life in the school of artificing." Jiang Rou Xuan could tell that Wang Li Tian was not mistreated one bit. The senior brothers here all look friendly to her.

"Hehe yeah. I have been enjoying my time in the academy." Wang Li Tian smiled with a satisfied face. "Have you been enjoying your time with your teacher?"

"Yes, my teacher has been great to me. You do not have to worry about me, little brother. Just take good care of yourself."

Their sweet moment was soon interrupted when Hu Bao Zhu and Xin Shu Yi entered the dining hall. When Wang Li Tian noticed her senior sister entering the room, he gave introductions to everyone.

"Nice to meet everyone. I am Wang Li Tian's close friend, Jiang Rou Xuan. I hope you will continue to take care of this little brother of mine." Jiang Rou Xuan smiled warmly.

"It is nice to meet you, Jiang Rou Xuan. My name is Xin Shu Yi and I am junior brother Li Tian's senior sister. May I call you junior sister Rou Xuan?" Xin Shu Yi introduced herself.

"Oh yes yes. In fact, since everyone here is Li Tian's senior, you may all call me junior sister if you wish." Jiang Rou Xuan didn't mind any formalities.

"Well anyways, I shall crack on with the cooking. I'm guessing you must be starving from all the waiting. Carry on catching up with junior brother." Xin Shu Yi wore on her apron as she went into the kitchen. The others went back to talking amongst themselves, leaving the pair to themselves.

"Big sister, do you want to check out my room?" Within seconds of Li Tian speaking, the other senior brothers that were drinking in the room spray out water from their mouth. Clearly, they were caught off guard by what the innocent youth was saying.

"Sure." Jiang Rou Xuan chuckled lightly, understanding what the others were surprised by.

The two left the dining hall to explore the dormitory.

As the door closed shut, Kong Luo Ming laughed loudly, "Junior brother Li Tian is indeed the best amongst us at attracting female cultivators!"