The Shrine 2

Wang Li Tian remained still as the glow from the statue grow brighter and brighter. He did not know what exactly he should do nor say. The request Elder Phoenix left him was not descriptive enough. Eventually, there was a deep low voice that resonated in the cavern space. It seemed to be coming from the statue of Yuan.

"Youngling, do you know where you are at the moment?" Yuan spoke in the demonic beast language.

"The Shrine of Yuan." Wang Li Tian remembered what Elder Phoenix said from before. He spoke it in the demonic beast language for the Primogenitor.

"You do not look like one of my kind." The Yuan statue was blunt with him words.

"I am a human."

"How did you get to my shrine?"

"I.. I followed my gut feeling." That was the only explanation that he could come up with. The Braveheart aura had indeed guided him in this direction.

"This shrine was left behind by me in the Great World. Only my descendants should've been able to discover it. Yet, a youngling from the human race has managed to find my shrine." There wasn't a hint of anger in his words. Rather, the Yuan statue was surprised by Wang Li Tian's feat.

"Was one of your parents or ancestors a demonic beast?"

"No?" Not that Wang Li Tian could think of.

"Had you transfused yourself with the blood of a demonic beast?"

"No?" He did not even know what was the meaning of 'transfused'.

"Were you ever taught by a demonic beast?"

"Yes." This one, Wang Li Tian was certain. He did not keep anything from the primogenitor beast.

"Mmm, I sense the aura that belongs to my race. You would care to share with me your life journey, youngling?"

"Sure." Wang Li Tian could tell that Yuan was not hostile against him. He tried his best to tell his life story from the point where he met his master, Mu Zhi Xuan and how he had obtained his current cultivation manual. Along the way, he was taught by Drago Firestorm and now, the Four Feathered Phoenix. The Braveheart Manual was the crux of their conversation. Although his vocabulary in the demonic beast language was slightly crude, Yuan was able to understand their situation now.

"You have lived a very interesting life for the past few years." Yuan commented.

"Your fate line seemed to be bound onto the path of my demonic beast race. Fate is a very powerful thing, youngling. I for one believed that our meeting today was also an act of fate. The Drago Firestorm and the Four Feathered Phoenix had received my inheritance at one point in their life. Today, you are in my presence. As you are from another race, I impeach the integrity that you have with my demonic beast descendants. How can you prove yourself that you will not betray my kind?" The mood got darker by the last sentence.

"Um," Wang Li Tian's eyebrows are furrowed as he asked, "Sorry, but, could you explain what is 'impeach the integrity'?"

"Uh… It means to question your validity in your statement." The mood got awkward quite fast.

"Um, could you explain 'validity'?"

"It means whether you are trustworthy." The dark mood went downhill fast.

"Ah, Okay! I will not betray your kind." After getting to know what Yuan was saying, Wang Li Tian finally agreed to it.

"Do you know what it means to not betray my kind?"

"No, I do not."

"…" Everyone that meets Wang Li Tian for the first time would somehow be left speechless. Yuan, the original ruler of the Great World was no exception.

"You must not share any secrets that you learn from the Demonic Beast Race. Once you swear that you will not betray my kind, you are swearing loyalty to the demonic beast race. If they were ever a war between the humans and the demonic beast, you must side with the demonic beast race. Do you agree?�� Yuan tried to explain as best as he could.

"I do not agree."

"Mmm?" The aura became tense in the room immediately after Wang Li Tian disagreed.

"I do not want to choose sides if there is ever a war. I want to bring peace between both races." That was the vision that Wang Li TIan strived for. Wang Li Tian, Mr. Dragon and Elder Phoenix all believed that there may be a day where they would not be conflict between the two races. The creator of the Braveheart Manual believed in that too.

When Yuan heard what Wang Li Tian said, the primogenitor laughed out loud. His laughter reverberated in the cavern space. Clearly the atmosphere has brightened by a lot. "You are indeed very similar to a youngling I met 300 years ago. She spoke similar words to you, about bringing peace between both races. She was probably the creator of that cultivation manual of yours."

"Youngling, you have passed my test." Although Yuan was just a statue at the moment, if it were in front of Wang Li Tian, the primogenitor beast would be smiling at him. "Only those that have the correct mindset, would be able to inherit my legacy."

"Huh?" Wang Li Tian was confused as he did not understand what part was a test.

"I do not want my inheritors to be blinded by power and seek supremacy in the Great World. I want my inheritors to seek equilibrium between the struggles of two races. I want them to seek peace and be willing to fight for peace!" Yuan explained.

"I want peace too." Wang Li Tian agreed on that aspect.

"Youngling, state your name."

"Wang Li Tian."

"Wang Li Tian, from this day forward, I task you with a mission. It is a mission that you should never forget in the time that you live on this world! Your mission is to bring peace between the human and demonic beast race. On the way, there would be many ups and downs, but you must be able to push through them all!"

"I believe that they are allies that would join you along the way. Millions of years ago, the five origin beasts had promised me to carry out this mission. Though I do not know whether they have kept up with it, they would come in handy on your cultivation road. If they have not fulfilled their promise, you may choose to convince them or take them out of your way."