Chapter 56: Yan ’s Little Brothers

"Why are you here?" Xiao Yang stood still, frowned, and froze for a moment.

Feng San, leaning against the gate of the main house at home, still holding a shield in his hand.

Xiao Yang looked around, only to find that on the ground, there were still a few children sitting on his knees.

Every child was tied up with big flowers, and they all looked up at Feng San with their heads up in anger and hatred.


And Xiao Yang!

"These boys wanted to break in in the middle of the night and they were caught by me." Feng San pointed at the children and said with a look of anger.

"??" There was a misty expression on the children's faces.

It's obviously that the two of you robbers broke into our Yan's house. How come it seems that we are now going to private houses? ?

"If you want to kill, kill, brother will avenge us!"

"Yes! Ziyang House will also avenge us!"

Xiao Yang pointed at them, a little stunned.

"Feng San, what does this mean?"

Feng San said with some helplessness: "They seem to think of us as robbers."

Xiao Yang rightfully asked: "Aren't we just robbers?"

"???" Feng San's face solidified.

Lying trough what you said makes sense!

"You damn it!"

When these children heard that Xiao Yang was so rampant, they couldn't bear it anymore and wowed.

"By the way, they also said that their eldest brother was in Ziyang Mansion and there were several disciples of the Yan ."

"Yes! Our elder brother will avenge us!" The children raised their heads one by one, their noses skyward, and they couldn't do it horizontally.

If it was not that they were being tied to the ground by the big flowers, others would even think that these children tied Xiao Yang and Feng San.

"Revenge?" Xiao Yang waved his hand.

"Let's take revenge for your brother." Xiao Yang looked at these children with a smile.

He was about to be laughed at by these children.

Ye so naive?

Revenge for a group of dead children?

Xiao Yang believes that if their big brother knows what happened here. It is estimated that the first thing is not how to kill Xiao Yang, but how to avoid the pursuit of Xiao Yang and Feng San.

Xiao Yang and Feng San kicked the entire Yan 's lineage into shit. Xiao Yang believed that as long as the big brother's brain was not pierced, he would not do that kind of wailing to death.

Moreover, now that Ziyang Mansion and Bingyan Pavilion are at war, what big brother can still be alone?

"What do you mean?"

"We avenge the elder brother?" The children's complexion changed.

Most of them are quite simple and do not understand the meaning of Xiao Yang.

"Don't you know? Bingyan Pavilion has already laid down Ziyang Mansion?"

"I guess your older brother is already cold!"

The children were all glaring, their faces unbelievable.

"You lie! This is impossible!"

Xiao Yang waved his hand and motioned to Feng San:

"Let them go."

Feng San froze for a moment: "Don't kill them?"

Xiao Yang looked at these children with contempt.

"It's the same for these rubbish, whether they kill it or not. Who killed them, who will avenge their elder brother?"

"Good ..." Feng San didn't quite understand Xiao Yang's thoughts, but according to Xiao Yang's wishes, he untied the ropes of these children.

"Don't look down on us!"

"Let's wait and see!" Those children who are eight or nine years old from the Yan are obviously irritated by Xiao Yang's words.

Is this still something one can say?

Xiao Yang waved his hand indifferently, a disgusted look of waving flies.

"I will look down on you, what can I do?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

"# ¥%! Let's go!" These children are almost blown away.

But not stupid.

The head died in the hands of this person. They would not be angry any more, and they would not have the idea of ​​touching Xiao Yang.

They put down a ruthless word and then turned around and ran.

"We have many spirits in the Xiao and many resources. If we want to take revenge, we can come to our Xiao !!" Xiao Yang shouted, looking at the children's backs.

"You ..." Feng San laughed bitterly.

To tell the truth, he looked a little confused.

He did not expect Xiao Yang to release these children.

Xiao Yang's cruelty, others don't know, he is the clearest!

He would never allow anyone to threaten himself so much.

But those children said so, and Xiao Yang just let those children all go.

Xiao Yang watched the children go away, his face gradually converging.

"I thought you would kill them all." Feng San whispered.

"Not necessary." Xiao Yang looked into the distance.

"Even if I don't kill them, they won't be better."

"Do you really think that I was sorry for them before I left them?"

Feng San is a little unknown.

Is not it?

These unarmed children are not able to arouse people's compassion?

Xiao Yang did not explain.

"Leave, go to Yan Family's side." Xiao Yang moved his muscles and walked out of the main courtyard of his house.

It was already dawn, but the entire Yan Town was desolate.

Is full of dead bodies, and there is a corpse of a snake, lying across the center of the road.

After the war, no one in the Yan could clean up the battle.

Xiao Yang and Feng San naturally did not plan to pack up.

The two marched forward through the entire Yan Town.

The town was empty except for the two of them. The children of the Yan who have just clamored have disappeared.

Xiao Yang thought for a while, maybe now he went to the Yan Family's side and complained!

This night passed, it is impossible for the Yan to not know what happened on this side.

However, they did not have any movement this night.

This illustrates a problem.

They are not the same as Yan Jia's !

Of course, they may also have to run away.

But where can run?

Yan Town next to the line, the only exit is Yan Town from the lineage, then go to the official road, and then be able to leave.

Back to the side of Yan Town is an endless jungle. Without the Qifu warrior, they dare not enter the jungle?

Walked for nearly two minutes. At a corner, Xiao Yang and Feng San saw the prototype of another small town.

This area is much desolate compared to Yan Town where the heirs live.

The whole side is a small bungalow. The size of each yard is smaller than that of the maid.

Of course, this is also something that cannot be done. There are more people in the family next to the Yan than in the family, and the town of Yan in the family is smaller than the family in the family. The courtyard must be a few smaller.

"This is really a slum!"

Feng San walked into it and couldn't help but suck his tongue.

Here, it is a bit shabby!

And the two had just walked into Yan Township, and they saw the center of the road and gathered some people.

In this, Xiao Yang and Feng San saw several familiar figures.