The Observatory Room 2

In the distance, a human cultivator was about to make the same mistake as the Silverfang Wolf. The cultivator was Hei Jun Yi, a direct disciple of the School of Hidden Weapons. Covered in leaves, he attempted to blend himself in the surroundings as he waited for Li Tian to let his guard down.

What he did not expect was that the harmless looking artificing student had already caught on to his plans. When Wang Li Tian looked like he was resting, the oblivious assassin sneaked on top of the tree that Li Tian had been sleeping on the bottom of. Hei Jun Yi was already at the late Body Enhancement Stage. His body had been fine tuned and his spiritual energy control was high, resulting in him blending into the dark really well.

Reflected from the moon that was from the real world, there was a light glint coming from the blades. His breathing was close to none and only when there was a breeze of wind, would he take in a little bit of air. It was time.

He blasted off a branch in full force, the daggers were aimed at the youth's neck. Eviscerate! The daggers came in from both sides. When the blades come in contact with the neck, the blade would dig deep into the arteries and veins in the neck and as the dagger is retracted, blood would spurt continuously without stop.

As he flew midair, Wang Li Tian opened his eyes. His hand was already holding onto the sheath of his sword. He had been waiting for the prey to fall into his trap. Even the Prime Elders had fallen for his ploy and was unable to see through it.

The youth had made it look so inviting. From the point when Wang Li Tian started to have a meal by the river, all the way to the part where he decided to take a nap. Was it all a ploy?

To the slow witted boy, Wang Li Tian had just been going about his day and was not thinking about the assassin. From the beginning, his Eye of the Discerning had took notice of him and Wang Li Tian chose to ignore it. So long as he had not done anything to him. Yet, at the moment, Hei Jun Yi did not respect his boundaries.

"Quickdraw 3rd Style - Parry." With swift movement, the sitting Li Tian was able to fend off the deadly strike of the assassin.

"How did you.." Hei Jun Yi wanted to know how he had been found out, but before he could get another word out, the sword had already entered his body. The blade had struck deep into his heart. The body of the assassin disappeared into thin air.

In the observation room, the group of Prime Elders were flabbergasted. All eyes were focused on the main screen. It was as Prime Elder Kong Bo said, his disciple had indeed been on the losing end. The fight made it look like Wang Li Tian had eyes on the back of his head.

"This.." Ge Fei Xing was completely speechless. The fight was over just like that? There was no extended fight by the student from the school of hidden weapons? What was that speed of that parry by Wang Li Tian?

"Little Li Tian…" Long Tang Yun was surprised by the proceedings. Who could've known how strong Wang Li Tian was. Even the Prime Elder that taught Wang Li Tian personally did not even know his true strength.

"Prime Elder Long," Prime Elder Kong Bo looked towards Long Tang Yun and bowed respectfully, "My direct disciple lost the fight fair and square. You have trained your disciple very well."

"I.. didn't do anything. It was all my disciples own hard work." Unlike the fish faced elder, Long Tang Yun did not abuse his disciple's strength. He was honestly unaware of his disciple's true strength. What exactly did his mysterious master create? The Quickdraw Sword Technique, was it really just a simple sword manual?

"There is no need to be humble. You unearthed him from the thousands of disciple." Elder Kong Bo did not spare his compliments.

His own direct disciple was one of the top disciples in the School of Hidden Weapons. His talent in his masking technique was no joke amongst his peers. Typically, assassinating disciples from other disciplines was a simple task as they were unfamiliar with masking techniques. Wang Li Tian clearly showed otherwise and completely stomped Hei Jun Yi.

"Ge Fei Xing, remember to transfer 1000 points to Prime Elder Long. Everyone here are witnesses of the bet." Prime Elder Kong Bo cornered in on the fish man.

He had a favourable impression of Long Tang Yun now that he saw Wang Li Tian. Results was important in making connections. However, Ge Fei Xing may have results, but what he lacked that Long Tang Yun had was a humble personality.

"Many thanks, prime elder Kong Bo." Long Tang Yun bowed back as he went back to watching the competition. His eyes never left his disciple's view. He was grateful for what this disciple had brought to him. This one and a half years had been very enjoyable for the prime elder. The wounds that were inflicted on his decades ago were finally healing up.