Chapter 55: In The Late Period of Qifu, And Three Attributes

Here, Xiao Yang entered into a state of cultivation.

Took out the snake's gall, and sat directly on the ground cross-legged. On the other hand, he held it.

Xiao Yang is no exception.

After swallowing the snake's gallbladder, Xiao Yang felt that his whole body was filled with endless energy.

He stabilized his mind, no longer think about it, and opened a hundred poisonous tactics.

"One hundred poison recipes, there is nothing out of nowhere, there is no way to have a way ..."

The classics are somewhat obscure, and Xiao Yang does not delve into it. He flipped through quickly to find the key.

At this time, he was like a candidate who was in the exam but did not review it. He flipped through the book and wanted to struggle before the exam and sought the last hint of comfort.


Late night, Yan Family's main house is completely silent.

Xiao Yang's work to build the third Qifu is still endless.

And Feng San gradually became sleepy.

Qifu warriors are not gods, and Qifu warriors also need to rest.

But Feng San knows that it is not time to sleep, this is "guest" in other people's homes!

He drew a spirit stone from his body and crushed it to replenish energy.

YanTown, silent for a long time. There has been no movement for a long time, and the hearts of the Yan Jiayu Party have become active.

How to say?

Is this the end of the battle?

Children and women hiding deep in the compound courtyard looked out and relieved slightly.

They looked out of the courtyard, starry in the town, full of fluorescence, just intense, and disappeared without a trace.

"Mom, let's go out and see?" In a small cellar, a child asked quietly to his mother.

"Hush ..." The mother made a mute gesture and whispered softly: "The safest place here ..."

Scenes like this continue to appear among the remaining members of the Yan family. Women have little fighting power and are not brave enough. If the children want to go out and see, they naturally cannot allow it.

Who knows what is going on outside now!

However, there are still a few yards, with children, who came out of it.

Their faces are tense, and they look as if they are facing an enemy. Even holding a small wooden stick in his hand.

These children can't wait anymore. They want to see what is going on outside.

As for why their mother let them out ...

This is really not!

Among the children who came out, most of the children's mothers died before, and there are still a few children. The mother's body is in YanTown, and it has not been cool.

They came to find their mother!

the movements in the town obviously caused Feng San to notice.

Through the window, watching a few teenagers wandering in the town, Feng San couldn't help but sigh.

"Poor boy ..."

This is also something that cannot be done.

War is a very cruel thing, either you die or I live. Especially in the spiritual world, you are a strong man, you can say anything, you are a waste, sorry, no one will pity you.

In the spiritual world, the reproduction of human races is the first of all races.

Here, the lives of ordinary people are really worthless!


The third Qifu, slowly forming in the air of Xiao Yang.

The condensing of the third Qifu was not as smooth as before.

Although the snake gall bladder of the thorny python is used as an auxiliary, the spirit of the poison attribute is already obscure. Xiao Yang looked at it for a long time before he understood the meaning.

One more thing!

Xiao Yang's fire attribute and thunder attribute Qifu, will not watch the formation of poison attribute Qifu.

In the process of the formation of poisonous Qifu, the fire attribute and the lightning attribute Qifu are all the same to suppress the poison attribute Qifu.

Fortunately, Xiao Yang has snake gallbladder, fortunately, Xiao Yang also has the assistance of Lingshi.

Poison attribute Qifu finally survived tenaciously between the fire attribute and the thunder attribute Qifu.

"Later of Qifu!" Xiao Yang exhaled, and his body was full of comfort!

Three Qifu, three Qifu with different attributes, at this moment, slowly flowing in Xiao Yang's heart, exquisite and mysterious!

Is finally done!

Xiao Yang felt that he had an unstoppable strength.

This is even stronger than when he was promoted to Vientiane Realm!

Xiao Yang is even confident that he can touch them when facing the warriors in the Vientiane realm.

"The three attributes of Qifu, even if the early warriors of Vientiane met me, they had to retreat!"

Xiao Yang suddenly thought of the chief disciple of Bingyan Pavilion.

"If Han Li is competing with me at this time, he will also return to Haoyu!"

Although it is only in the late period of Qifu, Xiao Yang has such self-confidence that he can compete with the powerful in Vientiane Realm!

Of course, this is not just about confidence.

Doesn't mean you are confident, you can beat it.

It is Xiao Yang's strength!

The superposition between attributes is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The three attributes of Qifu can at least make Xiao Yang's strength more than nine times that of ordinary Qifu late warriors!

Moreover, of the three spiritual tactics Xiao Yang practiced, two other spiritual tactics are prefecture-level spiritual tactics!

Such strength, such strength, unless it is a baby who can meet that kind of gold-level influencer, what kind of space attribute, time attribute is outrageous guy, otherwise, within this same order, Xiao Yang is invincible!

Of course, Xiao Yang would not think that he could meet the kind of perverted and ruthless guy on such a remote continent.

"it's time!"

Xiao Yang opened his eyes, stood up, and walked to the window.

It was already a bit bright. At least, Xiao Yang can no longer see the moon.

Walked out of the room, Xiao Yang froze for a moment.

"What about people?"

The main hall is empty. Only one small candle, which had burned for more than half, was still vigorously surging.

Xiao Yang is a little strange.

Isn't Feng Fengshou waiting for him to come out in the main hall?

Why aren't you here?

Xiao Yang sensed the surroundings with his spiritual power, and indeed did not feel the figure of Feng San.

"problem occurs?"

Xiao Yang thought about it.

Shouldn't be!

The entire Yan has no warriors.

Xiao Yang still believes in the explanation of the Feng by the system.

Feng Sanben is a warrior in the middle period of Qifu, and also has a spirit shield that can block most defenses. Such a person, in such a strict family, should not be in danger.

"Run out?"

Xiao Yang touched his chin and looked at the floor-to-ceiling window next to it. He opened the door and jumped. From the window, one rolled over and jumped into the courtyard of the main house.

"Homeowner ??"

This sudden figure almost scared Feng San to pee.

This thing!

Why did it suddenly fly out of the window? ? ?

After a quick look, Feng San found out.

Isn't this Xiao Yang?