Grim in the council- Part 1

Belle who woke up in the morning after having an eventful time last night, got ready to leave the room to see the Grim when Lucas stopped her right at the door,

"Good morning, Belle," he wished her, leaning forward and kissing one side of her temple. A greeting she would never be tired of. She was more than ecstatic with the fact that she and Lucas were lovers in their previous life. Like many things, she would have never guessed it. To share something so pure as the irreversible bond, she could tell it was given by Guilt, Lucas' former self. 

"Good morning, Lucas," she responded back with a smile.

"Your breakfast is ready. Would you like to have it right now or after you are done washing and changing your clothes?" asked Lucas, a trait which he hadn't let go even after he had come out as a Grim Reaper in front of her. Somewhere it made her smile and chuckle.