The Shrine 1

Wang Li Tian was oblivious of what was happening outside. This time, in order to get proper sleep, he extinguished the fire and headed up the trees. He slept on the branches and rested for the night.

In the morning, as the rules stated, the top fifty outer disciples had their locations disclosed. Yesterday, after killing a cultivator, Wang Li Tian had risen from 200 to 100 in placing. Hei Jun Yi had 60 points, which made Li Tian's total rise to 90 points.

The boy did some stretching before picking another direction to run towards. Not much thinking was needed, so long as he did not choose the same direction as he came from. As he ran throughout the morning, the number of ancient demonic beast that he found along the way was close to none.

He had stumbled into an unusually dense part of the tropical forest. The number of trees that were shorter in height, coupled with the vines that grew downwards to the ground, made the route forward very hard to see. Those prime elders in the observation room had long switched off Wang Li Tian after seeing how boring his path was.

Wang Li Tian had to slow down his pace as he walked through the dense forest. There was a reason for him walking this path, however. The Braveheart Aura within him had been tingling all the while walking. It was like the aura was guiding him towards something. Wang Li Tian trusted that gut feeling and did not stop.

Eventually, the dense forest was replaced with an alcove. The area had been covered by taller tropical canopy trees, preventing people from noticing this open ground from above. As a result, the pillars that stood by itself had vines falling from above and encircling around it. Wang Li Tian followed the pathway lined with the pillars. It eventually led him into an unlit cavern.

With every step, the route forward would be lit up by mysterious glow stones. The gut feeling from before, was becoming stronger by the second. There was a connection from deep within. Something familiar was pulling him closer.

"This…" Wang Li Tian's vision focused on what stood in front of him. The glow stone slowly lit up from the bottom on the cave and upwards. The large structure looked like a combination of the five origin beasts of the Great World. It had the tail of the Four Feathered Phoenix, the shell of the Divine Terra Turtle, the body of the Storm Tempest Qilin, the horns of the Three Horned Sea Serpent and the wings of the Drago Firestorm.

Seeing the magnificent structure, Wang Li Tian remembered what Elder Phoenix had asked him to look for. Everything became clear in an instant.

A few days ago, when Elder Phoenix requested Wang Li Tian to visit him, he asked of him to carry out a task. It was in relation to the World Artefact that he was to enter in the second stage. After testing him out, Elder Phoenix had full confidence that the youth would make it through to the second stage.

"Li Tian ah, there is something you should do when you enter the world artefact in a few days." Elder Phoenix called Wang Li Tian over that day, mainly for this reason. "There is something about the World Artefact that the academy does not know about. Rather, this was the main reason why the World Artefact even existed in the first place."

"The place that was designed to be use as a competition ground for the humans, actually lies one of the four inheritance grounds of Yuan. In the history of the Demonic Beast race, the primogenitor of the current demonic beasts is none other than the demonic beast king, Yuan. Those ancient Demonic Beasts that exist within the World Artefact were before Yuan's reign."

"Before Yuan disappeared from this world, he left four great inheritance grounds that were for his descendants. This was actually how us five origin beasts came about. A chance encounter with the primogenitor inheritance ground and we were able to purify our bloodline and be reborn as a legendary demonic beast." Elder Phoenix told everything he knew to Wang Li Tian. By now, he basically treated the human boy as one of his kind.

"When I was trapped in the Academy ground a thousand years ago, there was nothing much I could do. And so, I explored this World Artefact to find out that there was the same remnants of Yuan as the inheritance grounds I had entered with my four other brothers. I am not allowed to receive anymore inheritance from Yuan, maybe you would have a chance. You cultivate in the mysterious Brave Heart Manual and so, there may be a chance that you can connect to the primogenitor."

"Find the Shrine of Yuan and seek guidance from the spirit of the primogenitor." That was what Elder Phoenix had requested Wang Li Tian to do.

Towering over Wang Li Tian, the primogenitor beast, Yuan was menacing and terrifying to those that stood in front of him. Even Wang Li Tian who cultivated the Braveheart Manual did not dare to look directly into the stone cold eyes of the statue. There were still leftover spirit of the demonic beast after millions and millions of years. The boy's spiritual energy trembled and fluctuated greatly.

As Wang Li Tian started to regulate his braveheart aura to calm his body down, the statue of Yuan started to glow dimly.