Find the culprit- Part 3

There was a smug smile on Baltimore's face, his curly brown hair resting one side of his face. He wasn't able to snap out of this cell or room but he was pleased that his words were affecting the fourth Grim. There were only a few people who could resist his whisper. The Hawverts, two more Grims and this little traitor who had framed him who now stood in front of him, the thirteenth Grim. 

The Fourth Grim of the cards walked forward, reaching for the lock that was placed outside the cell which Baltimore had not been able to reach. 

When Barron's hand came to touch the cell, Baltimore was quick to reach out to touch the rabbit as if wanting to bring it inside the cell but before Baltimore could do anything, Barron's teeth had sunk into Baltimore for the second time in less than two hours. 

"You little shit!" Baltimore pulled his hand back before Barron could do any more damage.