Finally Lunch

The walk to Ayame was uncomfortable, to say the least. I have a feeling she is not happy with me for fighting with Stef and Ranald even though they started it. Was I supposed to just keep my mouth shut because that just makes them think they can continue? I have seen bullying get worse because kids don't stand up and say enough is enough. I kept waiting for her to say something but nothing.

When we got to the hut she just went straight inside. I followed to find the table set and Jack sitting there with his elbows on the table and his chin nestled between his hands. "Hey, about time you get back. Can we eat now? I am starving." He didn't wait for an answer before snatching an apple from the fruit bowl to his right.

Just as he was about to take a bite Ayame poked him in his wounded side with her walking stick. "Wait for everyone to sit down first before you start gorging yourself."

Jack looked at her holding back tears "Gran, you know I am injured. Are you gonna make me starve as well?" He pouted.

Ayame smacked him in the head this time. "It's your own fault you are injured. I told you to go get Amber not start a fight you know you can't win. What's the score now Orpheus 100 and you 0."

Jack rubbed his sore head and grimace "It's 52 to 0 and I will beat him one of these days. Just you wait and see."

Ayame rolled her eyes as she sat down motioning for me to do the same. "You say that every time boy, and I have been waiting since you were a pup. At this rate, I will be waiting in my grave." I couldn't help laughing at these two.

Jack turned to me with determination in his eyes "Both of you just wait I beat him and then ask Amber here to take me as her mate too." He smiled ear to ear. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I was not too sure about that. After all, I still had questions on mating and all it entailed. Questions I didn't want to ask in front of him.

Ayame didn't miss the 'too' in her grandson's declaration. "So you took a mate. I thought it would be a little longer, to be honest" She looked at me with curiosity. "So where is your mark dear?"

"Mark?" I didn't hear anything about a mark before now. My mind went straight to animals and how they marked territory. Oh god please don't tell me they pee on their mates. That's gross and not happening.

"Oh dear, no ones explained anything have they?" She sighed and shook her head. "I have a feeling you came today with more unanswered questions" She looked at Jack who had already piled his plate with food. "Jack take that food outside and eat. We girls need to chat privately." She put emphasis on privately.

"Oh man, but I wanted to see her face when she heard..." He stopped short at the glare he got from Ayame. "Fine, I will be outside if you need me. Spoilsport." He said the last part while avoiding Ayame's cane. He laughed sticking his tongue out before disappearing through the doorway.

"I don't know what I will do with that boy." She started to fill her plate with food. "Now let's try and fill in some blanks for you starting with mating." I filled my plate as well as I listened. "In our world females are rare and take on several mates and each gives a female a unique mark. For example," She turned her wrist palm up to show me what looks like a tooth or claw tattoo. "This is my first mate's mark. He had one in the same exact spot when he was alive."

"Oh, um, I am sorry for your loss. How did he pass?" I have never been good at comforting people. What do you say to someone who lost a dear one? Sorry for your loss just doesn't seem to be enough.

She got a dark look in her eyes," The same as many of our people did 18 years ago. Those stupid rogues set the place on fire like lives didn't matter. They could not see past their greed for your mother." She growled, "We should have killed them long before then."

I put my head down, "I am truly sorry that you lost him because of my Mom."

She Leaned over the table and cupped my face. "Dear child I don't blame your mother for what happened. She could not have stopped them anymore then we could have predicted what they would do. Things happen and the past can not be changed only learned from." I smiled as she leaned back. I wish I had her as a grandma like Jack.

"How do you get the mark? Is there a ceremony or does it just appear? Do you get to choose where it goes and what it looks like?" I started to ramble off questions as we started to eat.

Ayame laughed "Slow down, If you ask too much I may not get to them all."

Oops, I probably should give her time to answer. I just have so many questions. I nodded as I bit into the meat I had in my hands. Silverware seemed to yet be invented here.

"Marks or not chosen but are given after your first time with your mate."

I almost spat my food out "Do you mean?" I took my right thumb and pointer fingers making a circle and pushed my left pointer finger back and forth through it. Ayame just looked at me funny. I gave up and put my hand over my face. "Do you mean making babies?"

Ayame chuckled "Yes dear I mean the first time you try to make babies." Oh great so I had basically told Orpheus that I was handing him my virginity.