The Observatory Room 1

"Your disciple seemed to just be taking a stroll around the world." Ni Xing Long was observing Jiang Rou Meng. Indeed, the cultivator had not killed a single ancient beast nor fought with any disciple.

"Little Rou Meng told me before he left for the competition that he would not be taking part in any of the fights in the second stage. Only when he deems someone as worthy, would he take action." Ge Fei Xing recited his disciple's words proudly. He had a high status for being Jiang Rou Meng's Prime Elder.

"Indeed, he is allowed to act this way." Ni Xing Long acknowledged. The other prime elders in the room nodded too. There were indeed no one in the outer disciple circle that could go against the sword genius Jiang Rou Meng.

The battle five years ago when he had just entered the academy was something else. At age 12, he managed to enter the top 50 in the final stage of the competition. Over the next few years, he challenged each and everyone one of the cultivators that were placed before him. By the age of 16, there were already no one in the outer court that could say that they were better than Jiang Rou Meng.

"What are you brought you over to the observation room today, Prime Elder Long?" Ge Fei Xing who was on a talking streak decided to poke into the artificing prime elder. They had not seen the prime elder watch the competition, ever since the incident with his ex-disciple.

"My direct disciple is participating in the competition." Long Tang Yun did not hide anything as he continued to watch from his crystal screen. When everyone in the room heard what the artificing elder had said, their curiosity was piqued.

"Your disciple has decided to join the outer disciple tournament? When did you accept another direct disciple?"

"A year and a half ago."

"Well, what is his name? I'm sure everyone present would not mind taking a look at your disciple's progress in the tournament." Ge Fei Xing asked in a slightly condescending tone. It was clear that he was out to ridicule Long Tang Yun.

Back when they were young, both of the prime elders had pursued the same girl. In the end, the girl had went for Long Tang Yun instead. Ge Fei Xing had beard a grudge with him over the years. When Long Tang Yun's disciple had died in a mission, Ge Fei Xing was secretly happy at his enemy's demise. A typical backstory for weak-minded cultivators like Ge Fei Xing.

"His name is Wang Li Tian." This time, instead of Prime Elder Long, Prime Elder Lan You Tian, Jiang Rou Xuan's teacher had answered for him. Its seemed that Lan You Tian had been watching Wang Li Tian's movements since the beginning. It made the other prime elders in the observation room even more curious. What disciple of Prime Elder Long caught the eye of the strongest sword arts prime elder?

"Change the main camera to Wang Li Tian." Ge Fei Xing harrumphed. He refused to believe that Wang Li Tian would result in anything.

The largest crystal screen showed Wang Li Tian taking a 'nap' by the river side. The points displayed that he was currently 200 in ranking.

"Pfff. He was only 200th in placing after a whole day of hunting?" Ge Fei Xing commented as he watched the map overview of where the other disciples were. "Oh? There seems to be another outer disciple hiding in a bush around Wang Li Tian."

The person that was currently waiting in the bush was the direct disciple, Hei Jun Yi of Prime Elder Kong Bo. Five years ago, Hei Jun Yi had already gotten into the top 50 of the competition. This year, he would most definitely be aiming to reach the top 10.

"Your disciple Wang Li Tian seems to be in trouble and yet, he is sleeping so peacefully by the river." Ge Fei Xing laughed loudly. The other prime elders shook their heads thinking about how foolish Long Tang Yun's pupil was. Wang Li Tian had left so many openings.

Long Tang Yun did not speak anything and looked calm on the outside. However, inwardly, he was praying that his fooling disciple would wake up and focus. Who the hell sleeps this openly in the wild? Please don't be stupid my disciple!!! He could only cry on the inside and not show him emotions to the hungry beasts that awaited for his reaction in the observation room.

"This looks like a ploy." Elder Kong Bo, the prime elder of Hei Jun Yi spoke simply.

"What do you mean?" Ge Fei Xing asked.

"I mean that my disciple is the one in trouble." Prime Elder Kong Bo was frank and did not hide anything. After decades of assassination mission conducted by the prime elder, he more or less had developed a sixth sense when it came to danger. Currently, his disciple had most likely stumbled into Wang Li Tian's trap without realising. Wang Li Tian was definitely more mysterious than a normal artificing disciple.

"Would you like to make a bet, Ge Fei Xing?" After hearing what Kong Bo had said, his confidence in his disciple had increase by ten fold. He knew that the prime elder from the school of hidden weapons must have his reasons in believing that Wang Li Tian had the upper hand. And so, he proposed to his enemy that was ridiculing his disciple.

"Oh? And what would that be?" The fish faced prime elder said.

"How about we bet a 1000 contribution points? This measly amount of points is surely nothing for you right?" Long Tang Yun baited him in and of course, the fish faced elder was too tempted by the delicious small of meat.

"Sure! If Wang Li Tian survives this attack, I will give you 1000 contribution points!" Thus, the bet was set in stone and all that was left was the battle.