
In the middle of the Forest two figures fought, the sound of wood hitting wood echoed as their swords clashed.

No one used magic, it was a duel of pure skill and from the view of the 3 people secretly watching, it seemed to be a very one-sided battle.

Erza scarlet easily dodged or parried Damon's attacks and quickly countered. Damon's body slowly formed bruises one by one and yet despite that, he was smiling.

Damon felt warm all over his body, he didn't feel pain, rather, he felt the rush get stronger as he sparred against Erza. It was a strange feeling.

On the other hand, Erza was truly surprised, in the beginning, it was obvious that Damon was a mere amateur who had probably never fought with a sword before. She was a bit disappointed at first but to her shock, he improved really fast.

When she parried in one way, he never attacked the same way; When she dodged his swing, he didn't swing that way again; When she countered, he didn't get hit again the same way. He improved very fast to the point in the half-hour they had trained, he was already comparable to someone who had trained for a few weeks...

'He is a genius...' Erza quickly figured out and realized that his talent had been going to waste before. What she didn't know was that this talent was not Damon's but the young man's from earth who had replaced him.

She used more and more physical strength and to her surprise, Damon was able to keep up. It was a shocking feat to her. However, she didn't know that Damon had activated his Durastren Enchant thus gaining a lot of strength and durability.

But even then, he wasn't able to keep up which made him realize a very terrifying fact, 'If she is already this strong, how strong will she be when she uses magic and goes all out? What about the enemies? Dragons...' He couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Damon was using his bracelet's power and Enchant which had made him almost 5 times stronger physically, making his every hit pack a very heavy blow enough to shatter a thick tree's trunk with every swing, and yet, it was barely enough to keep up with Erza who was not using magic...

To summarize, Damon was using all the strength he could muster at the moment with all his enchants, and yet he couldn't make an S-class wizard even use magic to beat him. This made him feel a bit depressed and at the same time, awaken a fire in him to get stronger...

Erza, of course, noticed him using magic mid-way into the spar but she didn't care. At first, she wanted to spar a bit for fun but then changed her mind to see how far she could push Damon.

He did not disappoint her, he improved by leaps and bounds in such a short time.

As another 15 minutes passed, Damon felt his magic power drain completely so he stopped using magic. Without using magic, he felt pain all over as the bruises began aching really bad, his body suddenly screamed in exhaustion.

He collapsed on the ground, panting as hard as he could, "That's... enough..." He said between taking deep breaths.

Erza nodded, "Good spar, I enjoyed it. We will continue here at the same hour 3 days from now." She abruptly left with a satisfied smile.

Damon sighed, 'I can't take a job like this... I am starving and I have no money... I need a regeneration Enchant and then take a job... I feel more a bit more confident now to go on a simple one with good pay and weak enemies.'

He stood up with difficulty after resting a bit. Just as he was going to walk, someone jumped in front of him, "My turn!"

He groaned, "Really, Natsu?!"

Natsu's fists caught fire, "I am all fired up after watching you guys. C'mon, it will be great."

A blue cat slowly flew around Damon, he watched it with interest, "Aye!" Happy said with energy.

Before Damon could reply, Grey walked out of the woods with a sneer, "Hey, Flamefreak, can't you see the guy is tired?"

The fire on Natsu's fist intensified, "What did you call me, Droopy Eyes?"

Grey smirked as the air turned chilly, "You wanna go?"

Natsu smiled and jumped toward grey, attacking...

Damon slowly tiptoed away and disappeared from the site, behind him, explosions echoed as the two began fighting. He thought, 'At least he got what he was looking for... Thanks, Grey, I owe you one.'

Damon entered his house and instantly entered the bath, his clothes had the Self-Clean Enchant so he didn't have to wash them again ever.

An hour later, it was afternoon, He sat in front of the table and looked at it deeply, 'I am going to Enchant this table and turn it into an Enchanting table or something like that later...'

He then took a piece of wood and made a simple triangle and carved some runes on it with the special knife. Then he used some simple rope to make a wooden necklace.

He put it on the table and began focusing.

"Alter Enchant, Regeneration, level 1."

It glowed mysteriously and he quickly put it on. His magic had recovered so he used the new enchant with excitement. To his surprise, the slight pain in the bruises began lessening at a fast pace. His body felt comfortable.

He laid down on a nearby couch and continued using his magic on the Enchant. An hour passed and dusk approached. His magic was drained but he felt well-rested and very fresh. Even his hunger was less intense.

He stood up and saw no bruise or anything similar, he had healed to perfection. He smiled, 'Even though it is very slow and it can't heal great injuries, it is going to be very useful... If I can one day upgrade it to higher levels, I might become immortal!' He thought as he left the house.

He entered the guildhall and ignored everything but the request board. He walked to it and picked the quest to find a lost dog for a small payment of 6000 Jewels. He didn't care, he just wanted to eat and then get a serious one tomorrow.

He ran out of the guildhall, he didn't notice a certain man with a lightning bolt-shaped scar frown, 'Why is this insect still around? Didn't Evergreen threaten him to leave the guild?' Laxus spat on the ground, 'Weakling... Pathetic.'

Damon searched around the Town till night and found the dog on top of a tree, 'How did it get there?!'

Late at night, he returned with a satisfied smile and a full stomach. He looked at Table and thought to himself, 'It's time.'

He began carving things on the Table till late at night.

"Alter Enchant, Ether Conductor, level 1." This Enchantment made the Table a very suitable place for Ethernano to move and change its form, this made it very efficient for any wizard to do magic on the space above the table. Damon could use this because he vaguely knew that Ethernano were particles and like electricity, they had to have some difficulties of their own so he tried to reduce those and it worked.

"Alter Enchant, Carver's Paradise, level 1." This one made the space above the Table very suitable for carving things. It would make very hard materials soft on all interior and exterior surfaces. It was going to be very useful even though it consumed a lot of magic based on the material. And level 1 could only support up to iron.

He looked at the finished product and changed it a little and was satisfied, 'I have my very own Arcane Enchanter.'

He went to bed happily, he had made a lot of progress and he knew that one day, he was going to stand on top of the world. He had just to preserve and work hard.

'I will definitely go on a bandit hunt tomorrow. Then use the money to upgrade to Iron equipment and get it to level 2. After that, I need to go on another reading marathon...'