1 night, that was how long Jason swung his sword. His arms were screaming, his hands were shaking like they were in a massage chair. His back muscles were strained and as taut as steel. His shirt, well his shirt wasn't really a shirt anymore, it was more like a wet towel.
Jason couldn't even remember what happened after 7 hours. Boops was trying his best to encourage Jason, talking to him, yelling at him, quoting motivational speeches, and even reciting poems to keep bordem away from Jason.
Jason's awareness floated off so a weird place. He couldn't remember where he was or what he was doing in that weird place. He just knew it was wack. Boops managed to make him snap out of the place by shouting in his head. The system also helped by playing the sound of fingernails being scratched on a blackboard constantly.
After hearing the fingernails on the blackboard Jason kinda wanted to stay in the weird place he found himself in. He opened his eyes that he had shut tight, in order to conserve energy and focus on swinging his sword and gazed around.
Much to his surprise, the sun had broken past the mountains and the blue sky and the chirping birds made their appearance. Jason's arms were still swinging the wooden sword up and down. To the point where Jason could feel that he had made imprints on the wooden swords handle.
Jason asked Boops quickly
"How many hours Boops?"
Boops responded curtly
"it's been 10 hours since you closed your eyes, it's a bit past morning, and they should be coming... ah speak of the devil"
Jason weakly turned his head to see a single figure walking toward him. Jason's brown pupils focused and the figures face came into view in the hazy delirious fog that Jason's eyes were swimming in.
Brown hair and a kind smile. A muscular build and a fricking handsome face. Gentle light green eyes like the color of the forest, well-proportioned eyes, nose and eyebrows. The person was wearing a shining metal armor that made him truly look like a knight a holy and righteous one to be exact. Even though Jason had plenty of times to focus on Charlie's looks this was the first time he actually paid close attention.
Ironic is was during the time when he was the most unfocused and tired he had ever been. But dang Charlie was handsome, at an enviable degree. Boops started to complain saying that Jason had no room to say that, but whatever. Jason didn't care.
Charlie reached Jason and quietly observed his swing, and walked around a few times to check Jason's stance. After a few minutes of intense scrutinization, he nodded to himself in a satisfying way and tapped Jason's shoulder
"Okay, you can stop now Arch"
Jason immediately dropped the wooden sword and promptly collapsed on the dirt field with all of his limbs sprawled out. Jason just took deep and heavy breathes trying to recover from the many hours he had spent exercising.
Charlie gave a small laugh and sat down next to Jason. Who was panting like a dog, that had just finished a race. Charlie then placed a finger on Jason's forehead and started to chant.
I ᓵᔑꖎꖎ ⚍!¡𝙹リ ||𝙹⚍, 𝙹⍑ ꖎ╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ , !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ, ʖᒷᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹∴ ||𝙹⚍∷ !¡𝙹∴ᒷ∷ 𝙹リ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ╎リ↸╎⍊╎↸⚍ᔑꖎ ᔑリ↸ ∷ᒷꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ⍑╎ᒲ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ᔑꖎꖎ ⎓ᔑℸ ̣ ╎⊣⚍ᒷ.
A glow enveloped Jason and like a vacuum, all of the fatigue in his body was sucked out. Jason's eyes snapped open again after closing his eyes to fatigue and getting close enough to fall asleep. He opened his refreshed eyes and looked around in amazement testing out his body and even flexing his arms a bit to make sure.
Jason instantly faced Charlie
"waz dat?"
Charlie laughed at Jason's quick question a gave his characteristic bright smile
"I told you I knew some holy magic"
Jason stood up and stretched his body a bit,
"and why didn't you do this earlier?"
"haha it was a test, for your endurance I wouldn't cheat even for a fellow team member"
Jason happily felt his refreshed body
"Thank you, Charlie"
Charlie's eyes widened like he hadn't heard those words in a while, Jason didn't notice since he was busy checking out his refreshed body like a child exploring his new toys, but Boops and the System briefly noticed Charlie's eyes get a bit sad and dim when Jason said those words like he was remembering something in the past.
A few seconds later though it seems Charlie returned to normal and faced Jason again.
Jason had returned to Charlie after running in circles a bit. He first started to bombard him with questions.
"where are the rest?"
"somethings change Arch I'm training you today "
"am I done swinging my sword?"
"yeah you're done"
"can I go home"
"can I sleep?"
"The training week includes the entire week and by that, I mean day and night"
"Are you evil?"
"heh I get that more times than you would think"
Before Jason could continue his barrage, Charlie stopped him momentarily
"okay we're going to start, save your questions for later, first... get another wooden sword, that one is basically gone"
Jason looked at the sword he had been using, it was full of cracks and had Jason's handprints embedded on it. Jason nodded and walked to the shed that had the training swords.
As he walked to the shed, he suddenly reflected on what he just did, which was bombarded questions with questions, which to say the least wasn't exactly Jason's style.
Heck, he was supposed to be the loner silent type, what the heck was that?
Boops jumped in and answered Jason's questions before he spiraled even deeper.
'bro, I'm sure you're like that only to people you have warmed up to'
"ah, that makes sense"
Boops answered in a confused tone
'uh yeah it should, it's your personality'
Jason grabbed the wooden sword and walked back to Charlie.
It took much less time to go to Charlie, and before long Jason was standing next to Charlie with his wooden sword. Charlie drew the sword that was hanging off of his waist. And Jason's breath, that he just finally regained from Charlies spell was blown away again.
Because holy. crap. that was a beautiful sword. It was made of an unknown clear blue metal but it had a glowed and reflected in blue light, yet if you peered closely enough you could see through the blade even though it would be in a blue tint. The blue metal ended at the hilt, which instead was a metallic looking metal that glistened and glittered with various sparkly bits in it.
Boops immediately named it glitter metal when he saw it and the blue metal as blue glowy metal.
Jason ignored Boops, who was bragging about his naming sense and focused on the hilt.
The hilt had 3 jewels embedded in it. They were large, about the size of a tangerine, they took up a large part of the hilt. The middle on was white, the one on the left was yellow and the last one on the right was green. They all shone with a soft glow. Making the entire sword just really bright and eye-catching.
Charlie noticed Jason gaping at the sword, but just smiled and didn't say anything.
After a few seconds of pure amazement, Jason snapped back to attention and held his sword in the same position Charlie held his sword.
Charlie when Jason finally started to get in a stance, started to move his sword. Jason started to follow Charlie's movements, the system and Boops were both recording and memorizing every movement Charlie made. They were going to review the movements and tweak it according to Jason's skills and style with the knowledge they had.
Boops started to ask himself why Jason had to spend an entire night swinging his sword. Honestly to him, it was kinda stupid. Maybe if they added some variety instead of making him practice one single stroke the entire time, then maybe the all-night thing might have been more useful. Well on the plus side Jason had gained 3 strength and 5 stamina points along with a really nasty swing so that was pretty good. Wait, ah that was it.
Boops "ahh"ed to himself as he realized the blue 2 teams and Ardem's intentions. The week of training wasn't going to just teach Jason the skills of the rose knight swordsmanship it was to get him on pare with the rest of the barrack.
Charlie finished leading Jason in the stance and motions and started to talk to Jason
"alright Arch, what I just showed you as the first form of the rose knight swordsmanship. Its focus on offense and is one of the most basic forms and movements in the entire skill"
Jason nodded and faced Charlie who smiled and him and said gently
"you memorized it right?"
Cold sweat started to dribble down Jason's back as Charlie approached him. Jason started backing up trying to figure out how he could somehow tell him in the easiest way that the entire time they were doing the from he was thinking about grapes and how much he wanted to eat them.