Chapter 3

A few days had gone by since the beginning of classes. Things were pretty simple. Amara Li had not been a beautiful girl through high school. She had a phase of being heavy and anyone who would have seen her through that phase would barely be able to recognize her anymore.

So, She had always been the hard-working, smart one amount her beautiful cousins. Most of whom were models at this point. Over time she too had transformed into a prettier version of herself but she still believed that her intelligence was what would set her apart.

She worked hard in school too and soon got recognized. By the rules of the university, each class had to have a male and female representative irrespective of how skewed the ratios were. While the boys representative for her class was chosen by-elections, She was chosen by her professor directly.

Back in her dorm, she had started to make friends. She had adjusted to all the changes in lifestyle. Living without the comfort of talking to her parents every day was replaced by multiple phone calls.

Amara Li was surprised when one day she heard her favorite song played outside her window. This was a song that was not in the local language and she was yet to meet another person who had similar taste in music.

She hurried out to see who it was, there she met Su Tong.

Su Tong was an extremely tall and skinny girl who was unbelievably sweet and was a natural warrior.

She was easy to talk to and would soon grow so close to Amara that she would become her walking talking Diary.

Su Tong's Sister Ashi Tong was also in the same Dorm and had also become a part of her close-knit gang. Ashi was the exact opposite of Su, Hefty, equally tall but a rather pessimistic person who had to take care of everyone.

Meanwhile, She noticed some tensions between her roommates Arya always wanted to boss everyone around. She also liked to flaunt her riches, something Amara had always hated. While She had more than Arya she choose to be humble and nice.

Nan Yu, on the other hand, had come from a much more humble background, she spoke little and by the looks of it, she was slowly losing interest in dealing with Arya's tantrums and attitude.

Most days were starting to get morbid, Class, Dorm, Eat, Sleep Repeat. She realized she had to befriend her classmates as well if she wanted a full college experience. Most of her classmates were extremely shy people she had noticed. While many of them had followed her on Webio they had not yet spoken to her. They would text her but none of them would actually speak to her when she in person.

She had never liked these online interactions, she was an extrovert and she would prefer if they spoke to her directly. After all, they were going to be in the same class for the next four years.

Maybe it was time she makes the first move and introduce herself to all of them.