
I couldn't get images of Orpheus out of my head and of what awaited me when I got back. Should I go to his hut or try going back to Dads. No, I would just confuse and hurt him. Plus I didn't want to put my dad out again.

It was hard to concentrate with such thoughts as I finished lunch with Ayame. She asked me how things went with Wallace and how I felt about everything. I told her about how Dad had been quite upset to hear about Mom but welcomed me with open arms. I took the chance to learn more about this world and its laws. Ayame told me that though there are few laws they are all important. There are ten:

1. A female is precious and can not be harmed by men. If they do or even try they are starved to death or straight up executed. The female attacked or harmed can pardon him, but it's rare.

2. Men can not force a female to be his mate. It's death for those who try.

3. Females can not cause trouble for other females without good reason.

4. If a male fails his role as females mate the female can disown him. It's like divorce but males can't find another mate after. Disowning a male is like cursing him to be alone for the rest of his life because females would see them as unworthy. Harsh if you ask me.

5. Females can break rules ten times before they are actioned or banished. If banished they are marked with the tribe leaders claws on their arm. They will never be accepted into another tribe with this mark. This makes things very hard on them and their mates because they can not live on tribe land and have to constantly move from place to place. They also can never take another mate.

6. Only females who can shift may take on important rules in the tribe.

7. Females can not be mated until their first menstrual period.

8. Tribe leaders can pick who they let into the tribe as long as they are not marked. If they say no then you have no choice but leave. Thank god she didn't turn me away. I would have had nowhere to go.

9. No stealing or trespassing. Offenders are sent to the pits and their stay there is determined by how many offenses they have.

10. Strong rule over the week.

"What do you mean by Strong rule the week?" It was the only rule that seemed more like a statement than an actual law.

Ayame seems to try and think of how to put it into the right words before answering me. "We are still beasts at our cores and the weak are seen as prey to many who are strong. Whether that strength is mind or body. Those who can not protect or provide for their mates are weak while those who are can are strong."

So basically females only chose the strong and without a female male are thought of as weak. Is that not sexist? Hell, all the rules are sexist. While I approve of not hurting girls I felt sorry for the males. All they had to do was break one rule and it's off with their heads. Meanwhile, females got several slaps on the wrist before punishment. Thank the maker that I was born a female. I could not stand being male in this world.

"Wait what does that mean for Ranald?" She said those who attempted to harm a female would be starved to death or executed. She also said the offended female could pardon them. I mean I did hurt him more than he did me. On the other hand, he really wanted to kill me. I couldn't just stand by while he died, right? "Can't he be banished like Stef?"

Ayane took my hand on the table. "Males are not banished like females. His way of death will be execution tomorrow at noon."

I didn't understand. Why could they not be banished like females? Another reason this world is sexist. "You said that he could be pardoned though."

Her hand tightened on mine. I looked up to see Ayane's face had gone hard. "You don't understand what you are saying. To pardon him is to take him as your mate. There is no other way out of his execution. You must think very hard about this. The reason males are rarely pardoned is females don't want a male who attacked them. Do you really want to be with someone that attacked you?" She searched my face as I sat speechlessly. Who the hell thought of this stupidity. I really wanted to strangle them. What the hell am I supposed to do? Take him as my mate or stand by as he dies?