Change Of Mind 2

The pair of childhood friends left to Wang Li Tian's room. Of course, Wang Li Tian harboured no sinful thoughts and simply wanted to talk to his big sister.

"So this is where I sleep every night."

"I tried to keep a diary log, but it is hard to spell so I stopped many times. Hehe."

"I have been practicing my Quickdraw Technique every now and then. When my brain hurts from studying, I would practice."

"Senior Sister Shu Yi's food is really delicious! You will love it too! You will be staying for dinner right?"

Jiang Rou Xuan let the excited Li TIan do most of the talking. She preferred to listen to him talk. From young, Wang Li Tian had a bubbly and innocent personality. She liked how Wang Li Tian never cared about other's status and would treat everyone equally. Seeing how the boy's core personality had not change over the years made her glad.

"Of course! After you spoke so much about Senior sister Shu Yi's food, how could I not try out her food?" Jiang Rou Xuan spoke smilingly. She realised that within a year of not seeing each other, Wang Li Tian had changed again. "You have grown taller in one year, Little brother."

"Really? Hehe. I did not realise that." Wang Li Tian snickered.

"You have also become stronger now.." Jiang Rou Xuan recalled the past, "Unlike the old eight year old Wang Li Tian that needed big sister's help."

"Ah? I still want big sister's help!"

"Well, wouldn't you prefer being able to protect your big sister? Do you really want to always stand behind me?"

Wang Li Tian thought about it for a short moment, before coming to the conclusion that what big sister Rou Xuan said was much better. He shook his head and replied, "You are right! I would like to protect big sister Rou Xuan from harm!"

"That is more like my little brother!" Jiang Rou Xuan rubbed Wang Li Tian's smooth hair. In the past, the girl did not have any difficulty reaching the top of Li Tian's head. Now, the boy was already taller than her and was at his ear level.

"Hehe.." Wang Li Tian smiled brightly. He enjoyed any time he can get with Jiang Rou Xuan. This bubbly side of him wasn't really shown to many people. Even in front of Elder Phoenix, Prime Elder Long Tang Yun and Senior sister Xin Shu Yi, he would have a calm and sometimes, contented expression. Only with those that had shared a history with him, like Jiang Rou Xuan, his master, Mu Zhi Xuan and Mr. Dragon, would have seen his bubbly personality.

"How have you been, big sister?"

"I have been doing fine. I made a friend in the school. She is the niece of my teacher. I would like to introduce her to you one day."

"Sure! Any friend of big sister is my friend."

"Hahaha. You are always like this." Jiang Rou Xuan continued to talk about something else, "I am also going to take part in the upcoming Outer Disciple Competition."

"What? Really?!"

"Hmm? What is wrong? Do you know about the competition?"

"Yes. In the morning, my teacher explained it to me that it is where every outer disciple would fight against each other."

"Well, that is technically true. The competition has a total of three stages. The first stage is a race through the Shadow Grove Forest. You are given three days to make your way through the forest and arrive at the finish line. if unable to do so, you will be out." Jiang Rou Xuan realised that Li Tian did not know the rules and so, she gave him a rough outline.

"The second stage is located in a World Artefact. A World Artefact is basically a separate space that contains a pocket of land containing wildlife. The outer disciples would go around fighting other disciples to claim star points. Only the top 50 would be allowed to proceed onto the next stage."

"The last stage is what we are familiar with and it is the sparring platform. There will only be ten sparring platforms and anyone would be given three chances to spar on the platform. This will help determine the top ten stronger outer disciples. That is the basic run down of the competition. My teacher told me it is a good time to get some exposure against other martial cultivators. That is why I am participating."

"Oh, I already told my teacher that I would not take part in the competition." Wang Li Tian's heart felt complicated.

"That is fine too. The School of Artificing does not learn offensive arts and so, it would not be very beneficial for you in the competition." Jiang Rou Xuan understood his situation.

"But… I want to take part in the competition with big sister!"

Jiang Rou Xuan couldn't help but find his brother extremely cute. "You know I am technically your opponent in the competition right?"

"Yeah, but still.." Wang Li Tian muttered. Within seconds, his doubts disappeared away and he set his resolve down. "I will tell my teacher that I will be taking part in the competition! Big sister Rou Xuan, I will not fight you in the competition."

"Hahaha. Okay! I will also not fight you if you take part in the competition!" Jiang Rou Xuan reciprocated the kindness. "Shouldn't we head back to the dining hall? Your senior sister should be done with cooking soon correct?"

Wang Li Tian nodded, "Sure! Let's go eat senior sister's delicious food."