Mom’s Secret

Concentrating on the stone I closed my eyes and asked "Was my mom human?"

The stone started to feel hot in my hand but then nothing. Sighing I opened my eyes "I think your stone is … Broken." Before me is a valley of flowers and overhead flew a dragon with golden scales. I felt no fear but fascination and amazement as the dragon slowly descended. The dragon shifted to a tall woman with waist-long gold hair and green eyes like mine. She was beautiful. I watched as she walked over to a man standing by the valley's edge. His hair was bright red with flicks of black and piercing dark eyes. He grabbed the women by the waist and twirled her around while she laughed.

The scene changed before me and I now stood at a more familiar place. It was night but I could see by the moonlight that I was back at Mirror Falls. The woman now stood by the lake staring into the water. A scream echoed in the distance. The woman turned quickly toward the sound only to lose her balance and fall backward into the water. A bright flash appeared and she vanished.

Now I stood in a waiting room next to a man I barely knew. Dad was hunched over with his face in his hands. His dark hair covering his face. A nurse comes around the corner "Jacob Kenway?" she asks. My Dad gets up and then head to a room down the hall where a lady in a bed is holding a baby. She looks tired and weak. Dad smiles and holds his hands out. She smiles weakly and goes to hand him her bundle but almost drops it. Dad is able to catch the baby and is now yelling for help. There is blood soaking the sheets. Nurses rush in and ask Dad to leave and give them room. He waits outside passing the hall infant held sleeping in his arms. A doctor finally comes out.

"I am sorry sir but your wife is dead. We tried everything but... " Everything becomes dark.

I was back in the room with Ayame with the stone clutched in my hand. I blinked several times but my vision wouldn't clear.

"Sweetheart you're okay. What did you see?" Ayame tried to soothe me but the tears just kept coming.

"My mom really is from here but she's dead just like my dad said." I could barely say it through the tears as a lady I only just met let me cry on her shoulder until I had no tears left.