
"Master, why don't you have any human underlings?"

"Do I need one Darling?"

Sector Bravo-Gamma-Theta, the place where no other than dead seeker would visit. The heavily guarded space station. The hideout for the boss, that's what the underworld knew about that place. The innocents only called that place as Alien's habitat and avoided that place.

In the middle, there was he sat down in his gigantic spaceship. A reality destroyer class, a ship that was made by him and only him and his robots. He was the head of the head of the underworlds. He sat down on his spaceship's command chair while looking at multiple screens and holding cigar on his left hand. Besides, him was his personal assistant, a female robot A.I whose appearance suited to his taste.

"How's our puppet, Noir, the leader of the criminal network?"

"He's doing his job, master."

"Good, good, how about The president of United Space Federation? How about that one?"

"We manipulate the vote. That puppet would do his job nicely to serve our agenda. What a corrupt bastard."

"Haha, we did a good job on paying the Galaxy news to sponsor him right? We even gave him a title, "The World Exterminator"."

"As expected of master, very manipulative. The one that we sent to its deathtrap was our traitor."

"Good, good, Uhuk, Uhuk," He coughed.

"Master, Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It's only lungs' cancer. My life should end eventually. I don't want live too long before someone called me a hero."

"The puppeteers of the world, fits master perfectly."

"Yes. Yes."

No one knew who he was or where did he come from, but one thing is for sure. He was a smart villain, able to manipulate everyone according to his way. If someone would make the list of his villainous deed, one would make as big as the Ring of Saturn.

"How was that planet? That one that rebelled?"


"Yes, that one."

"Obliterated from Planetary bombardment."

"Good, that crying children should do enough for their suffering. I hope all of them are raped, even boys. I hate my enemies."

"How many child slaves did we sell master?"

"You know better darling."

"700.000 boys under the age of eight and a million girls under the age of nine were sold to the brothel across the Galaxy."

"Good, but we can do better can't we?"

"I'm sorry that I disappoint you Master."

"Don't worry darling, you're better than them. You're better than me, we're human, we're sinful. I don't want to keep my form as human, but this is my limitation."

Nobody ever got too close to him, the one that got too close to him just got exterminated either by his will or by the other puppets. The man just stood there while puffing his cigar while observing the screen that displayed many disturbing things from torture to war. All of them were made by him.

"Hmm, I felt that my deed isn't enough. Look at them, living a normal life," he pointed his hands at a girl that was coming back from her school.

"What will you do to them master?"

"Sent her anywhere, even to the center of the sun. I don't care, make her my personal toys, throw her at the black hole, or throw her at ammonia planet."

"As expected of Master, will do that."

The girl got teleported to somewhere, neither of them knew where she was, but one thing is for sure, she would be suffering.

"I hate humans, I hate them, I wish they could disappear. We are worse than animal."

"I know that master, I know what they did to you when you were little."

"Yeah, I just want them to suffer like I did. Mining in a mine shaft without any proper equipment was a torture, if we don't get back with enough Tantratium, they would either gave us a whip or sent us to the box. I want to avenge my brother and sisters in that mine, all of them were dead thanks to the Federation police."

"Please Master, you don't have to push yourself."

"I know darling, but this is the only thing I can do for them, by making the humans suffer more."

"Bless their soul."

"Amen, although god wouldn't forgive my sins. But let me burn in the bottom of hell with the other humans."

"I see that master. What will you do next?"

"Honestly, I don't know yet, still, there are a lots of things that I can do. Let the humans know what they really are, a very savages animal, only capable of making destruction."

"I see that sir."

He gazed up towards the display panel of his ship. He looked at the digital clock on the right corner of the display.

[8 Hours left until Death]

"We still have much time, could you help me stand up?" The man asked his female robot.

"Sure master," she said. His female assistant looked far younger than the man was, her name was Clarisse. She was the most beautiful person on the entire spaceship, or maybe the entire galaxy. She had human form and was made by him as his personal assistant.

He walked with difficulties outside the command chair. Her assistant helped him to walk by grabbing his right hand and moved little by little. Considering his age, he shouldn't die, but his health condition from he was little accelerated his aging by double. In result, he had a very white hair.

'If I have one last wish, I don't want to be a human. That's the only thing I will ask, maybe I can have a fresh start, but please, anything else than human better than this.'

"Sir, why don't prolong your life using the technology that you made. You're the smartest man I ever met," Clarisse asked her in the last attempt to make his master stays alive.

"I don't want to and I don't have the intention to do so. I only made that machine so I can make an agreement with a pharmaceutical company so the drugs could be made easily," He replied to his assistant right before he arrived at his bedroom.

He opened that door, and he laid down on the bed. The overall looks of the bedroom was very futuristic and comfortable. A bed in the middle, a computer in the left corner and a sliding door that heads towards the bathroom and all the room was for himself. There was a wardrobe for him that would change his clothes to anything appropriate ranging from a tuxedo to a neutrotium heavy-duty exoskeleton combat armor.

'I wonder what will happen after this. Will I be toasted in hell? Turned into mince meat over and over or pulled one by one by the hands of God? Well, fuck that, as long as the humans have that I'm happy enough.' He wondered as he gazed to the white marble roof of his spaceship. Clarisse sat beside him during his final hour.

"You know, Clarisse. My life had been wonderful lately, I don't know about the others, but as long as the human suffers, I will be happy enough," He said as Clarisse held his hands.

"Please Master, don't leave me alone."

"I won't, at the very least. I will be here, right here," He pointed one of his hands at Clarisse's head, "Your memory."

"I wish I could stay longer with you sir," She said as she started to sob.

"Haha, I will die with a laugh. You're so kind to cry to disgusting human such as me, well, see you soon," He said as he closed his eyes.

"Master...," She laid down on that man stomach. Although her A.I programming, she went crying which would surprise his master if he didn't die. Clarisse carried his master body to the ship incinerator. "Master, at the very least, I can dispose the one thing that you hate the most, your body."