Chapter 4

At first, Amara Li started speaking to the girls in her class not that it would take more than 15 mins.

All 3 girls were short, soft-spoken, and fair-skinned.

One of them Anaya Shuang was slightly on the heavier side but none the less cute. The other two one was an Indian girl Lakshmi Kumari she barely spoke to anybody, she was also stayed in the same dorm as Amara but never even stepped out of her room.

The last girl was Huo Qui she was another girl who was quite silent, thin, and had a really overprotective & conservative family. Amara assumed this as her father would randomly come to class to check on her and check if she was not speaking to any many.

Whatever their reasons, Amara was surprised that such things were still prevalent in 2014.

Soon Anaya and Amara became good friends, they were both girls who were comfortable speaking to each other and strangers. While Anaya was not as outgoing as Amara they still started having a bit of fun.

Anaya introduced Amara to some of her friends from school who in the same class.

Harry who was the son of an English ambassador, was a boy of average height only a smidge taller than Amara. While he was not the most handsome boy in class he was one of the better-looking ones.

He seemed to be comfortable talking and started hanging out with Amara and Anaya. They were now a gang of three. Soon Ci Yulong joined the group as well, He was quite fun to be around.

None of them knew how he had joined their group but somehow he had become an integral part of it.

There was one group of 5 boys who always hung out together, she had spoken to them but they were so engrossed with each other that she would always feel unwelcome.

This group had Jiang Cheng a dark-haired handsome boy who Amara had not seen outer a single word in the past 3 months, She was not sure if it was his mysteriousness or his good features and amazing height but he had to be one of the most handsome boys of her class.

Zui Shi a cute little boy who reminded Amara of a brother she never had, She decided to go and make him her big brother. I guess it was something she had craved always to have a brother to protect her from harm and to share things with.

Li Ling a dark-skinned rude boy, always made insensitive jokes in an attempt to be funny. Amara hated him speaking to him or his general presence.

The class prankster, Ti Yagami, this boy had it out for the whole class, he would come early just to play a prank on at least one of his class mates. As crazy as it was his pranks had slowly been bringing the class close together. Somehow Amara always felt that Ti hated her with a passion.

Finally, Dae Sun he was a tall guy who everyone knew. He was Mr. Popular, his sister also went to the same university so he knew most of the seniors and he was also the son of the richest man in City A.

Life was no longer as Morbid for Amara, she had friends she hung out with and had fun times with them. Classes were now not just studying, there were witty humor and pranks going around. Things seemed to be turning around.

She had befriended a lot more of her classmates, most of them still conscious and shy around her but she felt positive. The good times were going to role.