The Guild

Having arrived moments ago, Sam was standing in the massive entrance room for the guild's building. There were all sorts of folks gathered here and it would have been difficult to tell who was a Hunter and an Adventurer, if it wasn't for a third of the room is for hunters. It was pretty clear about the separation of hunters and adventurers. The Hunters' section wasn't small but it didn't have as much room as the Adventurers' side.

Samuel: "I guess the Hunters' side is smaller, because of their speciation job of Grim Extermination. Nick did say Adventurers were made to lessen the burden on the Hunters."

Liz: "That's right, the hunters are already having trouble with grim in recent years, so the existence of adventurers makes it easier for them. We even train the rookies that couldn't get into the hunter's schools and academies. This is a great first and second option for a career if you want to do fighting or protection."

As Sam was talking with Liz, a pair walked through the front doors of the Guild. They were the pair that had come from the other side of the city.

???: "Welcome Talion to the Guild, a place where you can use violence as a career choice. You'll fit in great, even if you stand out with your ancient appearance in gear."

Talion: "Does this place work similar to the stories I have seen in my first world?"

???: "It's similar, but it is still different, this world is a bit more advance so it has different kinds of problems. You can have someone else explain it later when you register for it."

Talion: *Looks and see the separation* "What's that about and what's a Hunter?"

???: "A Hunter is someone with a specialized job of the extermination of this world's main threat. That's the separation of Hunters and Adventurers and adventurers are the problem-solvers like in the stories you've seen they just solve a different problem then the Hunters do."

As Talion and the mysterious person were talking, Nick had heard the person's voice and turned to see who it was. Seeing the person talking to another person he didn't recognize, Nick walked over. Sam and Liz stopped talking and followed Nick after noticing him acting weird.

Nick: "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Lech."

The person turns from Talion seeing Nick and similes after hearing his name.

Lech: *Walks over to Nick* "Hey Nick, it's been a long time. I've brought another person. How are the others I've brought here a time ago?"

Nick: "Before we continue, let's go to my office. Follow me, even you." *Points at Talion*

Nick's face grimaces after Lech's question. Everyone was confused, even Lech. Nick led the way and everyone followed him. Everyone walked into an elevator big enough to fit their entire group. It went up many floors before reaching the top before the roof balcony.

Nick walked out of the elevator and walked to a desk that sat near the window that overlooks Vale. He turned to face the group as he sat in his desk chair.

Nick: "Lech... almost everyone you have brought before now is... dead. They were killed by someone that didn't want many powerful people... and we never found the survivors."

Everyone was silent, Sam and Talion were just confused. Lech was just hearing of this and even more confused.

Lech: *A sad simile* "I'll go retrieve their bodies and bring them back home to their families. Nick... I won't be coming back, ever. Goodbye, everyone."

As he said his goodbye Lech walked out the door and disappeared. He left everyone clueless about what was happening.

Liz: "What was that about?!"

Nick: "That was Lech. He's someone that my family's known since I was a child. Lech comes and goes as he pleases, he's also very knowledgeable. None of that matters now since he said won't ever be back. "

Talion: "I think you can guess some of what's happening?" *He looks to Samuel*

Samuel: "No.. not really, but I can guess you know something, I don't."

Talion: "Lech is more than he appears but like Nick said that doesn't matter anymore."

Samuel: "How did you know he's Nick?"

Talion: "I guessed when Lech called him Nick."

Samuel: "That makes sense."

Nick stands looking at Samuel and Talion.

Nick: "Sam. Talion. You two were brought here with intentions to becomes adventurers, so I'll have both of you take an exclusive test to determine your abilities and how we shall use them. We will set the test for tomorrow and I will provide a place for you to live in the meantime."