
The sun slowly moved to the horizon as dusk approached, basking the clouds in colors of red and yellow. The moon slowly made itself known among the stars by shedding its light on the land.

Near the sea was a town, as dusk came, people closed their shops and moved to their houses. Everyone had a smile, a happy scene. At the edge of the town, a big building was visible.

The building was rather empty as people were leaving it, most were drunk, and those who weren't seemed to be tired. Some seemed to be sleeping on the chairs, some on the tables, and some on the ground.

A very beautiful white-haired young girl in a red dress constantly splashed water on the people who were sleeping and sent them on their way out of the building while they complained.

Eventually, she had chased out everyone but one person who was sleeping with his head on a table at the very edge of the hall. She walked toward him and tried splashing water on him but realized she had run out of water.

She sighed and began shaking the young man. "Wake up, Wake up."

The young man murmured in sleep, "5 more minutes..."

The girl began shaking him even harder, "I have to close the guild, wake up already!"

The young man yawned as he stood up and groggily looked around and began walking toward the entrance as he said, "Fine, fine..."

The girl seemed relieved as she watched him leave.

The young man became confused as the groggy feeling slowly vanished, he thought as he walked toward the entrance, 'Which bar is this? I don't remember getting drunk last night...'

He walked out of the building and saw the scenery outside but he didn't pay much attention as he began walking on the streets without looking back. 'Where am I? Did I drink too much and got lost?!'

The cloudy feeling slowly vanished, replaced by the headache as he blinked many times and rubbed his eyes. He looked around with a very confused look, 'I have never seen streets like this...'

He observed everything closely as he walked around town, his confusion only grew as he began panicking since the night was approaching. 'Don't tell me I got so drunk that I forgot my recent memories! Maybe I traveled to another country?!'

All sorts of scenarios played out in his head as he gulped in panic, 'I am so screwed...'

He saw a middle-aged man pass by and quickly walked toward him and asked, "Where am I?"

The man smiled as he looked him up and down, "Drinking too much is not good for your health young man. You reek of alcohol. Judging from that mark, you must be from the guild. Another party, huh?"

The young man was taken aback, "What mark? What guild?" He asked with an unsure smile and took a good look at his body with a raised eyebrow.

The first thing he noticed was the outfit. 'A grey T-shirt with black pants? WTF is this? I don't wear this kind of clothes...'

The second thing was his arms. 'My arms weren't this lean and muscular before... What is this strange black tattoo on my right forearm?'

He looked more closely at the tattoo, 'What the heck is this? It looks kinda familiar though...'

His headache grew worse as he heard the man continue, "Must have been one heck of a party then..."

He felt a little afraid as he asked again with urgency, "Where am I?! What day is it?!"

The man answered, seemingly taken aback due to the sudden change of tone, "You are in Magnolia Town! Today is the 10th of August year X783... Calm down!"

The young man's eyes grew wide as he looked back at the tattoo on his forearm with recognition, his post-drunk state seemingly gone instantly. He froze for a second then suddenly ran off.

The middle-aged man sighed, "Crazy wizards..."

The young man ran all the way back to the building and looked at it with disbelief, 'I didn't travel to another country, alright. I traveled to a new world...'

He tried really hard and the last thing he remembered was going to sleep like usual, before that he remembered watching something.

He tried harder to remember and he did, 'I had forgotten most of this anime and decided to watch it again, I stopped at episode 50 and slept... How did I end up in the anime world I was watching?!'

A thousand thoughts went through his head, from Transmigration fanfics he had read to novels, his thoughts only to be interrupted by the same girl from before, "Damon? Why are you still here?"

He looked back at the girl but this time, he recognized her, 'Mirajane... Did she call me Damon? Must be the name of this body. Just as I thought, I transmigrated in this world somehow!'

Mira saw he simply looked at her without answering, she noticed he was in a panic and frowned, "Are you okay?"

Damon quickly thought of something and said, "I drank so much that I am experiencing some memory loss... Can you help me out a little?"

Mira smiled kindly, "Sure, I will take you to your place, Just this once. Don't drink so much again..." she ended the sentence in a sweet voice.

He didn't know why but he felt a slight chill but he ignored it. "Thanks!"

She shrugged as she walked forward, "Follow me."

He followed her through the streets and memorized everything. He couldn't help but be a little distracted by her, 'She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen...'

She stopped in front of a simple house, "Here you go. See you at the guild tomorrow." She left.

He rubbed his eyes as he nodded and watched her go, he turned to look at the simple house. It was located in the middle of the Town, quite similar to Lucy's place he remembered.

He searched his pockets and found a key, he used it to enter the house. It was a simple two-story house. No one was inside which made him realize that he owned the place and didn't have to worry about rent.

He sighed in relief, 'At least I don't have to worry about a place to stay...'

He quickly took off his shirt and stood in front of a mirror. He gawked, 'I look so different.'

He had a six-pack, orange-colored eyes, and black hair. He looked handsome, somewhere between 17-18 years old. He was between 5' 10" to 6 feet and his body was lean and muscular yet seemed rather thin. (177-182 cm)

He moved his body around and felt a bit strange, 'This feels bizarre... Really weird... I guess I have to get used to it. Based on the stuff I read on the net, the sooner I accept and move on the better, in this situation thinking of the past is not good, I must stay strong and focus on the future.'

He toured the house and memorized everything. Then he sat on a chair, a notebook he had found in front of him and a pen in his hand. He began writing everything he knew about Fairy Tail. It wasn't much...

He had not watched the last arc at all, and the rest he had watched so long ago he didn't remember. He remembered all the way to episode 50 since he had recently watched it, after that he drew a blank. He only knew that Zeref and Acnologia were a thing, and Tartaros were actual demons related to Zeref, there was some time travel going on somewhere in the story which he didn't remember, and that dragons made an appearance further along.

'This is pathetic.' He cursed himself as he looked at the things he had written. It was not good enough.

He paced back and forth in the room.

'I Transmigrated in a Fairy Tail member named Damon, I have no idea who he is and what magic he has. I have approximately a year before the plot begins. And I know that further along, bad things will happen with overpowered enemies that logically can't be beaten without plot armor and since this world is real, I am fucked.'

He sat down, 'It doesn't matter how or why I am here, even how I can communicate and read/write a different language... the only thing that currently matters is my survival. I know for a fact that I won't survive as I am. Fleeing to another continent won't help much since based on what I do remember, Acnologia was on a quest for world destruction or something... I am not sure. Besides with magic around, this world is full of danger no matter where I go.'

He began walking again, 'There is only 1 choice left, to get stronger... But, I have no idea how since I have not felt magic at all. I don't feel any different than I did on earth. This is bad... The only way to get stronger is magic.'

He began panicking again but he slapped himself and took a deep breath, 'Calm down, calm down... Good, before all that. I need information on who this Damon guy is. Asking others would be suspicious... How do I do that?'

He looked at the house and wondered, 'Maybe I will find something that can help in this place...'

Thus began his 3-hour search for clues and he found something under the bed just as the time reached midnight. 'A diary?! YES! With this, the 1st problem is fixed. That just leaves magic to get stronger and food to fill this godforsaken stomach.'

The stomach roared in rage and he facepalmed in exasperation.