
Damon Redsky was a young man with a goal, to become the greatest wizard of Fairy Tail. He had been inspired by Laxus Dreyar when the latter had saved him from a Vulcan when he was a kid. The same Vulcan had killed both his parents.

Damon grew up and joined Fairy Tail when he was 16. He was a loner but he did interact with a few members in the guild once in a while, including Mira and Makarov. His idol was Laxus. He didn't have the talent or power to join the thunder legion which was why he usually drank a lot in the guild.

His life was not that interesting but one thing that stood out in the diary was his first experience at using magic and related information on the subject.

"It was like a rush, it began near the heart but more to the back and spread to my body, a cool and addictive feeling. It made me feel full of energy so much so that I couldn't stay still. The more I used it, the weaker the rush became until eventually, it vanished after using magic for a long time. I realized that using too much magic made me feel exhausted to the point I almost passed out when the rush was gone." A voice read the diary aloud with interest.

"But it was great! I felt invincible and still do every time I use magic. Before using it, everything is normal but the moment just clicks and it comes to life. Like a dam that I could break every time I wanted to..."

The one who was reading it closed the diary and muttered to himself, "His magic was simple fire magic but based on my understanding it should have changed with my presence. But since I am Damon now, I should be able to use it. Let's try..."

He closed his eyes and focused within his body, near his heart. At first, he didn't feel anything but eventually, he felt something that resembled a second heartbeat of sorts. He could barely feel it since it was very weak and faint.

When he tried to grasp it and control it, it accelerated and he felt something very similar to an adrenalin rush. He couldn't help but take a deep breath since it felt really good.

He opened his eyes and noticed an orange/red aura of sorts on his body that glowed very faintly. He smiled in wonder and stood up, he felt power pulse with every inch of his being. His heart began beating a bit faster, seemingly affected by the magic.

'I should have a very little amount of magic power but it feels this good, the illusion of power it creates is very big. I wonder how wizard saints feel...' He wondered as he stopped trying to control it and everything returned to normal.

He tried to activate it again and it happened instantly, he gulped in anticipation as he opened the palm of his hand.

'Imagine it, channel the energy, will it and fire will appear. That's what the diary said.' He closed his eyes.

He imagined a ball of fire on his palm and tried to control the rushing energy toward his palm, he willed it to appear. The energy seemingly pulsed for a moment and he felt the heat on his hand. He looked at the ball of fire with a smile.

'It feels alive, like a heartbeat.' He was filled with awe and observed it with joy. He felt the energy struggle a lot to maintain the fire but he didn't care.

With childlike wonder, he played with the ball of fire. Tossing it from one hand to another. He was tense in the beginning but he gradually relaxed. Out of carelessness, he dropped the ball of fire and it fell on the ground.

The floor caught fire and he panicked, "Fuck!" he quickly went to the kitchen and returned with water. He spent a while dealing with the fire.

He sat back on the couch, his face a little pale, 'They say don't play with fire... I better listen to the saying. I felt the energy struggle a little as if it was not compatible with fire, it is most definitely due to my existence. The nature of magic must have changed even though it is close to the Fire element, this body's affinity is not with fire anymore. I can use it as caster magic but it's not efficient.'

He used magic again but besides creating fire, he couldn't do anything else. He tried all the elements from water to lightning and even snow, nothing worked.

"I give up..." He said as he raided the fridge again. He had raided it before when he was hungry the night before but it was a new day and he was hungry. He had not slept the night before, spending it all reading the diary.

He began eating meat with a frown, 'I have no idea how to heat this thing with devices here and I have never cooked in my life... I will definitely burn it with fire magic... Thank god it's cooked... If only it was warm instead of cold.' He imagined it in his head and sighed.

Suddenly out of nowhere, his magic flowed to the meat he was holding and it became hot as if it had recently been made into a dish. He watched with wide eyes and looked at the delicious meat, his mouth began watering.

He quickly ate it as he thought, 'My magic has to do with objects! This is purely my magic. From the previous Damon, I got some fire magic but this magic felt perfectly natural. I think I changed or added something to the meat. Maybe...'

He stopped eating then looked at the meat and concentrated, he imagined the meat tasting like an apple, he felt some magic power leave his body. He continued and imagined it making him capable of flying a little. A humongous chunk of his magic power left his body and he collapsed on the couch due to sudden exhaustion.

He was shocked but his focus was on the meat. He slowly bit on it and it tasted just like an apple, he chewed it with wide eyes. Then suddenly, he began rising from the couch. He gulped the meat down as he slowly floated.

He willed going forward and he flew forward, he began laughing in joy. "HAHAHA, This is so overpowered!"

A few hours passed...

He experimented until he ran out of magic then waited to recover and continued again... in the end he realized vaguely what his magic was and its limitations.

As long as he had enough magic power, he could add properties and effects to objects. Making foods give him buffs, making items give him stats and bonus physical power and etc.

The possibilities were limitless but the magic itself had a few limitations.

1st, he tried but couldn't increase his magic power.

2nd, he couldn't affect living things including his body.

3rd, he couldn't make objects give him things such as skills unless he had them himself.

4th, he couldn't make weapons unless he understood how the weapon was supposed to work and it seemed to require magic circles, for example, how magic was supposed to be utilized in a sword to give it the ability to summon lightning; Foods seemed to be an exception since he gained enhanced strength and such by adding his magic and eating, there were limits on things he could add to food though, only very simple and basic buffs were possible and the effect vanished very soon as well which was why items and weapons seemed much better.

The last limitation was on the scale, he needed magic power and the greater things/power he wanted to add or change, the greater magic power he required.

That was why when he left his house the next day wearing the same outfit as before, he directly walked to the guildhall. He didn't pay much attention to anyone, instead, he directly went to the library and began reading everything he could find on magic.

Thus began his reading marathon that lasted 1 month. In the beginning, he had quite a good amount of money that was the saving of the previous Damon. He spent it all and only focused on gathering knowledge.

He woke up early, ate, went to the guild's library, and returned at dusk to his house, ate again and trained a little with his magic then slept. That was his routine. He was like a man who had just discovered his passion in life, his entire being was focused on learning magic to the point he forgot about the world.

8th of November, X783

Damon closed the book in his hand with a smile, 'I can finally use my magic to make weapons, nothing too strong since my magic power is limited but I can create a few basic things to permanently make me stronger as long as I wear them. With some buffs from food before a fight, I can battle with the confidence to win.'

He felt a little hungry so he decided to go to the same restaurant he had gone to in the past month only to freeze when his hand touched the bottom of his pocket, 'Fuck, I am out of money...'