Crazy Aliens

The trade was easy and completed quickly but then the shit hit the fan as suddenly the alien forces turned hostile and began attacking. The battle was fierce even though they had been weakened they were flying superior ships to what I had available. The battle was bloody ships exploded with blasts of technicolor sparks so many in fact that a field of atmospheric gas's began to form mostly from their ships as mine were exclusively run by nonorganic beings who really didn't need it. Our technologies were a equal match though luckily I had experience in space battles and created a revolving shield wall which gave every ship a chance to attack while cycling them through the front. The shield wall tactic only worked because every one of my ships could curve my plasma beams so even if two ships were obscuring a target both could fire and even add to the beam.

My warships made use of their entire spectrum of features and we were holding our own for a while finally we managed to get the upper hand when my opponents had mistimed a maneuver and left a couple of their ships out of formation. By the end of the battle I was down to just my super ship and honestly the armor was pretty battered but intact. After the battle I sent out my robotic minions to salvage everything they could and begin construction of a new fleet mean while I studied the enemy technology and found a few things that I could use to improve my own technology. My fleet slowly reformed as my robotic minions worked day and night rebuilding my forces and for months I sat reconstituting my fleet and then some until my fleet had doubled in size meanwhile I tinkered with my experimental warp drive technology.

By the time my minions had cleared out the majority of the battlefield debris I had created a mk4 warp drive version which was almost impossibly fast and used technologies that I'd traded for. Testing revealed that the mk4 warp drive could hit a speed 1200 times that of light meaning a trip of 10ly would take under a couple hours meaning that warp drive was now a viable alternative to my jump drive though still slower so I kept on testing new theories and accumulating data to enhance my technology. One of my incidental discoveries while studying warp drive tech actually improved my ships shields by a decent margin of 12% and even boosted my weapons systems by another 5% making my already powerful ships even stronger.

By the time I had completed my latest upgrades my fleet was finally finished building and so we set out to explore this new galaxy. It was during a routine stop that I detected a massive starship floating in the void not a ly away so I decided to check it out. As we approached the ancient starship I started understanding what it was doing out there in dead space covered in weapons and damage the ship was majestic and deadly though obviously crippled and shockingly it seemed to be from the same race as the first dead starship that had randomly appeared on sensors a couple galaxies back this was worth spending some time to study.

The ancient vessel reluctantly revealed its secrets to me and soon I had taken the entire ship apart and discovered them all. The ancient starship proved the most advanced ship I had ever worked with its shields were a full 80% better in every way compared to mine and there was not a single mention of a warp drive nor anything on the ship that could be one. My warp drive tech while not completely unique no one else seems to have raised it to the level I have and as such my continued development proved to be worthwhile even though it still lagged behind jump drive tech it had no limitations but power and fuel while a jump drive needed both and had a soft limit of 50 ly per jump.

As my technology grew and evolved I seemed to encounter stronger and stronger foes even the tech I traded for and recovered from the battle field only slightly increased my own defenses and weapons. Warp drive tech was my baby I tweaked and tuned it reshaped it rebuilt it I am the master of this technology. Those crazy aliens had given me a major boost in my research and now I was finally making significant progress creating something that hadn't been built before the ultimate warp drive and of course my first warp ship had to be named Enterprise.