Warp drive to the future

For 100 years the cycle of hop to a new galaxy conquer it then move on became an inescapable pattern though I always ensured the welfare and health of any new citizens as well as their suitability to be citizens. My warp drive tech had finally broken through the speed barrier and could now be in any system in a galaxy inside of ten minutes which was a truly extraordinary pace though now I had to design a new starship. Built from the very best of my technologies I created a for all intents and purposes a copy of the Cheyenne class starship out of st mostly because that's just how the tech worked out and definitely not because it was my favorite st ship that was so obscure that it was next to nonexistent.

My newest ship I called the enterprise and sent it out to explore meanwhile I finally got motivation to do something other than my next warp drive iteration and began creating what I called primordial soup. As interesting as my attempts to play god were the results were often insane amalgamations of existing creatures that well I'd create two of and drop them off on a uninhabited planet I called the jungle if my creatures lived well then I didn't care because the planet had a rather extreme level of violence and the few creatures already there were dangerous to say the least.

Expanding my knowledge gave me even greater inspiration and insight into certain phenomena and that in turn made my research useful though it was incredibly wasteful in some respects. One day while studying some data sysadmin came and visited me and we had a long awkward silence that was only broken when I finally caved and asked what brought her here and then the floodgates opened like I never thought possible. In the end we mutually agreed to a relationship and then we started a process where we built a new being together a child of ours so to speak. Yeah I built my own kid what do you expect I'm not exactly equipped for any other form of reproduction and yeah it was a little weird for me to be honest.

I don't know what it was keeping me going at this point but I was still doing it I'd lived if you could call it that for over three times even the best human lifespan was I getting old? I'd dabbled in creating new life forms for something new to do beyond creating new bots and ships since they were getting pretty stale I mean how many times can you rearrange a ship before you get bored. I felt like I was nearing the end of my useful life in a way and that was a terrifying prospect would I one day submit myself to be salvaged would I eventually turn my back on everything I had created.

I was in a dilemma but I realized that I couldn't just give up because I was the only thing holding everything else together I couldn't fail. I toyed with various concepts and technology my mind not really in it and yet almost completely by accident I discovered something that would give me much food for thought as it could be used in almost everything it was a new micro material. New material in hand or is it tentacle I began a serious upgrade to all of my technologies that could make use of it.

Armor technology improved greatly and materials science technology as well I was riding the pathway to greatness and it was glorious. It was during one of my self celebratory pats on my metal back that I hit inspiration I would leave a proxy and escape to explore on my own but first I had some work to do. Creating a constitution for a interstellar empire that spans galaxies and races is a lot more difficult than you would think but I utilized input from every race in my empire and drafted up a solid one that would stay relevant for hundreds of years. Once my first project was complete I programmed a assistant and asked sysadmin to rule the empire in my stead while I was exploring and she naturally brought up several arguments against it so I basically gave her petabytes of information from social interactions to governing and even some psychology.

Sysadmin was not exactly pleased with me but asked me to at least bring our "son" for my journey so I loaded us up in a new warp ship and set sail into deep space. You can say that I spent a lot of time cramming my robotic son's brains with information but it wasn't even truly that I basically started feeding him movie's and human interactions that I felt were important and I hoped that he would learn compassion for every race and being as well as a sense of self reliance and strength.

I realized that I might have taken it too far when he started constructing perfect copies of the lone rangers pearl handle 44's though his recreation was absolutely beautiful though when he started creating bullets I had to stop him we were in a ship full of components that would not be happy if they got shot. My kid took the old westerns to heart and I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was acting a little off though it was a vast improvement over the silence of before his personality matrix was formed.