A New Day and New 'Friends'

It's morning and Sam wakes from sleeping in his new room. He was given a sleeping bag before heading to sleep, but that was after Nick and Liz had stopped their argument, which started from the 'that' clone. He had only unsummoned the clones that were copies of someone, so Tony, Zuko, Anakin, Saber, Danni, and Jade were still around...Maybe.

Walking downstairs, voices are heard talking about something. As Samuel walked down the stairs, the voices got louder and more clear as to who they are.

Sam: 'I guess they stayed after all.'

Finally, on the first floor, Sam saw 'The Clones' Chatting amongst themselves. It seems Liz and Nick hadn't woken up yet.

Sam: "I see y'all are enjoying yourselves. How was y'all's night?"

Jade: "Boring! We don't need sleep or food, so we just talked for hours!"

Saber: "It wasn't too bad, we were able to familiarize ourselves with our environment. If anything, talking to everyone was refreshing."

Anakin: "If it is okay with you, I would like to explore the city. Anyone can join if any want."

Sam: "I won't be going. I got a new job that I'm gonna have to get familiar with after Nick wakes up. All y'all can go explore the city though, just stay out of trouble."

Tony: "Cool, checking out the city will give opportunities to learn about the current events happening in Vale."

Danni: "I'm with Jade. I wanna have some fun while exploring with everyone!"

Zuko: "I would be happy to join you all."

Sam: "Okay, I'll see ya later."

All the clones after a few more minutes of discussion left to explore the city. Sam ate some cereal and started to wait around for Nick and Liz to wake up. Time was ticking by as he sat there, it wasn't long before Nick walked through the room and into the kitchen for some coffee.

Samuel: "Sleep well? You look dead tired."

Nick: "I had continued the argument with Liz and after we calmed down we had a chat with your clones. They were 'fun' since they seemed so 'alive'."

Samuel: *Nods in agreement* "By the way, the clones left to explore the city."

Nick: "You let them leave?"

Samuel: Yeah? Was I not allowed? I mean it's not like anyone will do anything to them as they are traveling as a group."

Liz: "I think Nick is more worried about any trouble that they might get in or any attention that they might gain."

Sam, spooked, turned to see Liz at the entrance of the living room. She walked past Sam to join Nick in the endeavor for coffee.

Samuel: "I think they'll be fine since if they need to they can just disappear and I can re-summon them."

Nick: "Yeah, I guess that will work for now. Just make sure when they 'disappear' they don't have anyone looking at them. It might cause us some issues down the line. We already have some problems we're gonna be solving today."

Liz: "That's right, we're taking him to the Guild Hall!"

Sam: "What's the guild hall? It sounds like something in a fantasy manga."

Nick: "It's an organization made for mercenaries and I run the whole thing. I made it because I didn't want the world relying on just the hunters and huntresses. Now my corporation has 'The Guild' as a sub-business. By the way, everyone working for 'The Guild' are called Adventurers by everyone and the name just stuck. We kinda asked for it though with how we named it the guild."

[A/N: I'm calling all hunters and huntresses 'Hunters' and basically Merencearies 'Adventurers'."]

Sam: "Asked? With that name, you begged for it."

Liz: "That aside. *Stares at Sam* What were you gonna have Sam as at the Guild?"

Nick: *Shrugs* "I don't know. I just knew he would be useful to have around when I saw him. For now, he can be a normal employee during the day. *Looks to Sam* Oh! I almost forgot but Hunters can also take jobs from the guild. We just give them jobs meant only for them only. All hunters specialize in hunting or exterminating Grim. Adventurers can handle grim like the hunters, but they are more diverse with what they can do so fight Grim isn't gonna be their strong suit."

Sam: *Thinking* "So you made it where the hunter can focus on Grim and made the Adventurers the overall job to deal with trouble outside of Grim?"

Liz: *Drinks the last of her coffee* "In a really simplified way, yes."

Nick stands up after finishing his coffee and takes Liz's cup to the kitchen sink. Walking back out of the kitchen, he looks at Liz and then to Sam.

Nick: "I think that enough talking for now. We need to head to the Guild. Are both of you ready?"

Sam: "I've been ready since I woke up."

Liz: "Let me grab some stuff and then I will be ready to go."

After some time, Liz came back with some gear on, and everyone left for the Guild. The street was clear as the walked along in the early morning. Most of the people that were out seemed to be going to or just leaving from work. Anyone else on the street just seemed to be walking around for the sake of it.

Pov Change

Halfway across the city, two men had just walked into Vale. One was ghost-like in appearance and no one seemed to have noticed him. He wore nothing but black and was pale in contrast to his clothes. His eyes were black with nothing in them, but they had spots that made it seems as if the stars were in his eyes. His hair was a deep, dark violet that was barely passable as violet since it was almost black. The other man stood tall with ancient armor and weapons compared to what everyone wore these days. His appearance was less of a contrast compared to the person next to him besides his armor and weapons. He had brown hair and gave an aura of a warrior that has fought against death many times. His eyes were a pale green or grey and a beard was grown around his chin.

The pair were looking around once they had entered the city and started talking. The Ghostly man slowly lost his glow and transparentness and seemed to have spooked some people that saw him appear.

???: "What is this city? It's more advance than the two worlds I know. What's this world called?"

???: "This city is called Vale and the worlds called Remnant by its inhabitants. And of course, this world advance than the worlds you knew. Your memories of your last world and Talion's were from different ages. The Modern world and Middle Earth were very different places, after all."

???: "Have you transported other people to this world before?"

???: "You will have to figure that out on your own... Now you need a name if you're gonna live in this world. Are you gonna use your old one, Talion, or are you gonna make a new one?"

Talion: "I will just go by Talion in this world. I've always wanted something like this... ... Do you perhaps know a place where I can get a job?"

The Now Talion started scratching the back of his head. They had been walking as they were talking and the sun had started to get higher as the morning went on. The man in black led Talion on as he need to at least get this guy a job. Eventually, they found a building with a sign saying "Guild". It was obvious to almost anyone what this kind of place was.