
Damon walked to the same place as yesterday only to find someone waiting there for him. He observed more as he got closer and was surprised.

'What is she doing here?' He wondered as he frowned while looking thoughtful. It didn't stop him from approaching his training area though.

The other party seemed to notice him and approached Damon with a rather vigilant look as she checked the surroundings constantly.

Erza Scarlet was perhaps even more beautiful than Mirajane, or rather, they were equal but different types of beauty.

Mira seemed more like a cute girl next door with a kind and approachable aura. While Erza had a dignified and knightly aura on an alluring face, the contrast made her unique. 'Both of them are very attractive...' Damon thought as he looked at her more closely then stopped in front of her.

Since he was wearing a T-shirt for training early, she saw the mark and after taking a look at his face seemed to recognize him, "You are Damon, Laxus's fan, right?"

He was shocked, 'Was this guy a fanboy?! Hmmm... I mean Laxus saved him so it's expected... The Diary also wrote a lot about how Laxus was this and that...'

She didn't seem to care about Damon becoming uncomfortable and the atmosphere turning awkward. She continued, "It is best you leave this area, there was a report about a monster roaming these parts."

She suddenly noticed the wooden sword and asked with a raised eyebrow, "Did you come here to fight the monster as well? As expected of a member of Fairy Tail."

She nodded quite seriously, "Hm." She even seemed a bit proud.

Damon was truly puzzled, 'What monster? I was here yesterday and saw nothing...'

He said with confusion, "I am sure there is no monster here, I was here yesterday."

Erza's attention turned to him and said causally as she pointed at the cut trees, "Those were done by the monster, you were lucky. Stay vigilant, it could return at any moment."

Damon froze, 'I am the monster?!' He gulped awkwardly and began walking away thinking, 'The sound must have alerted the people close... I should train deeper in the forest...'

"Stop!" He heard her shout from behind and turned to look at her awkwardly, "I have somewhere to be so..."

Erza quickly stopped in front of his path, "It is unacceptable, if you have decided to defeat the monster and came all the way here, then as a member of Fairy Tail, you must see it to the end."

Damon was stuck, 'What?!'

He tried to convince her, "You are already on it, so it's best that I leave."

She stubbornly shook her head, "The more the better, we can cover more ground with two. I have waited here for hours and it has yet to come... Actually, that's a great idea, I will drag everybody to search and quickly end this." She decided on her own and grabbed his hand forcefully.

He was taken aback, 'This is escalating...' Just as he tried to talk, she began running and dragged him with her. "We must hurry."

He couldn't talk on the way, she ran very fast and he had to give it his all not to trip and fall. She dragged him and it only made it harder for him... He tried to get out of her grip but she thought it was because she had put not enough strength into it and clenched harder. He felt his hand getting crushed and stopped...

'She is strong... I can't get away!' Damon thought with indignation.

'S-class wizards are extremely strong physically, I wonder just how strong she really is...' He thought as they reached the guild.

Erza finally let go of his hand and he fell down gasping for air, She kicked open the door of the guild.

"Listen, Everyone! There is a monster in the East Forest and you are all coming with me to search for it." She commanded everyone.

Some people groaned and some sighed, while a few tried to talk their way out of it only for Erza to shout with a chilling glare, "My decision is final, We go NOW!"

The hall turned silent, even Damon was a bit shocked by the sudden change, 'Isn't she a Monster herself?'

The silence was broken by an excited voice, "A Monster Search?! Count me in, it sounds fun. I am all fired up!" A lean young man that seemed to be 17 jumped in front of Erza with a grin. He had a loose outfit and pink hair color. His name, Natsu Dragneel.

Erza smiled, "Good."

"Hey, can you pipe down a bit, idiot? I am trying to sleep here." Said a half-naked man that seemed unimpressed and tired. He had a toned and muscular body with black hair. His name, Grey Fullbuster.

Natsu said with sarcasm, "Are you afraid of the monster, Ice princess?"

Grey stood up all pissed, "What did you say?"

Natsu approached him, "You heard me, or are you going deaf from old age?"

Just as they were about to reach each other, they both seemed to shiver under Erza's glare. Grey took the initiative and put his hand on Natsu's shoulder, they both smiled like friends, "haha, we are good friends right?"

"Totally." They began dancing!

Damon watched them with an open mouth, 'It is so ridiculous when I look at it from this perspective...' He had recovered from the long run already.

Erza ignored them and looked at the rest of the guild, "What are you waiting for?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Let's go, everyone!"

"Be a MAN!"

She riled up the entire guild and in a few moments, the hall became empty. The entire guild had left to the east forest to search for a monster that didn't even exist.

Damon looked around and the deserted place, only Mira was left and she was busy with some papers. He observed everywhere and found nobody around, 'Good, I was not involved thankfully.'

Just as he walked inside the guild, he felt an iron grip on his shoulder, "I almost forgot you, Let's go." Erza dragged him with the others... 'But there is no monster!' he screamed internally.

Damon felt a little bad about scaring the people in the Town for no reason, that was why he also felt responsible. 'Before this escalates even more, I have to tell her.'

For some reason, he could already imagine them searching for a few days without rest. It fit perfectly with Erza's personality. 'I can't waste time like this! I need money for food!'

Before they reached the East Forest, he stopped Erza. She was surprised. He said seriously, "Listen, I was training with my sword and cut those trees. There is no monster."

She turned thoughtful and glanced at the wooden Zangetsu on his back, "That explains a lot... The way the trees were cut seemed to be by a blunt edge. I see... Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

He replied with a little exasperation, "You didn't let me speak!"

She was taken aback. Damon took advantage and continued, "Then cancel this. I have to go on a job. I am broke..."

Erza nodded, "Indeed, I should have listened before deciding."

Damon smiled and began walking away, "Good, cya!"

He felt her grip his shoulder, "However, This doesn't change the fact that you have scared the Town's people with your training."

He sincerely said, "I had no idea there were people nearby..."

She let go of him, "I see, please keep it in mind in the future."

He began walking toward the guild, "Okay, Goodbye."

"Wait a moment. Were you training with your wooden sword?" She asked.

He nodded, she continued, "Perhaps I can help? I have been searching for a partner to spar with for a while now."

Damon paused and began thinking, 'This is... really good! I can learn how to fight from her since she uses swords and such...'

He smiled, "That's a very good idea!"

Erza also smiled, "Let's tell the others it is canceled and then go."

They quickly caught up to the crowd and told them the search was canceled. Everyone was annoyed as they returned...

Erza and Damon didn't return though, they walked to the East Forest and walked deep inside.

Natsu noticed that with his sense of smell and thought, 'They are going to hunt it by themselves? No Fair...'

He turned to look at a blue cat that was sitting on his shoulder, "Happy, Let's go after them! This is gonna be fun!"

"Aye, sir."

Grey stopped walking back when he heard it. He followed Natsu...

In the Forest, two wooden swords appeared in Erza's hands. Damon casually took the wooden Zangetsu that was on his back and aimed its tip at Erza.

He was very excited inside, 'My 1st fight in this world, actually a spar but it is not that different...' He had completely forgotten the money problem.

Erza entered battle mode, "I won't go easy on you even if we are training."

Damon smirked, "I wouldn't dream of it..."

"Let's begin."

Natsu and happy watched from behind trees with excited eyes.